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  1. The Phantom Menace; Attack of the Clones; Revenge of the Sith; A New Hope; The Empire Strikes Back; Return of the Jedi; The Force Awakens; The Last Jedi; The Rise of Skywalker

  2. Category page. These are the characters who serve or once served the First Order. A. Allegiant General Pryde. B. BB-9E. C. Captain Phasma. D.

    • Overview
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    "The First Order is not the Empire. We are purer. We have been through the crucible and emerged stronger."

    "I agree, Phasma. The First Order is not the Empire. But perhaps, one day, if we all work very hard and do our very, very best... it could be."

    ―Phasma and Terex

    The First Order, or simply the Order, was a fascist military junta in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy during the era of the New Republic. The First Order was ruled by a Supreme Leader from their mobile headquarters instead of a traditional planetary capital. A militaristic dictatorship that wished to remove disorder from existence and had a fanatical devotion to the totalitarian notions of order and a disdain for democracy. To this end, it became locked in a Cold War with the New Republic and spreading influence from beyond the confines of unknown space, ending with the First Order staging an invasion of the galaxy, but were repelled by the Resistance and Jedi Order, causing First Order rule to crumble

    The seeds of the First Order were planted before the Galactic Empire rose to power, as part of a posthumous contingency activated after the death of Darth Sidious, publicly known as Emperor Palpatine, in the Battle of Endor to ensure both his Empire did not outlive him and ensure its rebirth in the Unknown Regions at the hands of a select few assembled by the Emperor. In the years after, the remnant formed the First Order, a purportedly shadow government led by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane that opposed the New Republic and sought to reclaim Imperial legacy.

    Sloane and Commandant Brendol Hux became part of a first set of leaders of the First Order, only for them to be side-lined by the mysterious Snoke who rose to power as Supreme Leader. Snoke was in fact an artificial Strand-Cast controlled by the revived Darth Sidious from the hidden world of Exegol, who was subservient to an unseen forces under his guidance. Much of the First Order however, was unaware of this itself nor their ultimate purpose. The First Order took advantage of the failure of the New Republic to properly exert its authority or truly patrol the Outer Rim. The First Order also had to contend with several hermetic kingdoms that lurked within the Unknown Regions and undertook a major offensive to seize their worlds and resources. It also began to use child conscripts—thousands of whom were abducted from outlying systems—into a new generation of stormtroopers.

