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- In the Material Design system, a pop-up is a dialog to display critical information or provide choices. In the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) design system, a pop-up could be a dialog or a flyout. The difference is that a UWP pop-up dialog requires explicit action from the user as to a flyout is more peripheral and easy-to-dismiss.
Feb 15, 2016 · I've seen many terms used to describe message boxes that notify and alert users or display information such as modal, popup, popover and lightbox. What is the difference between these components? When and for what type of text should each of these components be used?
- Lightbox
What's the difference between a Modal, Popup, Popover and...
- Lightbox
- Overview
- Is this the right control?
- Ways to avoid using dialogs and flyouts
- Examples
Dialogs and flyouts are transient UI elements that appear when something happens that requires notification, approval, or additional information from the user.
Dialogs are modal UI overlays that provide contextual app information. Dialogs block interactions with the app window until being explicitly dismissed. They often request some kind of action from the user.
A flyout is a lightweight contextual popup that displays UI related to what the user is doing. It includes placement and sizing logic, and can be used to reveal a secondary control or show more detail about an item.
Unlike a dialog, a flyout can be quickly dismissed by tapping or clicking somewhere outside the flyout, pressing the Escape key or Back button, resizing the app window, or changing the device's orientation.
Dialogs and flyouts make sure that users are aware of important information, but they also disrupt the user experience. Because dialogs are modal (blocking), they interrupt users, preventing them from doing anything else until they interact with the dialog. Flyouts provide a less jarring experience, but displaying too many flyouts can be distracting.
Once you've determined that you want to use a dialog or flyout, you need to choose which one to use.
Given that dialogs block interactions and flyouts do not, dialogs should be reserved for situations where you want the user to drop everything to focus on a specific bit of information or answer a question. Flyouts, on the other hand, can be used when you want to call attention to something, but it's ok if the user wants to ignore it.
Use a dialog for...
•Expressing important information that the user must read and acknowledge before proceeding. Examples include:
•When the user's security might be compromised
Consider the importance of the information you want to share: is it important enough to interrupt the user? Also consider how frequently the information needs to be shown; if you're showing a dialog or notification every few minutes, you might want to allocate space for this info in the primary UI instead. For example, in a chat client, rather than showing a flyout every time a friend logs in, you might display a list of friends who are online at the moment and highlight friends as they log on.
Dialogs are frequently used to confirm an action (such as deleting a file) before executing it. If you expect the user to perform a particular action frequently, consider providing a way for the user to undo the action if it was a mistake, rather than forcing users to confirm the action every time.
Aug 27, 2018 · In the Material Design system, a pop-up is a dialog to display critical information or provide choices. In the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) design system, a pop-up could be a dialog or a flyout. The difference is that a UWP pop-up dialog requires explicit action from the user as to a flyout is more peripheral and easy-to-dismiss.
- Shan Shen
"Flyouts are dismissible containers that can be attached to some classes of 'host' control; although flyouts themselves are not controls" whereas "[ Popup ] controls can be added to other controls to provide popup content."
Feb 13, 2023 · Learn how a Modal is different from a Pop Up and other types. When spending your time on the computer, you encounter different types of pop-ups. Each one has a different purpose and services with different content.
Jul 15, 2023 · 💡 The main difference is that popups serve the purpose of enabling interaction or providing information, whereas overlays also include purely graphical elements. 👉 3 characteristics...
Nov 8, 2022 · Semantics, behaviours and characteristics can be tricky to distinguish. In addition to the <dialog> element, HTML now has a popover attribute. This post goes into the differences between dialogs, popovers, overlays and disclosure widgets. We'll also look at what it means when an element is modal.