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spiritual therapies and found that those clients in religious/spiritual therapies improved more on psychological and spiritual measures compared to those clients who were not in treatment and compared to those who were in secular types of treatment. In addition, Hook et al. (2010) reviewed 24 randomized clinical trials examining the
investigating the relevance of spirituality to psychiatric treatment outcomes. Participants were 159 patients receiving treatment at a psychiatric hospital and participating in a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) day treatment program. Results showed that a belief in God was
Feb 1, 2009 · The role of religion and spirituality in psychotherapy has received growing attention in the last two decades, with a focus on understanding the ways that religion and spirituality relate to...
Aug 24, 2023 · In patients with a strong religious and spiritual affiliation, treatments with a focus on religious and spiritual issues are more efficacious than non-R/S-based therapy. Limitations as well as future directions are discussed.
This book presents guidance for integrating spiritual interventions in psychotherapy with children and their families. The interventions are appropriate for a range of settings, presenting problems, and client belief systems.
- Hardcover
Feb 22, 2023 · In this article, we investigate the influence that spirituality and religion may have in therapeutic procedures. We examined the distinctions between spirituality and religion that might be...
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1. the role of spirituality in the healing process; 2. the relationships between trauma, spirituality and recovery; 3. how psychotherapists can assess the role of spirituality in their clients; 4. how spirituality can be integrated into psychotherapeutic interventions.