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    who is jason jason in season

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  1. Who was Jason hiding in the DiLaurentis house? In season 2 shortly after Jason moves back in to the DiLaurentis house, we see a shadow in the upstairs window which is clearly not Jason since he is in the garden. The girls think this is Ian, but wasn't he dead (or did he commit suicide later).

  2. Jan 23, 2022 · Team leader Jason Hayes — nudged by advice from Sonny, of all people — tracked down Mandy Ellis and expressed his vision for their future, and after the most ill-timed book club interruption in...

    • Matt Webb Mitovich
    • Overview
    • Biography
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    Jason DiLaurentis is a major supporting character in the Freeform series, Pretty Little Liars. He was portrayed by Parker Bagley in Season 1, and by Drew Van Acker from Season 2 to Season 7.

    Jason is the older half-brother of Alison DiLaurentis, Spencer Hastings, and Alex Drake and younger half-brother of Melissa Hastings and maternal cousin/adoptive brother of Charlotte DiLaurentis.

    Jason DiLaurentis was born to Jessica DiLaurentis and Peter Hastings in 1988 in Atlanta. Jason is the product of the long-standing affair between Jessica and her neighbor, Peter Hastings. When Jessica found out she was pregnant, she told her husband, Kenneth DiLaurentis that the child was his. Kenneth believed this to be true and signed Jason's birth certificate. He was kept in the dark about Jason's true parentage until later on in Jason's life.

    As a child, Jason was close to his adoptive sister, Charlotte DiLaurentis, as they were very close in age. When Jason was five, Jessica gave birth to her second child and Jason's half-sister, Alison. A few months later, Charlotte was sent to Radley Sanitarium for intense psychiatric help. Because Jason was so young, he grew up believing that "Charlie" was an imaginary friend due to his parents all-but erasing Charles' existence. He remained close to his younger sister, Alison, until they were in their teens and began drifting apart.

    As a teen, he was considered the rebellious child due to him smoking marijuana and hanging out with Ian Thomas and Garrett Reynolds. In high school, alongside Ian and Garrett, was in a secret club called N.A.T. Interestingly, the Ivy League student had not participated in any other school clubs. It is also revealed in a flashback in Season 2, that he almost hated Alison because she would often go into his room and take his belongings.

    Jason later reveals that he was always jealous of Alison, and had felt that his parents thought they "lost the wrong kid". He dated CeCe Drake for over a year, without knowing she's, in fact, his cousin. She broke up with him the day after Alison's body was found which he took hard and resented her for it. He later takes a great interest in Aria as they start getting closer to each other because they want to help Mike and they both get attracted that they share a kiss, until she turns him down because she's already in a relationship with Ezra Fitz.

    Jason was in his Grandmother's house when he discovered a box hidden in the floorboards of Alison's room. Inside were love letters written between Jessica and Peter that were both romantic and serious. After Jason was born, the letters changed from romantic to a more lawful standpoint. Jason determined, from the letters, that he was Peter's son and the half-brother of both Spencer and Melissa.

    When Alison was found to be alive, he seemed shocked and often acted overly protective of her. When he assumed that Alison had murdered Mona, he "gave her away" and soon after became close to his employee, Ashley. They had a one night stand while she had a boyfriend, but soon after she felt guilty and she quit working for Jason.

    Jason is quiet, reserved, and a little cold. He can be untrusting and tends to act impulsively. He is interested in sports, photography and charity. As a child, Jason seemed to be very close to his mother, but when Alison was born, Jason became jealous of her sister and the attention she received from their parents, which led him to have a bad rela...

    Jason is a very attractive young man with shaggy, dirty blonde hair, and almond-shaped green eyes. He has a square jawline paired with soft features and occasional subtle facial hair. After the time jump, Jason returns to Rosewood with long hair and a grown beard.

