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  1. The light seemed something ordinary and at the same time something very mysterious, magical. According to today’s criteria, a truly scienti c approach to the nature of light was initiated about 350 years ago by two great scholars - the Englishman Isaac Newton and the Dutchman Christian Huygens. By then, three rmly established facts about ...

    • 1 The nature of light: what is a photon?
    • • Pn ... P1 (1)
    • T = Tn ...T1 (2)
    • = J h ̄ h ̄
    • Cavity with no photons Excited atom
    • Beats (b) No Beats
    • E B h/2 ̄
    • + k Ek (r)exp(i kt)]. (6)
    • P(x) = h (x) ,
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. History of Field Quantization

    Guest Editors: Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri and Rajarshi Roy

    of a succession of physical processes between a source and a target. Quantum theory represents all these intermediate processes by square matrices, related to experiment by the generalized Malus-Born law: For unit incident flux from , the counting rate P at • for this experiment is determined by the matrix product

    and its Hermitian conjugate T (the complex-conjugate trans-pose of T) as the trace

    1 = As customary we have designated the maximum eigenvalue of |Lz| by l. This theory is now stabilized by its curvature against further small changes in ̄h, ̄h , ̄h ; just as a small change in curvature turns any straight line into a circle but leaves almost all circles circular; and just as quantum theory is stable against small changes in ̄h....

    Fig. 4. Scattering off the vacuum – An excited atom approach-ing an empty cavity can be reflected for slow enough veloci-ties. The vacuum cavity field serves as an effective potential barrier for the center-of-mass wave function of the atom. Our next three examples involve the concept of multi-particle entanglement, which is a distinguishing featur...

    Fig. 5. Quantum beats – a) When a single atom decays from either of two upper levels to a common lower level, the two transition frequencies produce a beat note in the emitted photon. b) No beats are present when the lower levels are distinct, since the final state of the atom provides distin-guishing information on the decay route taken by the pho...

    constant. (5) Such field fluctuations are an intrinsic feature of the quan-tized theory. The uncertainty relation can also be formulated in terms of the in-phase (Ep) and in-quadrature (Eq) compo-nents of the electric field, where E(t) = Ep cos t +Eq sin t. To introduce the notion of a photon, it is convenient to re-cast the above quantiza...

    Here k is the amplitude of oscillation, and Ek(r) is a mode function like exp(ik·r) for travelling waves in free space and sin(k·r) for standing waves in a box. We consider the oscilla-tor amplitudes k and k , corresponding to harmonic motion, to be quantized by replacing k ˆak and k ˆa† k. By anal-ogy to the quantum mechanics of the harmonic oscil...

    8 but if this region is defined too well, meaning. (x) has no Bohm goes on to argue that the continuity equation, which relates the probability density and current density of an elec-tron, cannot be written for light. That is, a precise statement of the conservation of probability cannot be made for the pho-ton. In what follows, we will see that we...

    For centuries light in its various manifestations has been a pace maker for physics. We are reminded of the wave-particle controversy of classical light between Thomas Young and Isaac Newton. We also recall the decisive role of the null aether experiment of Albert A. Michelson in the birth of special relativity. Many more examples could be listed. ...

    It was a desperate situation that Max Planck was facing at the turn of the 19th century. How to explain the energy distribution of black-body radiation measured in the experiments at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt by Heinrich Rubens and coworkers with such an unprecedented accuracy? How to bridge the gap between the Rayleigh-Jeans law de...

  2. Jul 31, 2005 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Download full-text PDF ... The Nature of Light: What is a Photon? discusses the reality behind enigmatic photons. ... The book concludes with an array of ...

  3. makes a shadow, but light does bend around obstacles. The bending of light around edges or around small slits is called diffraction and makes patterns of bands or fringes. All light can be traced to certain energy sources, like the Sun, an electric bulb, or a match, but most of what hits the eye is reflected light. When light strikes some ...

  4. distant to the very small. Newton introduced a scientific study also of the nature of light itself. Today Optics remains a key element of modern science, not only as an enabling technology, but in Quantum Optics, as a means of testing our fundamental understanding of Quantum Theory and the nature of reality itself.

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  5. Light is a wave,‖ ―Light is a particle‖ –The wave–particle duality of light was not well understood until Albert Einstein won his Nobel Prize in the early 20th century. It was a tenacious understanding of light that led to quantum mechanics and modern physics. –Black-body and laser radiation look so different but are the

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  7. Download Free PDF. The Nature of Light. C. Rangacharyulu. 2008, Optical Science and Engineering. See full PDF download Download PDF. Related papers.

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