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  1. Karl Shaw joins us to talk about Mr Astley, was he really the man who invented the modern circus?

  2. Philip Astley (8 January 1742 – 20 October 1814) was an English equestrian, circus owner, and inventor, regarded as being the "father of the modern circus". [1] [2] Modern circus, as an integrated entertainment experience that includes music, domesticated animals, acrobats, and clowns, traces its heritage to Astley's Amphitheatre, a riding school that Astley founded in London following the ...

    • Overview
    • Philip Astley and the first circuses
    • John Bill Ricketts and the American circus
    • History

    The modern circus came into being in England in 1768 when Philip Astley, a former sergeant major turned trick rider, found that if he galloped in a circle while standing on his horse’s back, centrifugal and centripetal forces helped him to keep his balance. It is perhaps because of this discovery that he is often credited with having invented the circus ring, but it was in fact a device that had been in use for some time by trick riders. He did, however, experiment with the ring in order to determine its optimum size for both rider safety and audience sight lines; his first ring was about 62 feet (19 metres) in diameter, and he eventually adopted the more-popular 42-foot (13-metre) standard that is still used in modern circuses. Astley’s shows consisted only of trick riding exhibitions until 1770, when he hired a clown (“Mr. Merryman”), musicians, and other performers for his show in order to provide spectators with a diverse entertainment. Because of these innovations, he is credited with having developed the modern circus. He eventually built a roof over his ring and added a stage for dramatic performances.

    Astley discovered that similar developments were occurring in France when he traveled to that country in 1772 to present his “daring feats of horsemanship” before King Louis XV at Fontainebleau. Ten years later Astley returned to Paris and opened an amphitheatre (one of 19 permanent circuses he built during his lifetime) at Rue de Faubourg du Temple, near the Boulevard du Crime, where the Place de la République stands today. He left Paris in 1793, following the outbreak of the French Revolution, whereupon his Parisian circus was taken over by the Italian Antonio Franconi, a member of a noble Venetian family who had been forced into exile after a fatal duel. Franconi became first a showman and later a trick rider, but it was as a director that he excelled. His sons, Laurent and Henri, together with their wives and children, continued in his footsteps, and the Franconi family is generally credited with the founding of the French circus. They are also credited with having standardized the diameter of the ring at 13 metres (approximately 42 feet). In 1802, with the arrival of Napoleon and his empire, Astley resumed control of his Paris circus. The Franconis moved to Rue du Mont-Thabor, where they built another circus.

    Concurrent with these developments, a rival horseman and former Astley employee named Charles Hughes traveled to Russia in 1773 to perform for Catherine the Great in the royal palace of St. Petersburg. He took with him a small company of trick riders and taught horsemanship at the court. Hughes is therefore sometimes credited with having introduced the circus to Russia, but his exhibitions encompassed only trick riding. (The first Russian circus to incorporate a full complement of acts was that of the Frenchman Jacques Tourniaire, a first-rate equestrian who built a short-lived circus in St. Petersburg.) Hughes went on to introduce the term circus in 1782, when he opened what he called the Royal Circus a few hundred yards south of Astley’s amphitheatre.

    From the time of its origin in England, the circus was often presented in a theatre setting, mostly in permanent or semipermanent buildings of flimsy construction. The greatest hazard to these theatres was fire, from which Astley suffered particularly: his amphitheatre burned down three times in the first 62 years of its history. At Astley’s, the Royal Circus, and elsewhere, a proscenium arch and large scenic stage were set behind a ring, creating a sense of theatre. Within these settings riders on horseback acted out pantomimed stories based on famous battles and sieges. As advertised in an old Astley handbill, such acts sought to demonstrate the battle techniques of “a general engagement, sword in hand, with the different postures of offence, for the safety of man and horse.” In France this genre of horseback entertainment was eventually exiled to traditional theatres.

    The modern circus came into being in England in 1768 when Philip Astley, a former sergeant major turned trick rider, found that if he galloped in a circle while standing on his horse’s back, centrifugal and centripetal forces helped him to keep his balance. It is perhaps because of this discovery that he is often credited with having invented the circus ring, but it was in fact a device that had been in use for some time by trick riders. He did, however, experiment with the ring in order to determine its optimum size for both rider safety and audience sight lines; his first ring was about 62 feet (19 metres) in diameter, and he eventually adopted the more-popular 42-foot (13-metre) standard that is still used in modern circuses. Astley’s shows consisted only of trick riding exhibitions until 1770, when he hired a clown (“Mr. Merryman”), musicians, and other performers for his show in order to provide spectators with a diverse entertainment. Because of these innovations, he is credited with having developed the modern circus. He eventually built a roof over his ring and added a stage for dramatic performances.

