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  1. Aug 28, 2014 · This book provides the history and genealogy of an increasingly important liminality. Coming to the fore in recent years in social and political theory and extending beyond is original use as developed within anthropology, liminality has come to denote spaces and moments in which the taken-for-granted order of the world ceases to exist and novel forms emerge, often in unpredictable ways.

    • (19)
    • Kindle Edition
    • Bjørn Thomassen
  2. Jun 13, 2024 · Outside of awards and reviews, analysis of Before Your Eyes appears to be limited to a personal blog post (Jones, 2022) and a handful of video essays on YouTube (specifically from the channels Daryl Talks Games, Jacob Geller, and Adam Millard—The Architect of Games). The latter have focused almost exclusively on how the game illustrates the passage of time.

  3. Sep 19, 2021 · The term liminality (From the Latin, limen, a threshold) was first used in 1909 by ethnographer and folklorist Arnold van Gennep in his book Rites of Passage, focusing on liminal rituals in small-scale traditional societies. This strong focus on liminality in the context of Rites of Passage continues throughout its early anthropological use.

  4. Jan 1, 2011 · Video games, like other artistic media, can be seen as thresholds to transformative aesthetic experiences, rendering them especially suitable for analysis through the lens of Victor Turner’s ...

  5. Feb 21, 2012 · The evolving concept of liminality: symbolic interactionalism and post-structuralism Victor Turner, still the leading name within symbolic anthropology, evolved van Gennep's perspective on the social experience of being in between states.2 For Turner, liminality was a condition of being betwixt and between socially established categories,

  6. Jan 1, 2016 · The construct that best captures these “in between” experiences in contemporary careers is liminality, a term derived from “limen”, the Latin word for threshold.. Initially developed based on anthropological studies of rites of passage in traditional societies, liminality was defined as a state of being “neither one thing nor another; or maybe both; or neither here nor there; or ...

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  8. With this Forum, liminality arrives within the discipline of International Relations (IR) in earnest. The rest of this Introduction will give some historical background that situates the Forum's three post-structural protagonists, note how their undertaking is part of a wider thrust towards process-oriented and relation-oriented work within the social sciences and introduce the pieces.