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Ionizing radiation can be either electromagnetic waves (photons) on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (very high UV, X-rays, and gamma-rays), or energetic subatomic particles, ions, and atoms moving at high speeds. Figure 1 illustrates the more common types of ionizing radiation.
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Gamma rays originate from the settling process of an excited nucleus of a radionuclide after it undergoes radioactive decay whereas X-rays are produced when electrons strike a target or when electrons rearrange within an atom.
WHERE DOES IONIZING RADIATION COME FROM? Ionizing radiation is matter or energy that is given off by the nucleus of an unstable atom in the proc-ess of decaying and reaching a stable (ground) state. This energy is released in the form of subatomic par-ticles (alpha and beta) or waves (gamma and x rays).
Gamma radiation is a form of ionizing radiation, and thus produces a chemical change in the substance through which it passes. Elements with high atomic numbers such as lead have the density to be able to absorb gamma rays and prevent them from penetrating. Note, however, that attenuation coefficients can vary with atomic number.
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People can be exposed to x-rays and gamma rays from 3 main sources: Natural background radiation from cosmic rays from outer space and from radioactive elements normally in rocks and soil. This is the major contributor to worldwide radiation exposure.
gamma (γ)-radiation, consisting of photons, which can traverse the human body and neutron radiation, which is indirectly ionizing by interaction with hydrogen atoms and larger nuclei, producing proton radiation and high linear energy transfer (LET) recoil atoms.
People also ask
How are X-rays and gamma rays exposed?
Why is gamma radiation a form of ionizing radiation?
Are gamma rays ionized?
What are gamma rays and neutrons?
Are gamma rays radioactive?
What is gamma radiation?
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation similar to X-rays, light, and radio waves. Gamma rays, depending on their energy, can pass right through the human body, but can be stopped by thick walls of concrete or lead. Neutrons are uncharged particles and do not produce ionization directly.