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  1. humans. So the very idea that philosophy could inquire into the meaning of life was taken as a sign of conceptual confu-sion. The solution to the problem, as Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked, would lie in its disappearance.2 But somehow the problem does not go away; the search for life’s meaning, confused or not, retains as powerful a hold on

  2. https://pl ato.stanfor i es/l i fe­ m eani ng/ 1/16 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Meaning of Life F i r s t publ i s he d Tue M ay 15, 2007; s ubs t ant i v e re v i s i on M on J un 3, 2013 Many major historical figures in philosophy have provided an answer to the question of what, if anything,

  3. “The meaning of life is to seek union with God”—oh yeah, that one. “A meaningful life is a full and productive life”—sure. “The purpose of life is to pursue the task of giving meaning to life”—thanks a lot. “The meaning of life is love”—yawn. “The meaning of life is spiritual perfection”—the upward and onward trip.

  4. What is the meaning of life? How do we endure death? Existentialism is concerned with the human condition, the purpose of life, authenticity in one’s purpose and being, the attempt to find meaning amidst the absurdity and finitude of existence. Philosophers have asked how life can be meaningful in the face of the grave, and whether life matters.

  5. meaninglessness, his life is now filled with mission and meaning, and he seems to himself to have been given an entry to heaven. Nor need he even fear death, for the gods have promised him an endless opportunity to indulge his single purpose, without concern or frustration. He will be able to roll stones forever.

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  6. May 15, 2007 · 3. Naturalism. Recall that naturalism is the view that a physical life is central to life’s meaning, that even if there is no spiritual realm, a substantially meaningful life is possible. Like supernaturalism, contemporary naturalism admits of two distinguishable variants, moderate and extreme (Metz 2019).

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  8. This consensus helps to demonstrate that the pursuit of love is the meaning of life. 1 1. Introduction There is nothing more human than wondering whether life has meaning and, if it does, what its meaning is. For a small minority, the concept of ‘the meaning of life’ is meaningless.2 While, for the vast majority, at an intuitive level at the

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