    Season 1

    Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone Jason came back to Rosewood with a new clean cut look that surprised most of the girls. His purpose in returning to Rosewood was to help organize Alison's memorial. (This eventually turned into him directing the project). He is now guarded and keeps secrets. Jason reveals to Spencer what Alison also told him about "The Jenna Thing", specifically her revision in which Spencer was behind everything, including being the one to throw the stink bomb, which exploded and burned down the Cavanaugh's garage and severely injured Jenna Marshall. Jason speaks about the incident to Spencer. She asks if he believes his sister's story but he does not reply which causes her to tell him that he's just like Alison. To this, he replies that he is even worse than Alison. The day after the memorial, he decides to give the girls Alison's bracelet and leaves. If At First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again Jason returns to Rosewood again. After finding "A's" picture of Alison the day she disappeared, Spencer seeks him out to show it to him. Spencer finds Jason working out on some bleachers. Jason tells Spencer that he and his family have received similar photos of Alison taken during the night she disappeared and goes on to tell her that a private investigator has determined many of them to be fake. Still, he is willing to see if this one is real. Later, Spencer comes home to find him waiting for her. He opens up to Spencer about his past with drugs and lets her know that it is possible that he took that picture of Alison because he doesn't remember that night or most of that summer, as it turns out. The vantage point of the photograph was his house and, quite possibly, his bedroom window. In this episode, Jason also reveals that planning Alison's memorial was one of the biggest challenges he has ever faced.