    Rise and fall of Empire

    Main articles: Galactic Empire and Imperial Remnants "With the Force as my guide, death would not be the final word in my story. But my fall would signal a necessary end to the Galactic Empire. If the vast and powerful forces I had amassed could not perform their sworn duty and protect their own Emperor, they did not deserve to lay claim to this galaxy in my absence. For their failures, I would see them burn. And the galaxy along with them." ―Darth Sidious For roughly a millennium, the Galactic Republic maintained peace and stability within the galaxy, aided by the efforts of the monastic Jedi Order and the Judicial Forces. With the believed extinction of the Sith—ancient enemies of the Jedi and the Republic—the ruling Dark Lord Darth Sidious secretly plotted to overthrow the Republic with the formation of his own Sith Empire. Sidious, along with his Sith apprentice Darth Tyranus, orchestrated the Separatist Crisis by fomenting political chaos across the galaxy. Through his apprentice, Sidious secretly commanded a rival galactic government known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the destructive three-year period that was the Clone Wars, while he remained the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic as Sheev Palpatine long beyond the expiration of his term. Gradually amassing far more emergency powers than would be ordinarily allowed through the Galactic Senate, along with radically amending the Galactic Constitution, Sidious eventually oversaw the destruction of the Jedi Order and the defeat of the Separatists through his new apprentice, Darth Vader. Sidious, as Chancellor Palpatine, then issued the proclamation of the New Order, officially transforming the thousand-year-old democracy into the Galactic Empire and installing himself as the first Galactic Emperor with the support of the Senate. With the purge of the Jedi and a massive military to enforce his will, Sidious remained largely unchallenged as Emperor throughout the initial nineteen years of his reign, embarking on a gradual conquest of the galaxy. Eventually, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed to oppose his aggressive expansion and genocidal actions, resulting in the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War that spanned years of galactic history. Four years after the destruction of the first Death Star by Luke Skywalker, the Empire suffered a decisive defeat at the Battle of Endor, where the more powerful Death Star II was destroyed, and along with it, the Emperor and his apprentice, Darth Vader. Unknown to anyone but a select few, however, the Emperor had long been sending Imperial scouts and other constructive efforts to the Unknown Regions of space. Over the course of decades, the Unknown Regions had been seeded with shipyards, laboratories, and storehouses that would serve to prepare for the Empire's rebirth as part of Sidious' Contingency in the rare event of his death. His plan was to ensure the Galactic Empire's destruction as he believed that an Empire should not outlive its Emperor. However, he also planned the creation of a new Empire beyond the borders of known space; resources and select personnel were discreetly funneled to the Unknown Regions, where the Empire could begin anew. Per Sidious's plans, only the most ruthless of Imperial personnel would remain to forge the new state. Sidious entrusted the task of executing the Contingency to his protégé, Gallius Rax. Following another year of bloody conflict, the fractured Empire made its last stand over the sandy wastes of Jakku, which had become a rallying point for retreating Imperials, against the New Republic, resulting in many casualties on both sides of the conflict as part of the Battle of Jakku. On Jakku, a secret Imperial research base, the Jakku Observatory, housed ancient computers which plotted out computerized routes through the Unknown Regions. These computers used information derived from Grand Admiral Thrawn, who hailed from the Chiss Ascendancy, and the survey teams and probe droids that the Emperor had previously sent to explore these routes. Jakku came to serve as a jumping-off point for Imperial warships heading into the Unknown Regions, and the retreating Imperials destroyed the research base before the New Republic could reach it. As part of the Contingency, Rax's secret objective in the Battle of Jakku was to destroy the planet to cripple both the remnants of the Empire and the New Republic; however, he was prevented from carrying out this phase by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, who killed Rax. In his dying words, Rax urged Sloane to take his place in the Contingency with Commandant Brendol Hux, his son Armitage Hux, and their child soldiers aboard the starship Imperialis and rendezvous with the Emperor's flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Eclipse, which had been dispatched in advance to the Unknown Regions. Their journey took several months and consisted of many short hyperspace jumps, during which time Sloane discovered that the Imperialis had been transmitting coordinates to other Imperial fleets. Upon regrouping with the Eclipse, Sloane ordered the Sentinel piloting the Imperialis to bring the ship in and rejoin with the others. There, she intended to board and saw an opportunity to rebuild the Empire; one that was stronger and purer, and not given to the backstabbing and incest of the Galactic Empire. Defeated at Jakku and facing severe internal unrest, the Empire was forced to sign the Galactic Concordance, severely limiting its ability to wage war and ushering in its demise Imperial Grand Vizier Mas Amedda and New Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma signed the Galactic Concordance, which called for the dissolution of the Galactic Empire. Chancellor Mothma then issued another declaration designating all surviving Imperial officers as war criminals, while the Empire began to break into remnants. A remnant of Imperial vessels was confined to predetermined boundaries by the New Republic in the Core and Inner Rim while a provisional government led by Amedda was established on Coruscant, the former capital of the Old Republic and throneworld of the Empire, where it was overseen by Republic observers. After the signing of the Galactic Concordance, the New Republic arrived in systems still under Imperial control to announce the signing of the historic peace treaty. However, by the time the Republic reached these systems, fleets had already retreated to the Unknown Regions. The battle's end at Jakku was marked by the sudden departure of the surviving Imperial warships into the Unknown Regions following the announcement of the treaty, where they had seemingly disappeared. During the New Republic Era, multiple Imperial Remnants were represented on the Shadow Council, allowing them to coordinate efforts that subvert the New Republic. The Council was created by Rax prior to his death on Jakku.

