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May 7, 2024 · What is the message behind the chorus of “Holy Spirit”? The chorus of the song is a proclamation of faith, reminding us that God is always with us, and that we can find hope and comfort in His love. The lyrics reveal that the Holy Spirit can work within us, moving and changing us, and giving us the strength we need to walk through our ...
- The Theme
- The Lyrics
- The Music
Many of us, when we hear language of “inviting the Holy Spirit,” may wonder what that means. Isn’t God all present? If so, why are we inviting Him? Is it just a matter of courtesy, is it like the continual knocking that God calls us to in Matthew 7, or is it completely unnecessary? We who are in Christ have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We can, h...
One merit of this song is its fresh lyrics. As the Torwalts said in an interview: They delivered. Three phrases especially stand out to us as unique lyrical content: 1. You’re our living hope. While not a unique phrase to the English Bible (see 1 Pet. 1:3), it’s one we don’t see in songs very often these days. It’s nice to hear that biblical langua...
The melodies are so simple but somehow so entrancing. The primary notes for the entire song are the first three notes of the major scale, making the song really easy to sing. It perfectly captures our ears while staying enough out of the way to deliver a powerful message to our hearts. “Holy Spirit” is well written to be accessible and emotional. P...
Jul 29, 2020 · We don’t “welcome the Holy Spirit.” He lives in us. We worship God, in Spirit, through Jesus Christ. The Holy Trinity is present in worship. Feelings and sensations are not worshiping in Spirit and in Truth. Our mind, thoughts, are to be in God, Who we are adoring and praising.
May 23, 2017 · What do we say to Jesus – to Father God – to the wonderful, life-giving spirit when we address him? Do we give him a limited welcome? Or are we prepared to welcome him without any limits. I love singing the bridge of this song: we ask, together, to become more aware of God’s presence.
Nov 12, 2021 · Jesus said that if we believe in Him, we have his Holy Spirit living inside of us. However, life weighs us down and sometimes it is sooo easy to forget that we have full access to that power! This a song to adjust our posture as believers! It’s a song of “ready-ness.”
John 14:15-26 is the heart of His message of comfort. Here, Jesus gives to His disciples the promise that after His departure, the Holy Spirit would come in His place: "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
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Do we invite or welcome the Holy Spirit?
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May 31, 2023 · Following that reference to the Psalms, the song invites the listener to connect with the Spirit, with the words, “Come now rushing wind, Jesus, breathe within.” As the title, “Selah,” suggests, this song almost feels like a pause, a time to take a breath in worship.