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"The Last One", also known as "The One Where They Say Goodbye", is the series finale of the American sitcom Friends. The episode serves as the seventeenth and eighteenth episode of the tenth season, and the 235th and the 236th episode overall; the episode's two parts were classified as two separate episodes.
- Joey and Phoebe
- Chandler and Monica
- Ross and Rachel
These two did not pair off together (or with any of the other titular friends) but they did both get their happily ever after, so to speak, a little earlier. In the final season, Phoebe got engaged and married to Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd, looking the same as he does now). In Mike’s final scene in the finale, he and Phoebe talk about starting a fami...
After a few years of marriage and struggling with infertility, Monica and Chandler finally decided to adopt. Over the course of Season 10, they agree to adopt a baby from Erica (Anna Faris, as charming as ever), a pregnant teenager from Ohio (or rather, she agrees to let them adopt her baby, after some shady sitcom shenanigansled them to lie to her...
After years of will-they-won’t-they, fighting, having a baby together, and friendship, Ross and Rachel finally come together. After sleeping together on Rachel’s last night before she moves to Paris for a job with Louis Vuitton, Ross thinks that they’re together for good. But after she calls it a “perfect way to say goodbye” (and seeing her turn do...
- Zosha Millman
Apr 30, 2023 · Questions such as when would Ross and Rachel finally get together were at the top of everyone’s minds. And, in “The Last One - Parts 1 and 2”, these questions were finally answered.
- Author
Jun 20, 2020 · While season 10 might not be the best of all, it did a good job in bringing the arcs of the main characters to an end – except for Joey, who even got his own spinoff series. Had Friends continued after season 10, it would have definitely risked losing the interest of the audience and its quality declining, but it managed to save its reputation as one of the best series of all time by knowing ...
- Senior Staff Writer
May 6, 2024 · Friends‘ series finale may not have ended with one of the show’s classic “I, Ross, take thee Rachel” cliffhangers, but that doesn’t mean the sitcom tied up every loose end in a Monica ...
Jul 4, 2024 · However, Friends was never going to make it that easy for the two to get together. The first episode of Friends aired on September 22, 1994. By midway through Season 2, the show dangled another 'possibly' for the couple, when Ross and Rachel very nearly get together.
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When did friends end?
When did 'friends' come out?
What happened in the 'Friends' series finale?
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When did Ross & Rachel get together on friends?
What happened to friends?
The tenth and final season of Friends, an American sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, premiered on NBC on September 25, 2003. Friends was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The season contains 18 episodes and concluded airing on May 6, 2004.