    Early foundations

    Main article: Unknown Regions Imperial remnant "It's time to start over. This is our first order. To begin again. And to get it right, this time." "Yes, of course, Grand Admiral. Anything you need. Glory be to Grand Admiral Sloane." "No. Glory goes only to the Empire." ―Rae Sloane and Brendol Hux became reluctant allies In an effort to escape the prying eyes of the New Republic and restore the Empire after the Battle of Jakku, a major remnant of warships, officers, nobles, technologists, and warlords fled the known galaxy as part of an exodus into the Unknown Regions spearheaded by Rax, Sloane, and Hux. Beyond the Imperialis's signal to Imperial fleets, the Imperials were also guided into uncharted space thanks to the dark side adept known as Snoke, whose Attendants had access to ancient hyperspace routes the Imperials likely would have died without. All the same, the Imperial remnant blazed across the badly mapped star systems of the Unknown Regions over the course of years. Eventually, however, they found a foothold on planets the Empire had secretly charted in the past. Within the Unknown Regions, they met secret reinforcements and plotted a return to power, for which they began to build fleets and armies in secret to reclaim the Imperial legacy. By 9 ABY, Brendol Hux represented his remnant in the Shadow Council. Meanwhile, the Imperial remnant in the galaxy proper withered away into a remnant of political hardliners locked in a cold war with the New Republic until they reformed into what became the mysterious First Order that started in the Unknown Regions. The emerging First Order began kidnapping children to fill out the ranks of its new military, specifically targeting the children of former Rebel leaders. Amongst those taken was the daughter of Rebel General Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, Kadara, who was kidnapped in 15 ABY. All the same, in 21 ABY, the Imperial Military sat in tatters and had fled across the galaxy's farthest reaches, with even the Imperial hideouts of the Unknown Regions remaining scattered. Still, those hidden Unknown Regions Imperial holdouts started to form a new chain of command, albeit an obscure and skeletal one, for Imperial survivors. Amongst their followers was Enric Pryde, who was ordered to establish ties with the Corporate Sector Authority. The Sith Eternal secretly trusted Pryde as a valuable follower and thus dispatched Ochi of Bestoon to meet with him during the assassin's mission for the Emperor. Later in 21 ABY, the First Order was founded by the Unknown Regions remnant, who regrouped themselves from once scattered hideouts into the First Order. The First Order specifically grew from the political, military, and spiritual elements of the New Order, with Sloane and Hux becoming part of its first set of leaders. A military junta influenced by the principles of the fallen Empire, the origins of the First Order thus dated back to the Galactic Empire, with the remnants of the Imperial Military forming the basis of the First Order military. The Sith Eternal was the First Order's secretive spiritual branch; as a Sith cult, they preserved the Sith religion and revered the dark side of the Force from their base of operations on the planet Exegol. Additionally, the Sith Eternal cultists were dedicated to the restoration of the Empire, secretly working to ensure the First Order's conquest of the galaxy. The rise of the First Order took advantage of the New Republic's failure to properly exert its authority or truly patrol the Outer Rim. Beyond that, the First Order would keep its emerging military might hidden within the Unknown Regions, where they avoided the eyes of the New Republic. The First Order Navy's ideology would be focused on mobility and individual firepower due to its much smaller fleet in comparison to the Old Empire.

