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The vertical line is a line of symmetry because it divides the shape into two equal halves that are mirror images of each other. Draw a horizontal line through the marked center and check for line symmetry.
This Maths article shows how the mirror line can help you to recognise vertical lines of symmetry on shapes and letters.
A 2D shape is symmetrical if a line can be drawn through it and either side is a reflection of the other. You would call this the line of symmetry. If you put a mirror on this line, you...
A rectangle has two lines of symmetry (LoS) shown below using a dashed line. In the diagram on the left, the vertical line of symmetry splits the rectangle into two equal shapes, in the diagram on the right the horizontal line of symmetry splits the rectangle into two equal shapes.
- Vertical Line of Symmetry
- Horizontal Line of Symmetry
- Diagonal Line of Symmetry
It is an imaginary vertical line that goes from top to bottom (or vice-versa) in an object and divides it into right and left mirror halves. For example, a club shape has a vertical line of symmetry.
It is an imaginary horizontal line that goes from right to left (or vice-versa) in an object and divides it into top and bottom mirror halves. For example, an arrow has a horizontal line of symmetry.
It is an imaginary diagonal or skew line that goes slanting in an object and divides it into mirror halves, as in the case of a square.
Aug 22, 2021 · A square has 4 different lines of symmetry: one on each diagonal, one vertical line and one horizontal line. A regular shape is a shape with sides of the same length. All regular shapes have the same number of lines of symmetry as they do sides.
A vertical line of symmetry is a vertical line that divides an object into two identical halves. Below is a vertical line of symmetry example: The figure above shows an isosceles triangle that is divided into two identical halves by a vertical line of symmetry. Horizontal line of symmetry.