    Season 2

    The Goodbye Look Jason returns once again, however Parker Bagley has been replaced by Drew Van Acker. He moves into his old house, in which he once lived with Alison, after inheriting some money. Spencer visits him and offers to help him move in properly, however he declines her help and questions Spencer about Alison's death, asking whether Ian really admitted to killing her. Jason seems dissatisfied with Spencer's vague answer. At the end, Jason is building a fence around his house in order to keep people out. Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Aria see this and they think he is keeping someone in, like no good for nothing Ian. My Name Is Trouble Jason hires Toby Cavanaugh to help him build the fence. After her field hockey practice, Spencer stops by Jason's house and asks where Toby is. Jason says that he left about an hour ago. Spencer asks Jason if he is the only one living in the house and Jason says yes and tells her that he'll let Toby know she stopped by. Jason and Toby work on the fence and Jason asks Toby if he wants to take a break since he is working so hard. But Toby says it's all right. Jason asks Toby if people around here are still giving him a hard time and Toby gives him a look that indicates people are. Jason says that he never thought Toby had killed Ali and the only thing he was guilty of was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just then, Spencer comes by and Jason thought it was Melissa. Spencer asks why he thought she was Melissa, and Jason says that the mailman keeps on giving his mail to their house. Jason goes inside and asks if Toby or Spencer wants anything but they say no thanks. Jason brings some garbage bags outside but they fall over and bloody tissues come out while Spencer and Toby watch, but Jason says that he cut himself. Blind Dates At the basketball court, Aria goes to find Mike, but only finds Mike's friends and, unexpectedly, Jason. Mike's friends let her know that he hasn't been around in months, and Jason theorizes that Mike is doing things his family obviously wouldn't approve. Aria is worried, but grateful to Jason. For a moment, it seem that Jason is flirting when he tells her he remembers her pink hair highlight and misses her bold fashion statement. Aria is flattered. The Devil You Know Jason sees someone trying to break in to his house. He catches the burglar's hand and it turns out to be Mike. Jason brings Mike to Aria's house but doesn't call the police. Jason explains that he didn't really get into his house, he caught him at the window. Aria says thank-you to him for not calling the police and he says not to worry because he has seen enough cops at his house for one year. Jason goes to Ian's funeral but sits on a bench. Aria sees him and goes over to talk to him. He tells her that he was always very jealous of Alison, and he feels he should have died instead of his sister. Jason confides to Aria that it is possible that he killed Alison, as he has no recollection of what happened that night and knows that he could be violent when jealous. Jason shows Aria a piece of paper he received the next day, warning him that someone knew what he did, though the reference is vague. That slip always made him worry that he might have been the one to harm Alison. However, he admits the relief he feels from the closure that Ian's confession had brought him. Never Letting Go Jason meets with Aria outside Emily's house to talk about the sensitive information he revealed to her at Ian's funeral. The next day after school, the two meet to discuss what photos to use for Alison's tribute at the fashion show. Aria begins asking him questions, hoping to "shake a memory loose" about the day of Ali's disappearance. Jason feels like he is being interrogated and leaves somewhat angrily and disappointed. Backstage at the fashion show, Aria and Jason exchange a meaningful look before he is introduced on stage. During the "unplanned finale" fiasco, Jason escorts his mother away from the chaos. Later, he appears backstage just as Noel is handing Aria the disc that could theoretically incriminate her and her friends. Jason steps in, takes the disc, and snaps it, not allowing Noel to bully Aria. He then offers Aria a ride home, and she accepts. Surface Tension Jason's character is developed to a great extent. He visits Rosewood High on a school day to talk to the guidance counsellor; he wants to help at-risk high school students by showing them that there is life after high school. Aria finds Jason sitting in Ella's classroom, thanking her for the kind note she sent his mother. Ella lets Aria know that Jason is also invited to dinner that night, and Aria gives him a half-smile. Ella has invited Jason, thinking he could use some "human companionship" while going through this tough time, especially living in the old house, alone. That night, Jason arrives at Aria's house with flowers, which he hands to Aria. Jason and Ezra Fitz meet for the first time. Aria steps out of the party to answer a call from Spencer, warning Aria that Jason may have been involved in Alison's death and to be alert with Jason in her house. Spencer and Aria both remember the incident last summer when Jason nearly hit Ali with a hockey stick. He had come looking for her on their mother's orders, not pleased to have to do it. He had grabbed the stick from her and then threatened to hit her with it. After that, Ali had tried to whack her brother with the stick, but Jason had moved quickly and mockingly warned Ali that she wouldn't get a second chance. Spencer finds it awfully incriminating to have found that same hockey stick buried on her property near where Jason was building a fence. She finds it doubly incriminating that Jason doesn't remember anything from the night Ali disappeared. Later, back at the party, Jason and Ezra to know one another, sharing their stories about biking and traveling. Then, the dinner party is interrupted with news of Mike's arrest. Jason and Aria exchange knowing looks, at which Ezra raises an eyebrow. Byron Montgomery and Ella leave to pick him up, leaving Ezra, Jason, and Aria alone in the house. After cleaning up a bit, and speaking with Ezra, Aria goes back out to the living room, where Jason is sitting, to offer him coffee. Aria and Jason discuss Mike's arrest; she lets him know that Mike had promised her that he wouldn't repeat his mistake, and he wisely lets her know that he probably meant it at the time. He also tells her that if this is his first time getting caught, he has probably raided multiple houses before. Afterwards, Aria rushes down the stairs, suddenly telling Ezra and Jason to leave. So