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Ohio Medicaid managed care members received a new Next Generation member ID card between August 2022 and February 2023. All Ohio Medicaid managed care members should be using your Next Generation member ID card at your pharmacy to fill prescriptions, at your provider’s office to make an appointment, and check in for a visit.
ODM chose four Next Generation MyCare plans to serve Ohioans who are dually eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare starting January 2026. The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), as part of a commitment to improve the health of pregnant women, will begin implementing coverage for doula services on October 3.
You’ll get your ID card from the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM). This card shows proof of your OhioRISE enrollment. And it’s valid as long as you’re an OhioRISE member.
If you recently started a new Ohio Medicaid a plan, you have 90 days to select a plan that works for you. Call the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 1-800-324-8680 and choose CareSource! © Copyright CareSource 2024. All rights reserved.
Your health care provider should call AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio to check your eligibility. You can also log in to our member portal to view or print a copy of your member ID card information. Your electronic member ID card is available within 24 hours of enrollment in our plan. Download our mobile app* to always have a copy of your ID card right ...
You can apply for Medicaid coverage in several ways: You can apply online at Benefits.Ohio.Gov. You can also apply for other benefits here including food and cash assistance. You can call the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 800-324-8680. The hotline is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5: ...
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Feb 9, 2022 · To obtain the Medicaid Member ID, you may check any of the following: The member’s existing Medicaid ID Card. The “MMIS ID” will be the “Medicaid Member ID” needed. The member’s digital ID card, accessible by the member on a mobile device (from the managed care plan website or mobile app).