    The rise of Snoke

    "Through my manipulation of Snoke, I began gathering forces, building an army capable of opposing the New Republic that had arisen in my absence. Through Snoke, I would make certain that the First Order would be mine to control." ―Darth Sidious Just as many of the Emperor's servants carried the Old Empire's greatest military secrets to the Unknown Regions, so too did Snoke, who eventually rose to become the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Had it not been for the ancient hyperspace trails blazed through the Unknown Regions by Snoke's Attendants, most of the former Imperial officers would have likely perished crossing into the uncharted realm. Snoke was a mysterious humanoid, with very scant details as to regarding his origins, strong with the dark side of the Force. Despite his abilities not being explicitly Sith in origin, Snoke's powerful abilities as a force user and knowledge made him the undisputed heir as the leader to the forces gathered under the Contingency. Snoke was, in fact, one of the many artificial strandcasts created by the Emperor and his cult following, the Sith Eternal, prior to his demise, and discarded as a potential vessel for the Sith Lord's dark essence. Instead, Snoke was made to serve as a proxy ruler for his creator and influenced by the zombified Sith Lord from afar to gather the forces that would go to make the armies of the First Order and spread his influence across the galaxy through less direct means. With that, Sidious ensured that the new empire which arose after the Battle of Jakku was his to control. The First Order did not know of Snoke's origins, though some came to peer behind the veil of secrecy and realized that he was subservient to some unseen force. Snoke himself was possibly unaware of the factual nature surrounding his existence, and indeed remained unaware of his status as a pawn in Sidious's larger game for his entire life. The Emperor's resurrection, the existence of his followers, the Sith Eternal, and their hidden base of operations, Exegol, were all secrets unknown to even the highest echelons of the First Order. Much of the First Order was even unaware of the Contingency itself nor their ultimate purpose in it, for as the First Order served as its military wing, the Sith Eternal lay at its spiritual heart. The true leadership of the First Order operated from behind a veil of secrecy, driven by the tenets of the dark side of the Force and the ancient ways of the Sith. From afar, the phantom Emperor, working from the shadows, forged the remnants of the Empire into the First Order as he plotted his return to power. Once the time was right, Sidious would return at the head of a new Sith empire, which would sweep aside the First Order and any other pretender state to control the galaxy. Snoke's choices when governing the faction only added to his mysterious nature. The dark side adept made no designs toward the old title Emperor, relied on mysticism and focusing on spiritual matters while allowing the generals wield the First Order military in his name, and was unwilling to meet in person with his subordinates, instead relying on large casting presence holograms to communicate with and to administer orders to the underlings who served him. Gallius Rax, Rae Sloane, Ormes Apolin, and Brendol Hux were originally seen as potential leaders of the Empire's remnants by the admirals and generals who had survived the implosion of the Empire and the New Republic's wrath, but they were sidelined, co-opted, or destroyed by Snoke. Brendol's son, General Armitage Hux, was spared in the long term by Snoke in order to use him as a political tool in his rise to power. Pryde was eventually made privy to Palpatine's survival and became the Emperor's contact within the regime.


    Main articles: Supreme Leader and First Order Supreme Council "The Supreme Leader is dead." "Long live the Supreme Leader." ―Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux The Supreme Leader was a self-appointed position with absolute power over the First Order who delegated power to a number of high-ranking officers and advisors, effectively removing any distinction between military and state. This formed an upper cadre of high-ranking officials, the First Order High Command, who had the authority to govern the First Order in the Supreme Leader's name. As Supreme Leader, Snoke was content to focus on spiritual matters, ceding control of military matters to generals and the shaping of the First Order's public image to propaganda masterminds. However, any and all alterations to the strategy required the Supreme Leader's approval, with personal interests regarded as secondary to orders from the Leader, while a "commanding triumvirate" of the First Order existed consisting of Kylo Ren, General Armitage Hux, and Captain Phasma, the leaders of Starkiller Base. Unbeknownst to even the highest echelons of the First Order, however, Snoke was in fact an artificial creation engineered by a hidden Sith cult, the Sith Eternal, under the directive of their master, Darth Sidious who returned from the dead, the Emperor of the Old Empire. Several addition clones of Snoke were stored on their hidden redoubt world, Exegol. Snoke served Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal as a means to groom Ben Solo as Kylo Ren. Snoke kept his homeworld and origins concealed from the First Order so as to avoid revealing himself to be an artificial creation; nonetheless, some came to realize that Snoke was subservient to an unseen force and master. Due to the Supreme Leader's status in the First Order, an officer who had direct access to his person effectively wielded greater authority than their military rank would indicate. They oversaw the colonization of the Unknown Regions and destruction of the last Jedi. Much like Darth Vader in the former Empire, Kylo Ren existed outside the formal command structure of the First Order and frequently came into conflict with military officials owing to his agenda consistently trumping military objectives. Kylo's placement in the hierarchy not only maintained fear within the Order's upper ranks but also intentionally resembled that of Darth Vader's during the reign of the Old Empire. It was the prerogative of the Supreme Leader to summon his subordinates at his pleasure, as well as to administer punishment to those who failed him. The Supreme Council was established under Supreme Leader Kylo Ren as an advisory board to replace the former triumvirate. It was formed by high-ranking members of High Command who served as aides to Ren and had direct access to the highest levels of authority in the First Order, including the Supreme Leader. The council's purpose was to chart and implement the ongoing galactic conquest and plan the future of governing the galaxy. It was composed of Allegiant General Enric Pryde, Admiral Frantis Griss, Lieutenant Draper, and Generals Amret Engell, Armitage Hux, Bellava Parnadee, and Domaric Quinn, allowing Ren to focus on spiritual matters as his predecessor had. Ren anticipated the council would be filled with infighting, to which he considered it good for his reign, as he preferred that they direct their energies against each other, thereby diminishing their chances of uniting against him. Starkiller Base, a superweapon constructed within the planet Ilum, hosted the largest military deployment in the First Order. However, it was not considered the official capital of the First Order because of Supreme Leader Snoke's policy of keeping the Order's headquarters mobile. Although various officers and allies of the First Order argued for a planet to act as their capital, Snoke rejected this idea and refused to designate capital command to a world either under direct First Order control or within the Unknown Regions, instead opting to command his underlings from his mobile command post, the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy, making it the First Order's de facto capital.