they leave, pausing briefly at the doorstop for an awkward stare-down before going their separate ways. Picture This Spencer goes over to Jason's house and spies on him from the bushes. He is working around his house when one of the workers tries to go into the shed. Jason quickly runs over and tells the worker not to go in there. The worker walks away and Jason locks the door and puts the key above the doors, unbeknownst to him that Spencer is watching him. Jason goes over to Aria's house where she is shocked to see him. She begins to act weird around him but that is due to the dreams she had about him. He explains that her dad let him in and he gives her a card for a person from a youth center that could help Mike. Aria then confesses to him that she is worried about Mike and Jason puts his arm on her shoulder. After he takes his arm off, Aria tries to get him to leave saying she has to study for some tests even though she doesn't. Aria pushes him out the door saying thanks for helping and Jason sees that Aria put the books back and knows something is up. Spencer and Emily break in to Jason's shed where they find pictures of Aria. They hear him come in and quickly leave but Emily drops her flashlight. Jason comes in and finds the flashlight and knows someone broke in. Jason later sees Aria walking on the street and he stops to talk to her. He tells her that his shed was broken into but Aria says that Mike didn't do it because he hasn't left him room. Jason replies "I didn't go there." He also adds that he didn't think it was Mike anyway. Jason finally gets the courage and lays his heart down to her, telling her how he feels. He said, (quote): "The truth is I do care about your brother but I also care about you, and I wanted to tell you as an off-chance you might feel the same way." Jason then leans in slow enough for her to move if she didn't want to kiss him, which she didn't she kissed him back but not for long since she remembered Ezra. She breaks the kiss and says she's 'unavailable' and leaves him standing there. Touched by an 'A'-ngel Emily tells Aria about the pictures, so when she spots Jason in school, she confronts him. He is aggravated to hear that her friends were the ones who broke into his home. He lets her know that he had found a roll of film among Alison's belongings and had only figured out what the photographs were when he developed them in his dark room. Additionally, after seeing they were all of Aria, he had planned to give her one of the framed photographs as a gift. Later, Aria is at the Grille by herself; Jason joins her and tries to make her feel relaxed instead of scared of him. He presents her with the frame. He also invites Aria to come over and see some more of Alison's belongings in the box he found hidden under her floorboards while he was renovating her room. He had found the roll of film in that box, and Aria is curious about what else is in there. Aria seems nervous during their conversation, and Jason picks up on Aria's twisting straws. Aria is still not completely trusting of Jason, though she is not totally wary of him either. Unbeknownst to both of them, Spencer and Toby watch their encounter from outside the restaurant's window. Aria agrees to go with him to his house, but she doesn't enter his shed and opts to wait for him outside instead. While waiting, Ezra pulls into Jason's driveway to "save" Aria from Jason. The two kiss, and Jason finally comes back, just in time to witness the lip-lock. He gives Aria the box of belongings to keep and stares intently at her, acknowledging that Aria is "unavailable". He watches enviously as Aria enters Ezra's car. Later that night, he sits subdued on his porch steps. Garrett Reynolds swings by and Jason greets him with the causality of old friends. Garrett offers Jason a can of beer, but when Jason gives him a look, he says "I forgot" and keeps it for himself. He makes himself comfortable and Jason nonchalantly asks him what he's thinking about. Garrett says that he wants to know that their secret is still under wraps, as he is a cop and his reputation is on the line. Jason stares at him, but doesn't say anything. The two then sit, kicking back. In the next episode, Garrett is seen leaving Jason's house again. As well, Peter Hastings is seen exiting the house later that day, though he won't explain why he was there. Jason finally removes the newspaper boarding up the windows of Alison's room. When Spencer and Toby leaf through Ian's yearbook, they note that Garrett, Jason, and Ian must have been friends as they were all in a secret club together. Jason had written a comment in Ian's yearbook about the N.A.T. club and the caption for that club is listed under all three yearbook pictures, though it is not in the glossary of clubs. Spencer finds a shirt with the words “Nos Animadvertus Totus” which had to be the full name for the N.A.T. club. It leads her to believe that N.A.T. loosely means "We See All" and that the three were all stalkers together, creating videos and taking pictures of the local Rosewood girls when they weren't looking. This assumption has yet to be confirmed. Based on information, it seems that Jason had been able to afford buying back his old home thanks to the money left to him in his grandmother's will. It is suggested that Jason had tried to sell a family heirloom, prompting his grandmother to change the will to exclude him a week before Alison's disappearance. After his grandmother's death some months later, Peter Hastings had doctored the documents to revert the will back to an earlier version, in which Jason was included. Peter explains to his daughter that this was done so as not to make Jason look responsible for killing his sister. The money is still rightfully his, as after Alison's death it would pass to the next relative. It is also very likely that Alison had something to do with the changed will, as she was asking questions, seemingly plotting to get the money all to herself. Over My Dead Body The argument between Peter and Jason in I Must Confess is referenced when Jason shows up to the police station upon hearing the girls were arrested. Peter immediately approaches him on the side and begs him to leave. But Jason is firm in his belief that his sister would have wanted him here, to which Mr. Hastings says he did things to protect Jason. Jason underlines that he didn't kill Ali, so there was never a need to protect him. Jason tells Peter that he bought the house because Ali was great at keeping secrets and punishing people with the truth. Peter admits he was honest with Jason the night before because he thought it would help. Jason cryptically says, "I didn't