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Feb 10, 2019 · Learn how to read an iThenticate report! Find out how they work and how much similar text is allowed in a manuscript. What is an iThenticate report? Plagiarism detections tools are commonly used by academic journals to protect themselves and the academic community from the publication of plagiarized text.
Jan 29, 2024 · Many journal publishers do analyze submitted manuscripts using the iThenticate service, including American Physical Society (APS), IEEE, Springer-Nature Publishing, Elsevier, Public Library of Science (PLoS), and many others.
IEEE, Nature Springer, Wiley, and thousands more trust iThenticate to identify unoriginal work. For authors, using the same software as their preferred publisher to check for plagiarism gives a higher level of confidence and could, ultimately, boost the chances of acceptance.
Jul 5, 2021 · With iThenticate, you can compare your content against 95% of the top 10,000 most-cited journals, including exclusive coverage of Crossref member journals. Find out how iThenticate will help you publish with confidence. For academic researchers, the adage of “publish or perish” is still true.
Feb 9, 2024 · Publishers' Use of iThenticate. How Publishers and Funders Use iThenticate in the Submission and Review Process; Do Publishers Check Submitted Manuscripts for Originality Using iThenticate? What Content is iThenticate Using to Compare my Submitted Manuscript for Similarity?
Many academic publishers use iThenticate to check manuscripts prior to considering them for publication. Is a document submitted to iThenticate retained by the vendor and used in the iThenticate or Turnitin comparison database?
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whether text has been plagiarized. The similarity report highlights content that matches sources in the iThenticate database, and can help you identify issues with referencing and paraphrasing.