    Main article: First Order military "My men are exceptionally trained, programmed from birth." ―Armitage Hux With its rapidly expanding military in clear violation of the Galactic Concordance and Republic laws, the massive militarization effort of the First Order continued throughout its tenure in the Unknown Regions. There, military bases and shipyards were constructed to churn out some of the technologically superior weapons and starfighters utilized by the Order's military. To avoid treaty restrictions banning the sale of weapons to the First Order, galactic arms manufacturers BlasTech Industries and Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. spun off a subsidiary known as the Sonn-Blas Corporation, which manufactured much of the First Order's weaponry within First Order space. Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems also helped produce vessels such as the Upsilon-class command shuttle and TIE/fo space superiority fighter, along with its two-seated variant the TIE/sf space superiority fighter. Additionally, Sienar-Jaemus Army Systems manufactured the widely used Atmospheric Assault Landers which could deploy twenty stormtroopers into the frontlines of combat, while the Aratech-Loratus Corporation developed the LIUV; When planetside, the First Order utilized a wide range of four-legged walkers similar to Imperial AT-ATs, as well as the more advanced All terrain Megacaliber Six. In violation of New Republic laws regarding capital ships, Kuat-Entralla Engineering developed the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, which featured more than 1,500 turbolasers, point-defense laser cannons and ion cannons, and was specifically designed to evoke the fearful image of the Old Empire's Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Though smaller than the Imperial Navy at its height, the First Order Navy established itself as a formidable flotilla of destructive potential. Owing to the New Republic's disarmament efforts, the First Order armada swiftly conquered the galaxy virtually unchallenged. Like its predecessor, the First Order Stormtrooper Corps was a component of the military that employed the use of stormtroopers, including variants such as snowtroopers. It also utilized specialists including megablaster heavy assault troopers, flametroopers, and riot control stormtroopers and selectively had one of the three variants placed in every ten-member stormtrooper squad. Unlike the inconsistent academy standards of the previous Galactic Empire, training of the new generation of stormtroopers emphasized improvisation and counter-insurgency operations, including guerrilla tactics. With the First Order lacking the numerical superiority of the Galactic Empire, better-equipped and -trained soldiers resulted in higher trooper proficiency than the previous Galactic Empire. Soldiers were often trained on capital ships and underwent vivid simulations to create the most loyal soldiers, which was an extension of the ideas of Commandant Brendol Hux and his Commandant's Cadets. It was strictly forbidden for a stormtrooper to initiate any contact with a officer in line with the First Order view on hierarchy. One of its primary bases of operations was Starkiller Base, an ice planet converted into a stronghold. Seeking to rule the galaxy through fear, the base housed a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems by firing a planet-destroying beam through hyperspace, and was led by an unofficial triumvirate of General Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, and Captain Phasma until it was destroyed in the Assault on Starkiller Base. The scale of the First Order's military operation shocked complacent New Republic observers, who had believed such shows of force were merely part of local defense forces and ceremonial guards. With the rapid expansion of the First Order's stormtrooper ranks and military capabilities, the Resistance believed that more trooper specializations were yet to be discovered, and ships even larger than the Resurgent-class Star Destroyers existed, such as the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought and the Mega-class Star Dreadnought. The First Order continued the research into dark energy translations and hyperspace tunneling that had began under the Old Empire, where they repurposed an ice world for the development of a mobile superweapon called Starkiller Base, which used a dark energy called "quintessence" as it offered a virtual unlimited power source, this was made possible after securing logs from secret Imperial laboratories detailing a suitable planet needed with the correct specifications for what would become Starkiller Base with the colossal superlaser array itself built into the planetary crust and would to the Order represent a technological step forward in power. The First Order also developed the hyperspace tracker which was a type of active tracker with the ability to detect starships traveling through hyperspace developed by First Order scientists. Originally studied by the Tarkin Initiative during the reign of the Empire, the technology was not established for several more decades when a team assembled by General Armitage Hux discovered how to implement the technology. The hyperspace tracker utilized a complex static hyperspace field generator, which enveloped arrays of databanks and computers in a localized hyperspace field that accelerated their calculation speeds to unimaginable rates. Additionally, the First Order constructed a superlaser siege cannon, which was a form of miniaturized Death Star technology that was capable of firing a devastating energy pulse along a targeting tracer beam to cause a powerful detonation upon impact. Being a two-hundred-meter cannon, it required support, such as having vehicles that were able to maneuver it into position during a siege and could be deployed to have a retractable stabilizing outrigger to ground its bulk. The First Order had also developed huge data banks loaded with centuries of combat reports and astrogation data. This was aided by a static hyperspace field that accelerated their processing power to an unprecedented level, which was overseen by the Shipboard Tracking Control Complex that was the size of a planetary intelligence hub.