give you a choice. Why do you think I bought that house?" We also learn that Jason no longer believes he could have killed Ali and that Garrett and Jenna wrote the note he had found the next day. Then Jason asks whether Veronica Hastings knows, mysteriously implying something that Peter comprehends immediately. Peter says no and insists that Veronica not find out whatever secret they are keeping that night with everything else that is going on. The First Secret Jason enters Alison's room without knocking, as Alison sits sprawled on her bed writing in a notebook. As soon as she sees him, she shuts the notebook. Jason starts to ask her questions and she questions him in return. Ali asks what Jason and his friends are doing behind his locked door, to which Jason responds, "if you want to know, it'll cost you." Ali asks the price and he says $20. When Ali gives him the cash he tells her that he & his "stoner buddies" are making a movie. Jason then gives her a package and says this was on the front porch for you. As Ali is opening it she tells Jason to leave her room. We then see the voodoo doll make its first appearance. A Hot Piece of A Although Jason is not present in this episode, he is mentioned to have been out of town during the past month. The Naked Truth Jason comes back to town. He sees Spencer in the courtyard in school and they begin to talk. He asks her if she can tell her dad to give him a call. He also says that he was away working on his grandmother's house. Ella walks up and asks him if he can chaperone "The Truth Up Day" but he says he can't, but he agrees to when Ella asks Spencer about her parents helping and he learns that Spencer's mom and dad will be there. Jason is a chaperone in the class that Aria, Caleb Rivers and Jenna are a part of and Spencer's mom is also chaperoning as well. Spencer's mom and Jason have a run in and she looks surprised to see him. He also asks where Peter is but she says he is out of town. Jason later gets some boxes and Spencer comes up to him. She says that her mom and he are in the same group and he mentions that he wished it was her dad. Spencer then asks why it is so important for him to talk to her father. Jason tells her to ask him but Spencer says he doesn't say anything. Spencer also mentions that she knows about how her dad changed the will and again wants to know but Jason doesn't say why. Jason makes a phone call to Peter saying he wants to meet him when Spencer's mom comes in. Jason knows that she lied about Peter being out of town. She says that Peter is really not out of town but it's none of his business where he is and Jason says that it his business but he didn't know that until recently. Spencer walks up to the room but hides and hears their whole conversation. Jason goes to the courtyard and is listening to music when Spencer comes up to him. She asks him to hear her out and she asks if her dad is his dad to. Turns out that Jason is her brother to and that Ali knew too but Spencer just didn't hear it until tonight. CTRL: A Spencer goes and looks for Jason so they could talk. She sees him getting some food and talking to Maya St. Germain which she finds a little strange. Spencer goes up to him and looks for answers. He thinks she doesn't believe it but she says she does but she doesn't want to talk to her father she wants to talk to him. Jason also says he is sorry because the whole thing was never about hurting her. Jason and Spencer go talk on a bench and he says that he found letters between his mom and her dad. He also found a box that Ali kept but he also found $15,000 in it as well. Spencer then asks where she got it from and he tells her to think about it. Spencer then concludes that Ali blackmailed her dad into giving her money in order for Ali not to tell about the affair. Spencer and Jason meet at a restaurant and they talk about their dad. She says that Peter never gave Ali money because he said this but Jason doesn't believe him. Jason thinks that Peter really did give her the money to keep Ali from telling people. Spencer assures him that he didn't and Jason says that she was raised by lawyers and he walks out. Spencer then goes home and is sitting in front of the fireplace when she hears a knock. Its Jason and she invites him in. They both say that they are sorry to each other and Jason admits that she was right, but that he wants to believe that Peter did give Ali the money. He also says they act the way they act because they are wired the same way. Spencer then says that she thinks she knows why Ali needed the money and Jason asks why. She says that someone may have been after her but she doesn't know who and that she's going to need him to trust her a lot. He replies with "a lot?" And Spencer then asks him for $2,000. Breaking the Code Although Jason is not present in this episode, it turns out that he does trust Spencer because he did give her the money which she uses to find answers. Eye of the Beholder Jason sees Emily and Spencer at the high school. Spencer says she is sorry for not getting back to him about the money thing but he says not to worry. He tells them that he has some of Ali's stuff, if they want to go through it. He also says that Maya was the one who dropped off the bag and Emily is surprised by this. Jason also brought up that Maya was missing in the paper and they make plans to look through the bag after school. Jason, Emily, and Spencer are in Spencer's house looking through the bag. Aria comes by and he looks at her but she doesn't looks at him. When Emily pulls out a jewelry box, he says that Ali loved that. Spencer's mom comes into the kitchen and looks angry that Jason is there. He decides to leave and Spencer thanks him for coming and for the bag as she is walking him to the door. Spencer's mom is not happy that he was over but Spencer says that she is dealing with what has been done, meaning Spencer is getting to know Jason. Somebody texts Jenna and invites her over to Jason's house when the house catches on fire. When Spencer and Jenna end up in the hospital, Jason arrives and Aria fills him in on what happened. He asks the reason for Jenna being in his house and he also says that he didn't text or call Jenna. He was on his way to Scranton when he got the call saying there was a fire. Aria says that she is sorry about his house right as Spencer's mom comes in and makes eye contact with Jason. She sits down far away from Jason. After Spencer leaves the doctor's room for her hand, she sees that Jason and her mom talking and looks happy that Jason is trying to make best of the situation. UnmAsked Jason hires Toby to clean up the yard work that was left from the fire.

