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  1. What Tomatoes Do You Use For Soup Mix Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Hg's Southwestern Surprise - Ww Points = 3
    I recently purchased the new Hungry Girl Cookbook and this is one of the first recipes that I am going to try. Here is what the book says: "Not to sound like a cheesy commercial, but this soup is so thick, it "eats like a meal." It's almost too easy to prepare a super-sized batch, and it tastes even better the next day! (HG Tip: Freeze leftovers in individual servings for microwavable, super-filling, guilt-free snacks)." UPDATE NOTE 9/7/2008: I made this recipe today for dinner but I made just a couple changes: 1) I used 16 ounces Perdue Ground Chicken (hubby wanted more meat!) and 2) I cooked it all in my crockpot on Low for about 8 hours. Hubby and I had it for dinner and it was awesome! I posted a picture also. The change to the ground chicken changed the points value to 4 points per generous 1 cup serving. I hope you all enjoy as much as we did!
    Tomato and Parmesan Broth
    True lovers of tomatoes and warm, comforting beverages, I have something for you. Here is a perfect and delicious broth that will warm up your fast-approaching fall days or evenings. (We’re getting there soon enough here in Quebec.) It is also something to help you use your stock of tomatoes that you harvest in such quantities that you no longer know what to do with them! This broth, because it is a broth and not a soup, is so tasty that it will be really satisfying as is, but also as a base for soup or sauce or even as a final touch in more elaborate dishes. The preparation is done in two stages: you will first have to make a parmesan broth which you will then mix with a compote made from a variety of very ripe tomatoes. To be called a broth, you will then have to filter everything through a fine strainer to recover only the liquid. You are free to double the quantities if you have a large quantity of tomatoes to use because the good news is that like any type of broth, this one will freeze very well. I agree, this recipe will still require you to take the time to make it, you don't have to rush anything as they say. The reward will be enormous, it’s a promise! To serve it as a hot beverage, I adjust the seasoning slightly and I like to garnish it with a few leaves of Italian parsley and some store-bought parmesan crisps crumbs.
    Inside-Out Stuffed Cabbage Roll Soup
    This is a wonderful soup dish that can be served as a small first course, side if you lessen the liquid, or as a complete dinner. I have never made stuffed cabbage rolls in my life. For years and years I have drooled over pictures of them, but the long process to stuff the cabbage leaves and braise for several hours always intimidated me. So I did the next best thing. I turned them inside out and made soup instead! While researching what ingredients go into a stuffed cabbage roll dish, I discovered that every Eastern European country has their own version of this dish. Ukranians typically make theirs with pork, sauerkraut and onions, while the Romanians add a generous amount of fresh dill to their sauce. Polish cuisine mixes ground beef or pork with rice, which is the common Americanized version. Hungarians add paprika to theirs, which I did too. Most of the sauces are tomato-based, except for in Sweden where they typically serve it with Lingonberry jam. Trying to decide what to put in the soup took me several hours of scouring recipes (in which I could have been actually making the traditional dish!), and finally just had to start making it by the seat of my pants otherwise we’d never eat. I wrote a list of most common ingredients, then started adding them one by one, tossing in a bit of this and a pinch of that. I kept a notepad nearby so I could document what actually ended up in the soup, and how much. Another thing I did was try to healthy it up a bit by using ground turkey and brown rice, and used some homemade no-sodium turkey broth. And please don’t get intimidated by the long ingredient list, it comes together fairly quick and easy. You can also make the cooking time much shorter if you use white rice instead of brown. Brown rice takes a long time to cook at high altitude.