    Main article: First Order Security Bureau "You're with the First Order now, Terex?" "Yes, and it's Agent Terex. I'm an officer in their intelligence-gathering arm." ―Kan Be and Terex The First Order Security Bureau was the intelligence-gathering arm of the First Order, and was tasked with guarding state secrets and recovering information that had been stolen by the First Order's enemies. Under Supreme Leader Snoke's directive, First Order agents and other First Order military forces were prohibited from seeking open hostility against forces aligned with the New Republic including the Resistance.

    Main article: Neo-Imperialism

    "It is the task of the First Order to remove the disorder from our own existence, so that civilization may be returned to the stability that promotes progress. A stability that existed under the Empire, was reduced to anarchy by the Rebellion, was inherited in turn by the so-called Republic, and will be restored by us. Future historians will look upon this as the time when a strong hand brought the rule of law back to civilization."

    ―Kylo Ren

    Growing up in isolation on the far side of the galaxy gave citizens of the First Order an Imperially-skewed version of galactic history, where, according to some, they adopted a radical fascist[100] neo-Imperialism political ideology, basing it values on a fanatical devotion to the totalitarian notions of "order" and violent disdain for the New Republic and democracy. Under the guidance of Imperial veterans, along with approved literature, vids, and mandatory viewings of morale sessions twice a day for stormtrooper cadets, officers learned of their glorious past and how they had been robbed of it by terrorists and rebels, who later called themselves the New Republic. Many believed only they could have the power necessary to wrest the galaxy from a path of chaos and corruption. This claim was not without some basis. The New Republic's corruption and ineffectiveness was plain to see across the galaxy, from its citizens to the Resistance and the First Order. In fact, this corruption was one of the First Order's most potent weapons, as they ensured their agenda met with no interference from the Senate. The First Order's citizens saw this as proof the Rebellion was built on false promises, and that rebels could only tear down a government, not build one. A large number of individuals in the First Order were non-human aliens who were effectively second-class citizens. This was apparent in the First Order propaganda and labor policies.

