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  1. What To Eat With Soup For Breakfast Dinner Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Watermelon Gazpacho
    Summer has finally arrived in New York City and that has had a serious influence on my cooking. I like fresh and healthy things even more when it is hot out. For example, I eat a lot of watermelon and other juicy fruits. But you can’t really eat fruit for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. At some point you need some savory in there! A few days ago I had an iced gazpacho soup at a small restaurant on the Upper West Side and really liked it. It was the perfect savory dish for this hot and humid NYC weather. As I was devouring it, I was wondering how it was made and if I could just simply add watermelon to it. So I came up with this recipe for watermelon gazpacho – although the word recipe is probably an exaggeration. You can basically use any colorful vegetable that you like. And since it is supposed to be eaten cold, it is such a refreshing summer dish! I just love the combination of sweet, spicy and juicy! The recipe is so forgiving that it is not necessary to use exact amounts of everything, but here is what I used and what ended up tasting DELICIOUS!