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Mar 23, 2018 · What is the purpose of our existence? This is probably the question asked the most in philosophy. Yet, the answer to this question from a biblical and Catholic perspective provides us with a testimony of God’s love for us. For what both the Church and scripture tells us, the reason why any of us exists is because God wanted to share with us His very nature.
- What is the Purpose of Life?
These two primary purposes of life are to grow in personal...
- What is the Purpose of Life?
Jul 14, 2024 · Worship is a whole way of life. It flows from the altar, through the church, and out into the world. Worship is putting our loves in order; it is arranging our priorities and our lives—from our heads to our wallets to our loins to our feet—in a way that shows that God is the most important thing.
May 17, 2022 · These two primary purposes of life are to grow in personal holiness and to give our time, talents, and treasure in loving service of God and others. The first primary purpose of life is to allow the grace of God to help us to grow in personal holiness (sanctification). This growth seems to occur most often during the hard times in our lives ...
Nov 4, 2011 · So, indeed, God has a purpose and we have been created as part of that purpose and for a purpose. And Jesus tells us what that purpose is – to love and serve God, and to love and serve others – and it’s repeated three times in the Scriptures (Matt 22:36, Mark 12:29, Luke 10:25). It’s really so very, very simple.
Apr 19, 2024 · Many might believe that life is given to each of us and we might seek and find happiness and joy throughout our days. We, however, who are Catholic know that the purpose of our lives is to live according to God’s will, and to resist holding on to our will.
Jun 30, 2022 · And that the purpose of life is to find the Light of God, but not the light from some old guy with a beard sitting up there judging us. The light is the love we give each other on our way back home. And that God wouldn’t mind if we spent a little less time telling him how great he is, and a little more time loving each other, and not just the people we’re supposed to love, but everyone!
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Apr 13, 2021 · The Church, founded by Jesus Christ, and the sacraments that stimulate and provide life through that Church in His Name are the means by which we achieve the eternal life for which we were created. For most of my life, I have pondered the central doctrines of our Faith as manifestations of God’s willingness to open Himself to us in a loving expression of the divine sense of humor.