    Season 3

    Birds of a Feather Jason returns to town and is angry that Veronica is defending Garrett. He walks into the Grille where Spencer and her friends are eating some cake and where Veronica also is. Jason is clearly angry and he says that she can't avoid him forever as he walks over to her. Veronica asks that they not do this here but Jason is upset that she is defending Garrett because he murdered his sister. Jason asks why she is defending him and Veronica says that everyone deserves a fair trial. Jason then asks her if that is the only reason while looking at Melissa. Before Melissa or her mom can say anything, Jason walks away. Spencer runs outside after him to make sure he is OK. He says no but he will be while putting up a paper on a pole. He is offering a reward for any answers to the location of Ali's missing body. Jason is at the high school for the kids he mentors while Spencer waits for him to get done. Spencer wants to make sure he is alright but he replies that he will be when he gets answers. Spencer also wants him to drop the reward because he doesn't need to take calls from people trying to get his money and he should just let the police handle it. Jason doesn't trust the police because of how they handled Ali's case. Jason and Spencer discuss why Veronica is really taking the case and Jason thinks she is protecting Melissa. Jason is on his porch when he sees Spencer walking. Jason tells her that he has gotten over 200 calls from people who think they know what happened to Ali's body but none of it matters because it was all just lies. Spencer sits next to him and tells him that she can't wait to go to college next year so she can leave this town and the dysfunctional people. Jason gets a call and tells her that it's his parents. As she is leaving, Jason tells her that he is dropping the reward because she was right, it was too much for him. After Spencer leaves, Jason then pulls out his check book and signs the $50,000 check made out to "cash." When someone calls, Jason says to meet him in the park in 15 minutes. The Remains of the "A" Jason meets Spencer at a bench outside of a store. Spencer needs his help with the April Rose case but Jason has never heard of her. As they wonder who April could be, Jason says that he could have met her but there were so many girls around them he may have just not remembered. Spencer brings up the N.A.T. Club which Jason is surprised she knows about. Jason thinks that Ian or Garrett could have filmed her but he was out of the club so he really doesn't know. Jason is later seen walking out with a kid he mentors when Peter wants to talk to him about Spencer. Jason rolls his eyes and walks away but Peter stops him. Peter asks that he leaves her out of this because he wants her to focus on her future and not the trial. Jason makes a comment that Peter should tell his wife that. Peter comments that he is wrong about why Veronica took this case and that she doesn't hate him. Jason says he thinks she doesn't hate him, rather it is Peter that she hates. Peter then pleads that he doesn't want Spencer's life derailed any further than it already has, that she needs to put this behind her and her sister. Jason cuts him off and asks which sister he is talking about because it turns out he has more than one. Jason then walks away. Later at Spencer's house, Jason shows him and says he found April Rose. Spencer asks who it is but Jason shows her the yearbook he found and says it's an "it" and not a person. Spencer then says that he is going to drive and they leave. Jason and Spencer arrive at April Rose Antiques as they look around the store for anything. When the store clerk comes up and asks them if he can help them Jason begins to explain that their friend dropped something off here and wanted them to pick it up but they don't really know what to look for because their friend can't be reached. The store clerk says that most of this stuff people have brought in. So Jason goes over to where Spencer is and Spencer shows him the necklace that used to be Ali's. He asks if she is sure that it belonged to Ali and she says yes, that Ali never took it off. Spencer asks the clerk if he remembers who brought this in but the clerk has no idea. Jason asks the store clerk how much the necklace is but the store clerk says there is no tag so its just for display. Jason offers him $100, then $200 and then $400 before they can finally buy the necklace. Jason and Spencer go to the police station where Jason hands the necklace over to them saying he got an anonymous tip leading him to the necklace. Spencer asks when they will know if it means anything but Jason says the officer didn't say and right now they wait. Spencer asks Jason if he still has the letters that helped Jason figure out that her dad is their dad. Jason says he does and Spencer wants to see them. But Jason says she doesn't want to do that because it would just hurt. Spencer smiles at this and Jason asks what she is smiling at. Spencer says it's nothing, that she was just thinking how different he is from Ali because the reason he doesn't want her to see the letters would be the reason Ali would want her to see the letters. Jason says he wonders what kind of person she would have turned into because he sees it with the kids he works with, that at first they're all attitude but when you peel back the layers, you find a person. Crazy Jason is on a run around the school when Spencer stops him. She thought that he was at the basketball courts but he said he pulled himself out of the game because he would hurt less people. Spencer says that would answer her next question which was is he all right because she feels like it was her fault. Jason assures her that she didn't make him go in there. Jason is done looking for answers because he is back to being a big screw up, which Spencer says he isn't. Attempting to cheer him up, Spencer brings up that she met CeCe and that she had an intense summer with Ali. But Jason says that