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Complex mixture of organic compounds
- Soil organic matter is a complex mixture of organic compounds such as plant residues, microbial products and rhizosphere inputs in various stages of decomposition (Kögel-Knabner and Rumpel, 2018; Lehmann and Kleber, 2015).
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the organic matter content of soil, consisting of plant and animal detritus at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil microbes, and substances that soil microbes synthesize (Brady & Weil, 2008).
- Soil Quality
Soil quality – A critical review. Else K. Bünemann, ......
- Microbial Biomass
A review of nematodes as biological indicators of...
- Soil Structure
Global applications of the Visual Evaluation of Soil...
- Soil Organic Matter
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a complex, naturally occurring...
- Soil Quality
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a complex, naturally occurring material and plays a critical role in soil fertility, the global carbon cycle, and the fate of pollutants in soil.
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the organic matter component of soil, consisting of plant and animal detritus at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil microbes, and substances that soil microbes synthesize.
- CO 2, CO 32−, HCO 3−, CH 4, C
- H 2 PO 4−, HPO 42−
- NH 4+, NO 2−, NO 3−, N 2 (gas), N 2 O (gas)
- S, H 2 S, SO 32−, SO 42−, CS 2
Nov 25, 2021 · Define soil organic matter and list its main components. Evaluate the importance of organic matter on soil physical, chemical and biological properties and processes. Explain the sources and turnover processes of soil organic matter. Discuss the spatial distribution and land management of soil organic matter.
- What is Soil Organic Matter?
- Benefits of Stable Soil Organic Matter
- Physical Benefits
- Chemical Benefits
- Biological Benefits
- Organic Materials
Organic matter is made up of different components that can be grouped into three major types: Plant residues and living microbial biomass. Active soil organic matter also referred to as detritus. Stable soil organic matter, often referred to as humus. The living microbial biomass includes the microorganisms responsible for decomposition (breakdown)...
There are numerous benefits to having a relatively high stable organic matter level in an agricultural soil. These benefits can be grouped into three categories:
Enhances aggregate stability, improving water infiltration and soil aeration, reducing runoff. Improves water holding capacity. Reduces the stickiness of clay soils making them easier to till. Reduces surface crusting, facilitating seedbed preparation.
Increases the soil’s CEC or its ability to hold onto and supply over time essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Improves the ability of a soil to resist pH change; this is also known as buffering capacity (see Agronomy Fact Sheet #5). Accelerates decomposition of soil minerals over time, making the nutrients in the mineral...
Provides food for the living organisms in the soil. Enhances soil microbial biodiversity and activity which can help in the suppression of diseases and pests. Enhances pore space through the actions of soil microorganisms. This helps to increase infiltration and reduce runoff.
Over time, the application and incorporation of organic materials can result in an increase in stable soil organic matter levels. Sources of organic materials include: Crop residues. Animal manure. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 1 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Compost (Figure 1). Cover crops (green manure) Perennial grasses and ...
Soil organic matter (SOM) is commonly defined as the organic fraction of the soil exclusive of undecayed plant and animal residues. Sometimes, in a broader definition, SOM encompasses the totality of organic material (living and nonliving) present in soils, including thus, living microorganisms and undecayed residues.
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Soil is a material composed of five ingredients — minerals, soil organic matter, living organisms, gas, and water. Soil minerals are divided into three size classes — clay, silt, and...