    Pre-recorded speeches often filled the airwaves, in which General Armitage Hux commented on instances of the Republic's depravity, including famines on Ibaar and Adarlon, the brutal suppression of the people of Balamak, and unchecked alien advances throughout the Outer Rim. Following these reports were stories of First Order victories such as liberating labor camps on Iktotch or winning a fleet battle in the Bormea sector. Despite these patriotic functions and rallies, the First Order heavily relied on the brutal suppression of dissent and unpatriotic activities. Riot control stormtroopers were specially trained to quash insurrection, with live-fire dispersal of protesters permitted. Industrial unrest such as the Strike at Pressy's Tumble were blamed on New Republic agents. According to the First Order, the Jedi were officially extinct, and it was forbidden to pronounce Kylo Ren's birth name by order of Supreme Leader Snoke. To boost morale, the First Order utilized a commemorative rank insignia system, issuing armbands bearing the names of famous units and heroes of the Galactic Civil War. Many in the military believed that despite being outnumbered by the New Republic Starfleet, their technological superiority was so complete that even their smaller navy stood virtually unchallenged.

    The First Order had no qualms with inducting children into direct combat. The most infamous example of the latter was the stormtroopers of the First Order, which forcibly subjected any children of worlds conquered by the First Order to military training. Because the First Order trained its soldiers from childhood, several members had very high ranks despite their youth technically making them closer to junior officers, in contrast to the Empire's Sub-Adult Group, which promoted patriotism without subjecting its members to direct combat.

    The First Order economy was tightly controlled, partly due to treaty restrictions that prevented major galactic corporations from selling arms to the First Order, owing to it Imperial origins. Nevertheless, they had dealings with the Aratech-Loratus Corporation, Rebaxan Columni, Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, Kuat-Entralla Engineering, and Sonn-Blas Corporation—a subsidiary of the First Order military's major arms manufacturers, Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. and BlasTech Industries. The First Order plundered the worlds within its domain in order to fill its coffers with various currencies, particularly coins minted from precious metals, such as aurei, peggats, and zemids, all of which had universal value as they could be melted down. The credit was also a recognized currency in the First Order economy, although by then coinage made from valuable metals was considered preferable to electronic currencies, especially in an era of instability.

    Having amassed a vast treasury through conquest and plunder, the First Order used its profits to purchase weapons from war profiteers on Cantonica in the Corporate Sector.[102] They also channeled large sums of money through shells and third-party corporations with help from the Corporate Sector Authority.

    The airwaves infrastructure in the First Order was under full state oversight and had tight restrictions and censorship imposed on it, which were often filled with pre recorded speeches in line with military objectives, this was there-for used by the ruling junta to maintain its control of the masses by using propaganda. The First Order utilized a form of holographic technology that could show the user in full color and lacked any scan lines as part of its communications systems.

    The Supremacy communication complex was used to watch HoloNet traffic throughout the galaxy, this was to help identify trends and weaknesses that the First Order could use to further their goals, it could also be used to dispatched orders to agents operating within both New Republic and independent space. The Supremacy also held industrial capabilities including research labs and factories onboard, this housed departments for conception, research and well-stocked raw materials reserves, eight durasteel foundries as well as an asteroid mining complex for harvesting raw materials directly from asteroid fields, as well as state-of-the-art production lines that could not be cut off from supply lines. It also had at least eight droid manufacturing facilities.

    "The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks."