their relationship ended on a bad note. In a flashback, Jason is with his dad who is clearly mad at Hanna for what she did to his wife. His dad yells at Hanna as Jason tells him to just go but his dad keeps on shoving him away. Then, Jason leaves with his dad and they get back in the car. At night, Jason got really drunk and is driving at night. He passes Spencer before he runs into another car. Spencer gets out to make sure he is all right and realizes that he is drunk. Spencer says that he better leave because the police are on their way but Jason wants to stay so he could get arrested like Garrett. Spencer then tells him to move over. Jason asks her why and she says this never happened. So he moves over and Spencer drives away covering for Jason. This Is A Dark Ride Jason shows up at The Brew waiting for the Ghost Train to arrive as he talks to Lucas. While on the train, Jason runs into Spencer. He just got back into town and was going to stop by her house, but he saw Garrett. Spencer informs him that he got out, which Jason still gets the chills from and he still doesn't think that Garrett is totally innocent. After Garrett is found dead, Jason waits in the train room as the police get statements from them. After Toby pushes Noel into the table, it breaks and a body bag comes out. Jason moves past the police as he looks at the bag, realizing that it's Ali's remains. She's Better Now Jason is at the High School and witnesses Mona Vanderwaal throwing away the cow brain. Later, Spencer sees him talking with Mona and giving her a hug. That evening, Jason drives up to his house as Spencer approaches him. She is worried about him getting close to Mona because of what Mona did to them. Spencer informs Jason that Mona can't be trusted, but Jason likes to give people the benefit of the doubt because people used to say that about him. At night, Jason sits on his porch when Spencer approaches him again. They discuss the fire that happened at the school and how Mona walked away without getting hurt. Jason hears her this time about how dangerous Mona is. After Spencer leaves, Jason goes to sit on his steps when Mona comes out with a band-aid to cover his wound, that looks a lot like a stab from a screwdriver. Dead to Me Jason enters the Brew where he finds Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Aria. He tells them that Ali's remains are getting re-buried at a mausoleum and that the things that they put in the casket are still missing. Jason knew that the girls would want some time with Ali as well, so he arranged for them to say their good-byes after his parents. But Spencer is done with all the good-byes and refuses to go. The next day, Jason sees Spencer taking out a lot of cash from the ATM. Spencer isn't very talkative to him, so he informs her that the other girls are coming by the service around seven. Spencer makes a nasty comment about it being a real party. Jason wants to know what is wrong with her because Alison was her best friend. But Spencer doesn't want to have this fight with him so she drives away. In the mausoleum, Jason, Hanna, Emily and Aria wait for Spencer to show up but she doesn't. When they go to Ali's mausoleum, they discuss how creepy it inside. Jason's parents could hardly stay in here because of how creepy it was. Just then, Spencer comes in and informs Jason that Ali was pregnant that summer, and that Wilden is the father. Jason is surprised at first but then leaves angrily. What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted In Jason is reading when Emily walks in and asks if they can talk about what Spencer said about Alison and Wilden. Jason first thinks that CeCe put Ali and Wilden together and Emily tells her she doesn't even know who he is. When Emily tells him about the picture of Wilden in Cape May, Jason remembers a picture Alison sent their dad with her on a boat and Emily wants to see it. Later, Jason and Emily goes to his house to get the key and finds many bottles on his porch. When Jason starts to empty and throw it out, Emily gets a text from "A" "You better tell him to save a couple, he might need it" and Emily looks around worried. At Jason's dad new loft, they start to unpack boxes to look for the picture. When Emily asks who would do that he says Alison would but she can't beyond the grave. Emily tells him that she knows he thinks of Mona as a friend but she would do something like that since she has pulled stunts like that for 2 years. But Jason says that she is a link to the answer of who dug up Alison's remains and that he is getting closer. Emily finds the box and sees a picture of Alison on the boat. Alison isn't the only one on the boat, she is with Wilden and CeCe (who lied about knowing who he is) and Jason says maybe she was meeting him herself and has a flashback to the night Alison went missing. Jason had just woke and could barely stand, so he gets some water from the water hose. he then sees Melissa talking to some girl with blonde hair and a yellow top (assumed to be Alison). when Jason calls Ali, the girl is revealed to be CeCe and they both look in shock as Jason dozes back off. Emily asks why didn't he tell the police he says because he still would've been a suspect because he was awake. When they are leaving, the elevator stops as their phones have no signal. Jason manages to open the elevator and tells Emily to climb down but Emily if frightened. Jason tells her she can do it and she succeeds, but when she tries to get Jason out, the elevator closes and drops down; damaging Jason. At the Hospital, Jason informs Emily that the photo is gone and Emily goes to get some water. Aria and Hanna who are closely followed by Spencer show up after getting Emily's S.O.S. and Emily tells them about the picture. The doctor comes back and asks them where Jason is. The group returns back to his room only to find his bed empty. Hot Water Although Jason is not present in this episode, he is mentioned by Emily to be staying with a friend in Virginia.

