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  1. Voice leading is the way that individual parts in a musical composition move, or “lead,” between different pitches and chords. It refers to the smooth and logical progression of individual voices within a piece of music, and is an important aspect of counterpoint, which is the art of combining melodies in a way that is harmonically ...

  2. Voice leading (or part writing) is the linear progression of individual melodic lines (voices or parts) and their interaction with one another to create harmonies, typically in accordance with the principles of common-practice harmony and counterpoint.

  3. Mar 30, 2023 · What is 4-part voice leading? The four-part voice leading, or SATB, refers to the four-part chords written for four voices – Soprano (S), Alto (A), Tenor (T), and Bass (B). The four-part voice leading is called the “chorale-style” voice leading.

  4. What is Voice Leading? The term “voice-leading” refers to the way a line of music moves up and down. (It is also sometimes called “part-writing”.) Voice-leading helps us to answer the question “which note should come next in each part?” A note can move to the next one: Stepwise movement is also called “ conjunct ” movement.

  5. We will be exploring voice leading and part writing by learning to build chords vertically and connect them together horizontally in a four-voice texture. Through this process we will learn how music works, how it is structured, what makes it sound good, and what makes it move forward.

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    • what is voice leading in a choir play for children is known2
    • what is voice leading in a choir play for children is known3
    • what is voice leading in a choir play for children is known4
  6. Voice leading, also known as part writing, refers to rules about melodic motions of voices involved in harmonic progressions. The primary concerns behind voice leading rules are independence of parts, voicing of chords, and economy of melodic motion for the sake of singable parts.

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  8. Mar 6, 2023 · Voice Leading, also called Part Writing or Chorale Style Writing, is homorhythmic, heterophonic style of music composition. It is the style of music often associated with hymns, holiday carols, and patriotic songs.

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