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  1. Beginning January 1, 2022, the statewide tax rates on motor fuel and diesel fuel will increase. Florida law requires annual adjustments to the state fuel tax rates and the State Comprehensive Enhanced

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  2. During the Motor Fuel Tax Relief Act of 2022, the tax rate on motor fuel sold in Florida will be reduced by 25.3 cents per gallon. The tax relief period begins on Saturday, October 1, 2022, and

  3. Beginning January 1, 2023, the statewide tax rates on motor fuel and diesel fuel will increase. Florida law requires annual adjustments to the state fuel tax rates and the State Comprehensive Enhanced

  4. The document outlines Florida's motor fuel tax rates that will be in effect from October 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022. It provides the statewide excise, sales, inspection and other fuel taxes on gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel. It also lists the additional local option taxes by county, with some counties increasing local taxes.

  5. This document provides Florida's fuel tax rates for 2022. It includes 9 exhibits that show: Exhibit A shows the rate changes for 2022 for various statewide fuel taxes by type of fuel. Exhibit B shows the statewide fuel tax rates for 2022 by county, including local option taxes above the minimum.

  6. Jul 14, 2022 · Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law (HB 7071) a one-month Fuel Tax Holiday. All motor carriers who are licensed with the International Fuel Tax Association (IFTA), traveling in Florida, and purchasing gasoline products will see a reduced tax rate from October 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022. The reduced tax rate does not apply to diesel.

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  8. Jan 1, 2022 · Beginning January 1, 2022, the statewide tax Rates on motor fuel and diesel fuel will increase. florida law requires annual adjustments to the state fuel tax Rates and the State Comprehensive Enhanced Transportation System (SCETS) tax rate based on the National Consumer Price Index.

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