    CeCe Drake/Charlotte DiLaurentis: Broken Up.

    Aria Montgomery: Broken Up. (See "Jaria")

    •Jason biked the lava fields along the Kona coast in Hawaii after he first took off from college and compared it with the moon.

    •In "Touched by an 'A'-ngel", his high school yearbook is shown to be from 2005, making him approximately 24.

    •He filmed two of his half-sisters, Spencer and Alison, for the N.A.T. Club.

    •He is the last living member of that club (besides the possible members, Jenna and Melissa).

    •He kissed his half-sister Melissa, not knowing that they were related.

    •There is speculation among fans that he was hiding Alison in his house, when the girls thought it was Ian. The fact that she has been confirmed to be alive adds life to this. However, it was later assumed he didn't.

  3. Sep 15, 2023 · Drew Van Acker is known as the Jason DiLaurentis actor in Pretty Little Liars, but he wasn't the first actor cast in the role. Parker Bagley was initially cast as Jason, appearing in Pretty Little Liars season 1 before Van Acker took over.

    • Amanda Bruce
  4. Oct 6, 2024 · I would say if you asked me Season 4, the answer might have been, yeah, Jason might come to a tough ending, but especially on the heels of Clay in Season 6, it just felt like we’ve all been ...

  5. Following the season, was named the Yankees’ No. 1 prospect and No. 33 overall prospect by Baseball America…was also tabbed by the publication as the “Best Power Hitter,” “Fastest Baserunner,” “Best Athlete,” “Best Defensive Outfielder” and as having the “Best Outfield Arm” among Yankees farmhands.

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