    Astley discovered that similar developments were occurring in France when he traveled to that country in 1772 to present his “daring feats of horsemanship” before King Louis XV at Fontainebleau. Ten years later Astley returned to Paris and opened an amphitheatre (one of 19 permanent circuses he built during his lifetime) at Rue de Faubourg du Temple, near the Boulevard du Crime, where the Place de la République stands today. He left Paris in 1793, following the outbreak of the French Revolution, whereupon his Parisian circus was taken over by the Italian Antonio Franconi, a member of a noble Venetian family who had been forced into exile after a fatal duel. Franconi became first a showman and later a trick rider, but it was as a director that he excelled. His sons, Laurent and Henri, together with their wives and children, continued in his footsteps, and the Franconi family is generally credited with the founding of the French circus. They are also credited with having standardized the diameter of the ring at 13 metres (approximately 42 feet). In 1802, with the arrival of Napoleon and his empire, Astley resumed control of his Paris circus. The Franconis moved to Rue du Mont-Thabor, where they built another circus.

    Concurrent with these developments, a rival horseman and former Astley employee named Charles Hughes traveled to Russia in 1773 to perform for Catherine the Great in the royal palace of St. Petersburg. He took with him a small company of trick riders and taught horsemanship at the court. Hughes is therefore sometimes credited with having introduced the circus to Russia, but his exhibitions encompassed only trick riding. (The first Russian circus to incorporate a full complement of acts was that of the Frenchman Jacques Tourniaire, a first-rate equestrian who built a short-lived circus in St. Petersburg.) Hughes went on to introduce the term circus in 1782, when he opened what he called the Royal Circus a few hundred yards south of Astley’s amphitheatre.

    From the time of its origin in England, the circus was often presented in a theatre setting, mostly in permanent or semipermanent buildings of flimsy construction. The greatest hazard to these theatres was fire, from which Astley suffered particularly: his amphitheatre burned down three times in the first 62 years of its history. At Astley’s, the Royal Circus, and elsewhere, a proscenium arch and large scenic stage were set behind a ring, creating a sense of theatre. Within these settings riders on horseback acted out pantomimed stories based on famous battles and sieges. As advertised in an old Astley handbill, such acts sought to demonstrate the battle techniques of “a general engagement, sword in hand, with the different postures of offence, for the safety of man and horse.” In France this genre of horseback entertainment was eventually exiled to traditional theatres.

    By the late 18th century the circus had spread throughout Europe and had gained a fragile foothold in the United States. In 1793 John Bill Ricketts, a Scottish rider and former student of Hughes, presented exhibitions in Philadelphia and New York City consisting of trick riding, rope walkers, tumblers, pantomimes, and a clown. Because Ricketts was the first in the United States to offer such variety for an evening’s entertainment, he is credited with the country’s introduction to the circus. The main feature of his show was his own equestrian act, in which he leaped from his galloping horse over a ribbon suspended 12 feet (3.7 metres) in the air and then landed back in the saddle. Animals would not become commonplace in American circuses for several years, but Ricketts’s steed, Cornplanter, is regarded as the first star animal performer in the United States. Within a few years Ricketts would hire John Durang, who is believed to have been the first American-born circus clown.

    Despite the variety of acts presented by Ricketts and other early entrepreneurs, the main attraction of the circus was always the riding act. Such acts often required a “ringmaster” to keep the horses running properly as the rider performed tricks. In time the role of the ringmaster expanded into that of an emcee (and an occasional foil for clowns); today’s ringmasters still wear traditional riding garb.

    In the tradition of Astley’s and other European circuses, Ricketts’s productions featured a pantomime—or, as it came to be known, the “spectacular,” or “spec” in circus jargon. As in Astley’s circus, Ricketts’s specs sometimes dramatized famous battles, but they also evolved to re-create historical incidents, ancient myths, and Bible stories. Sometimes they consisted of a grand pageant in which the entire circus company, dressed in glittering costumes, paraded through the arena (the form in which the spec has endured into modern times).

    Unfortunately, Ricketts’s endeavour, like Astley’s before him, fell victim to fire, the most notorious enemy of circuses. Shortly after losing his New York circus to fire, Ricketts returned to Philadelphia, where in 1799 yet another of his circuses burned to the ground. After a few unsuccessful attempts at rebuilding his career, the discouraged and near-bankrupt Ricketts set sail for England, hoping to reestablish himself in that country. The ship on which he sailed, however, perished at sea on an unknown date in 1800, claiming the lives of all aboard.

    After Ricketts’s death the popularity of the circus waned in the United States, although certain troupes had sporadic success during the early 19th century. The European circus of Pepin and Breschard, for instance, was well received at the turn of the century. It was also about this time that the popularity of exotic animals was noted by exhibitors, with the arrival of the first elephant on the North American continent in 1796. The animal, owned at first by Captain Jacob Crowninshield (and recorded in history only as “Crowninshield’s elephant”), became the first elephant to be exhibited with a circus when it joined the Cayetano, Codet, Menial & Redon Circus of New York in 1812.

