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  1. May 1, 2011 · Soils with ortstein occur on lesser slopes (p = 0.001) and at lower elevations (p = 0.015) than soils without ortstein. The lower depth boundary and thickness of the spodic horizon were significantly greater (p = 0.001) in soils with ortstein than in those without ortstein.

    • James Bockheim
    • 2011
  2. May 1, 2011 · In the USA, ortstein has been studied in soils in the “flatwoodsof Florida ( 17, 18 ), on sandy drift in New England and New York ( 10 ), on outwash in northern Michigan ( 24; 23; 1 ), and on uplifted marine terraces in Oregon (OR; 2, 3 ).

    • James Bockheim
    • 19
    • 2011
    • 01 May 2011
    • Soil series
    • Placudands
    • Typic Placudands

    Th is project was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation. Th e author acknowledges the helpful comments of three anonymous reviewers and the associate editor.

    Aquepts Aquepts Aquepts Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Aquods Cryods Cryods Cryods Humods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Orthods Udands Epiaquepts Petraquepts Petraquepts Alaquods Alaquods Alaquods Alaquods Alaquods Alaquods Alaquod...

    Typic Haplorthods Lamellic Haplorthods Alfi c Haplorthods Entic Haplorthods Aquic Haplorthods Aquentic Haplorthods Typic Placorthods

    Success, Constable, Duane, Bandon, Battydoe, Furlong, Guard Lake, Kaleva, Kalkaska, Colton, Redstone Blue Lake, Island Lake Cheboygan, Keweenaw Duel, East Lake, Hartwick, Ishpeming, Ocqueoc Flackville, Waumbek Occur Kahanui Salmonriver

  3. May 1, 2011 · Soils with ortstein occur on lesser slopes (p = 0.001) and at lower elevations (p = 0.015) than soils without ortstein. The lower depth boundary and thickness of the spodic horizon were...

  4. Jan 1, 2014 · Origin: Ortstein is usually a hard, partly or entirely cemented illuvial horizon B of podzol or gley-podzol soils, formed as a result of illuviation of aluminum, iron, manganese, and humus compounds from the overlying horizons.

    • Jacek Chodorowski
  5. Jan 1, 2014 · In the USA, ortstein has been studied in soils in the “flatwoodsof FL (Lee et al. 1988a, b), on sandy drift in New England and NY (Freeland and Evans 1993), on outwash in northern MI (Mokma et al. 1990; Mokma 1997; Barrett 1997), and on uplifted marine terraces in OR (Bockheim et al. 1991, 1996).

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  7. Jun 10, 2014 · Ortstein horizons are relatively common in the USA, but placic horizons are less common. Soils bearing ortstein and placic horizons are used for cranberry and blueberry culture, truck crops,...