    The territory of the First Order was located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories and the large, unexplored Unknown Regions beyond the frontier to the west of the Core. An area of space outside of the New Republic's supervision, it served as the First Order and its associates' refuge. The overall territory was known as First Order Space with the emerging power having expanded across the vast swaths of space left untouched for millennia by galactic explorers, including Demir.[104] Numerous shipyards, bases, and research facilities were also built on newly explored star systems and colonized worlds as the Order slowly expanded and plotted its eventual return to the galaxy at large. The First Order undertook a major offensive against several of these kingdoms to seize their worlds and resources to fuel their rise.[105]

    The First Order's domain beyond 29 ABY, expanded into the known galaxy through the annexation of a bloc of star systems that seceded from the New Republic. The Centrists, a political faction in the Galactic Senate, wanted a more centralized government than the one offered by the New Republic. As a result, the systems that identified with Centrist politics joined the First Order, marking its official formation as a galactic government. At the time when the Centrists called for secession, the planets that supported their political goals included Arkanis, Comra, Coruscant, Daxam IV, Hevurion, Kuat, Orinda, and Riosa.

    A narrow region of neutral systems known as the Trans-Hydian Borderlands existed between New Republic and First Order space as a result of the Cold War between the two galactic powers, with peace negotiations leading to its service as a formal buffer zone. Despite frequent First Order incursions into Republic space, the Galactic Senate did not wish to spark a conflict, and thus was limited to formal diplomatic protest. First Order assets, including galactic arms-manufacturing corporations such as BlasTech Industries and Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.'s Sonn-Blas Corporation subsidiary, took root and operated from within the region to evade the arms-selling restrictions mandated by First Order–New Republic treaty.

    After capturing Lor San Tekka on Cato Neimoidia, First Order officer Terex traveled to First Order Space and met with Captain Phasma aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Absolution.[106]

    "That all came out of conversations about what would have happened if the Nazis all went to Argentina but then started working together again? What could be born of that? Could The First Order exist as a group that actually admired The Empire? Could the work of The Empire be seen as unfulfilled? And could Vader be a martyr? Could there be a need to see through what didn't get done?"

    ―J.J. Abrams[107]

    The First Order was created for the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and was developed through conversations amongst the production team. According to J.J. Abrams, the film's director, the team wondered what would have happened if the Nazis who went into hiding in Argentina after World War II started working together again. Abrams hinted that the First Order would therefore be a group that admired the Galactic Empire and felt that its work was unfulfilled.[107]

    The First Order's exact nature during the development of the film was kept secret since the film's announcement. On August 10, 2015, the official Star Wars Twitter and GooglePlus accounts unveiled an image of the First Order congregating at Starkiller Base.[108]

    Costume designer Michael Kaplan said the First Order uniforms were designed to look severe, "very hard edge, very broad shoulders, very angular, geometric." He cited inspiration from French fashion designer Thierry Mugler.[109]

    : The Rebel Files states that the Resistance did not have any spies within the First Order.[110] However, Poe Dameron: Flight Log previously established that the Resistance spy droid network did have spies, including RA-7-D4, within the First Order.[111]

    Non-canon appearances

    •••LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises — "Poe to the Rescue" •LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises — "The Trouble with Rathtars" •LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises — "Attack of the Conscience" •LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Scouting for Leia/A Mission with Maz" •LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Rolling with BB-8/Resistance on the Run" ••Star Wars Blips — "The Chase" •LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season — "Sithmas Battle" •

  3. Marnia Un'la'na. Unidentified battle analyst 1. Unidentified battle analyst 2. Unidentified battle analyst 3. Unidentified female Twi'lek mercenary. Unidentified First Order man. Unidentified First Order security personnel. Unidentified Ikkrukk First Order sympathizer. Unidentified radar technician.

  4. This incomplete list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014.

  5. The First Order is an organization formed by the Imperial forces after the deaths of Palpatine and Darth Vader, continuing the Empire's mission to bring the galaxy under the rule of the dark side while using a different name in order to restore the Galactic Empire to its former glory.

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  7. Kylo Ren. Royal Orders. The Praetorian Guard. The Knights of Ren. See their separate page. First Order Military. Supreme Council. Enric Pryde. Armitage Hux. Frantis Griss. Domaric Quinn.

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