    The second elephant on American shores, Old Bet, was even more popular and is credited with having established the circus tradition of the animal menagerie. Old Bet was owned by Hackaliah Bailey of Somers, New York. Between 1809 and 1816 Bailey toured with the elephant, walking with the animal from town to town under the cover of night in order to prevent anyone from having a free look at the beast. Old Bet’s popularity inspired Bailey’s farmer-neighbours to set out with menageries of their own. In a very short time there were noteworthy traveling collections of wild animals, such as the Zoological Institute of the June brothers. June, Titus & Angevine and Van Amburgh’s Menagerie also set up permanent establishments in the larger cities. Similar exhibitions developed in England, which led to such famous traveling menageries as Bostock & Wombwell’s. Some menageries were as large as full traveling zoos, although most of them could be contained within two or three wagons.

    Other important innovations during this time included the introduction of the circus tent, or “big top,” which was first used about 1825 on the itinerating show of the American J. Purdy Brown. His reasons for exhibiting shows under canvas tents (which were at first very small, housing one ring and a few hundred seats) are unknown, but it was an innovation that became a standard component of circuses for more than a century and a half. It allowed Brown to become the first operator to travel widely with his circus, which he did throughout Virginia in 1826 and along the banks of the Mississippi River in 1828. His show featured minstrel numbers as well as acts common to other circuses of the time. It would eventually offer an animal menagerie, the first (in 1832) to be incorporated into a circus setting.

    The American circus lost its most important promoter when Brown died suddenly following a performance in 1834. It would be nearly four decades before entrepreneurs as influential as Ricketts or Brown would reemerge and expand the circus to newfound heights of popularity. Until that time, circuses maintained a fair level of success with traveling shows such as the Mount Pitt Circus, as well as those featuring the animal tamer Isaac Van Amburgh and the famous American clown Dan Rice.

    The United States gradually became the world leader in circus innovations, however, eclipsing European circuses in terms of scale and extravagance by adding rings to the performance space and exhibiting shows under larger and larger tents, or “tops.” The American circus truly came to the forefront of international developments through the efforts of P.T. Barnum, who was already a household name by the time he promoted his first circus at age 61. Barnum began his career as a showman (and charlatan) in 1834 by promoting Joice Heth, an African American woman in her 80s, as the 161-year-old former nurse to George Washington. His next major enterprise was the acquisition of New York’s American Museum, which he turned into a showcase for the sensational and the bizarre. More than 82 million visitors—including such notables as Henry James, Charles Dickens, and the prince of Wales—visited the museum to examine its human and animal curiosities, some genuine (such as Chang and Eng, the “original” Siamese twins), some bogus (such as the “Feejee Mermaid,” a creature fabricated by attaching the body of a fish to the head of a monkey). Barnum closed the museum in 1868 after losing it twice to fire and then spent a few years promoting individual attractions (such as Swedish singer Jenny Lind) before becoming partners with W.C. Coup in 1871. With Coup, Barnum produced a spectacular circus in Brooklyn, New York, that was billed as the “Greatest Show on Earth.” It offered several attractions borrowed from Barnum’s museum, from which evolved the sideshow, a feature unique to American circuses.

    Before 1872 most itinerating circuses moved from town to town by horse and wagon, a form of transport that necessarily limited their size and the distances they could cover in a given season. In the spring of that year, Barnum and his partners loaded their show onto 65 railroad cars and thereby gave birth to the age of the giant railroad circuses. Circuses could then move greater distances and perform in towns that had the space and the population to support the large shows. Barnum’s own “Greatest Show on Earth” eventually traveled on three separate trains, going distances of 100 miles (160 km) or more in a single night. Later in the century, Coup would introduce the end loading of circus trains, in which the gaps between flatcars were bridged by iron plates and each wagon, fully loaded, was pushed down the plates of the train to its assigned place. American circuses thus became models of logistic efficiency, their methods leading to the creation of the modern system of rail-truck freight handling.

  3. May 26, 2024 · To understand how Philip Astley came to invent the circus, we first have to look at the world he grew up in. Born in 1742 in Newcastle-under-Lyme, England, Astley came of age during the reign of King George III, a time of rapid social and economic change in Britain. The Industrial Revolution was just beginning to transform the country, as new ...

  4. › wiki › Circus_musicCircus music - Wikipedia

    "Barnum and Bailey's Favorite" by Karl King (1892–1971) is a famous circus music piece. [11] Unlike Fučík, King grew up performing circus music joining Robinson's Famous Circus at the age of 19 as a baritone player. During that time circus music needed its own style because modern music did not fit with most of the acts that the circus ...

  5. Feb 18, 2020 · 18 Feb 2020. In the early days of Philip Astley’s Riding School, he would give riding lessons in the morning in a disused field in Lambeth, and in the afternoon he would get his pupils to “put on a bit of a show” by entertaining passers-by with exhibitions of trick-riding and so on. The founder of the modern circus, Astley would go on to ...

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  7. Apr 1, 2018 · Philip Astley … in 1768 drew a 13 metre (42ft) diameter ring on the ground and filled it with men and women standing on the backs of cantering horses plus clowns, jugglers and other marvels – [and thus] the modern circus was born. April 4, 2018 people 04.01.18. Previous Putting Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ‘Between The World And Me’ Onstage.

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