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  1. Sep 24, 2024 · Symmetry in mathematics refers to a balance or similarity in shape, size, or arrangement on both sides of a dividing line or point. It's a fundamental concept used to analyze patterns and structures in mathematics.

  2. The symmetries of an equilateral triangle are encoded by its symmetry group ({I, C, A, T, L, R},?) Big idea: We can study and compare mathematical objects by investigating the (algebraic) properties of their corresponding symmetry groups.

  3. Symmetry plays an essential role in science - not only in crystallography and quantum theory, where its role has long been explicitly recognized, but also in condensed-matter physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, biology, and others.

    • Joseph Rosen
  4. Nov 5, 2015 · What is symmetry? As with all maths, the best place to start is with a definition. A good one can make life incredibly simple, whereas a bad one can scupper your approach irreconcilably.

    • Epistemology
    • Objectivity
    • Ontology
    • Unreasonable Effectiveness
    • Mathematical Practice

    Considering that we see mathematics as a function of symmetries it is thus natural to think of them as the foundation of mathematics. But let us explore different conceptions of mathematical foundations one at a time. An epistemic foundation for mathematics must explain why mathematical statements are so convincing as compared to other areas of kno...

    Georg Kreisel is purported to have remarked that the important question in the philosophy of mathematics is the apparent objectivity of mathematical discourse, not the existence of mathematical objects. Mathematical discoveries are sometimes made simultaneously by individuals working independently and the facts of mathematics are true in all places...

    The account we have so far given is metaphysically simple. Any object (traditionally mathematical or otherwise) that can be manipulated in a uniform transformation is a mathematical object. We have argued that a mathematical object is any object that is amenable to mathematical treatment. Both seven apples and seven can occupy a domain of discourse...

    A philosophical naturalist’s interest in the philosophy of mathematics is the alignment of the ontology, epistemology, and especially methodology of mathematics with those of science. The account we have given is naturalistic as it has mathematics relying on the same a priori role of symmetry as fundamental physics. They both take up the idea that ...

    Our considerations about symmetry would be immaterial if they were not in line with mathematical practice. They are. The day-to-day job of the mathematician is proving theorems. Mathematicians do not generally posit a theorem and then proceed to prove it from axioms. In reality a mathematician has an intuition and formulates some statement. The mat...

    • Noson S. Yanofsky, Mark Zelcer
    • 2017
  5. In geometry, symmetry is defined as a balanced and proportionate similarity that is found in two halves of an object. It means one-half is the mirror image of the other half. The imaginary line or axis along which you can fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves is called the line of symmetry.

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  7. Given a structured object X of any sort, a symmetry is a mapping of the object onto itself which preserves the structure. This can occur in many ways; for example, if X is a set with no additional structure, a symmetry is a bijective map from the set to itself, giving rise to permutation groups.

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