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  1. We describe research on the impact of health insurance on healthcare spending (“moral hazard”), and use this context to illustrate the value of and important complementarities between different empirical approaches.

  2. We describe research on the impact of health insurance on healthcare spending ("moral hazard"), and use this context to illustrate the value of and important complementarities between different empirical approaches.

    • 283KB
    • Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein
    • 36
    • 2018
  3. Download Free PDF. Handbook of Health Economics Volume 1A ... Moral hazard and consumer incentives in health care. ... Moral Hazard and Consumer Incentives in Health ...

  4. Using a model of plan choice and medical utilization, we present evidence of heterogenous moral hazard as well as selection on it, and explore some of its implications.

  5. Moral hazard and adverse selection create inefficiencies in private health insurance markets. We use claims data from a large rm to study the independent roles of both moral hazard and adverse selection.

    • 432KB
    • David Powell, Dana P. Goldman
    • 48
    • 2014
  6. May 3, 2018 · We describe research on the impact of health insurance on healthcare spending (“moral hazard”), and use this context to illustrate the value of and important complementarities between...

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  8. This work has produced compelling evidence that moral hazard in health insurance exists—that is, individuals, on average, consume less healthcare when they are required to pay more for it out of pocket—as well as qualitative evidence about its nature.

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