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    • Leia Organa

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      • After the death of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa took on the role of Rey’s mentor. It was an odd choice given that prior to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, it seemed Leia hadn’t been trained as a Jedi, but the film retconned canon, revealing that her brother had taught her decades earlier.
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  2. Feb 25, 2015 · A mentor shares knowledge and wisdom with a less experienced companion, and the Star Wars films have some of the most beloved and inspirational in all of fiction. Naturally, the first mentor we meet in Star Wars is Obi-Wan Kenobi, masterfully played by Sir Alec Guinness.

  3. [i] Rey also appears in the film's sequels, The Last Jedi (2017) and The Rise of Skywalker (2019), and related Star Wars media. Rey is introduced as a scavenger who was abandoned as a child on the desert planet Jakku. She becomes an ally of the Resistance in its conflict with the First Order.

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    "Everything you do, everywhere you go, you have the hope of a galaxy with you."

    ―Leia Organa, to Rey

    Rey Skywalker, known only as Rey throughout the First Order-Resistance War, was a human female Jedi Master who fought on the side of the Resistance during the war. A former scavenger from the planet Jakku, her life was changed by the tumultuous events of the last days of the New Republic Era. Rey's decision to help the droid BB-8 set her on a course to discovering the Force that awakened within her, leading her to seek out Jedi Master Luke Skywalker for training. Yet despite her commitment to the Jedi Order and the light side of the Force, Rey felt the pull to the dark side due to her anger and the adversarial relationship she had with Ben Solo, a fallen Jedi whom she knew as the dark warrior Kylo Ren. The unique Force-bond between them was a result of their nature as a dyad in the Force.

    Rey Palpatine was born on Hyperkarn in 15 ABY during the rise of the New Republic. Her father, Dathan, was a bioengineered Strand-Cast cloned from the genetic template of Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who ruled the Galactic Empire as Emperor Palpatine until his death and resurrection following the Battle of Endor. The clone and his wife, Miramir, chose to live as simple junk traders in order to hide their daughter, who inherited Sidious' connection to the Force, from his followers. Even after the deaths of her parents, Rey was unaware of her Palpatine bloodline and was forced to survive on her own in the Jakku desert, and became a skilled mechanic, pilot, and combatant in the process. Her isolated life was disrupted shortly before war broke out across the galaxy in 34 ABY. Determined to help the Resistance, Rey gained several new allies including Finn, a renegade stormtrooper, as well as the veterans Han Solo and Chewbacca. In the course of their journey, she discovered her latent Force powers and sought guidance under Skywalker, who taught her the art of the Force despite his decision to end the Jedi legacy. After Skywalker sacrificed himself to save the Resistance, Rey assumed his mantle as the last Jedi and became the apprentice of General Leia Organa.


    "We will see each other again. I believe that." ―Rey's voice, as heard by Ezra Bridger In 1 BBY, during the Galactic Civil War and more than a decade before Rey's birth, her voice was heard by Padawan Ezra Bridger during his brief visit to the World Between Worlds—a place that existed beyond time and space. Rey and Ben Solo were the culmination of a prophesied Force dyad as well as the Rule of Two. Inspired by the Doctrine of the Dyad, the Rule of Two mandated that only two Sith could exist at a given time, a Sith Master and a Sith apprentice, though its ultimate goal was to create a dyad between two Sith Lords. Darth Plagueis tried to create a dyad with his apprentice, Darth Sidious, who, in turn, tried to create one with Solo's grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. Despite years of searching, the Sith never found a way to form a dyad on their own. Sidious regarded the Rule of Two as a pale imitation and an unworthy but necessary successor to the older, purer doctrine of the dyad that would be ultimately fulfilled by Solo and Rey.

    Adventure on Mon Cala

    "Oh yeah? Let's see how you could hold up against the power of the Force." ―Rey, to an Anoatian pit beast As her service carried on, Rey's reputation grew amongst members of the Resistance, who took her as a sign that the Force was truly with their movement. Sometime later, Rey went scavenging for spare generator parts while she stayed at the Resistance Camp on Anoat. She started a fight with a massive Anoatian pit beast. When fighting it, she tried to concentrate and use the Force to tame the beast, but to no avail. Eventually, she was saved by the Millennium Falcon with Leia, Chewie, and Tico on board, where they proceeded to go to Mon Cala While on Mon Cala, she fought some of Nossor Ri's men with her staff before Aftab Ackbar intervened. As a result of the fracas, the Resistance agents were brought before King Ech-Char for judgement. Chadkol Gee suggested the Ancient Rite of Challenge to settle it, and Rey agreed, in order to save her friends. She then fought Arkay-Nine. After Tico intervened, they were exiled off the planet in accord with the laws. However, a Quarren sabotaged their ship. Rey ran after the Quarren, and with Tico's help, captured him. They then brought him before the king again, they were able to convince him to lend the Mon Calamari's support. At the same time, a Star Destroyer fleet led by General Armitage Hux arrived.

    Mission to Minfar

    Sometime later, after the mission to Mon Cala, the new crew of the Millennium Falcon were sent to Fermic to pick up supplies. Dameron offered Rey to pilot, but she wanted to fly the vessel. As they were finishing loading, they received a distress call from Minfar, prompting them to head over to assist. Upon arriving, they were ambushed by the forces of a First Order light cruiser. After landing, the crew explored the jungle, soon falling into a series of tunnels where the Zixon lived. They were met by Lim, who took them to her village. Needing parts, the locals took them to the Forbidden Lands, which were old Imperial laboratories. The Zixon were then enthralled by the Echo Horn taken by First Order Commander Branwayne Spiftz. The First Order forces escaped, leaving the Resistance to come up with a new way to free the Zixon, assisted by the spy Glenna Kip. They went back to the Falcon to strafe the camp with Rey piloting, while Dameron infiltrated their cruiser the Ladara Vex and destroyed it and the Echo Horn. A call to the Resistance then allowed for reinforcements to arrive.


    "I know all about waiting. For my family. They'll be back, one day." ―Rey Rey was a human female who stood at 1.7 meters and weighed 54 kilograms. She had brown hair, hazel eyes, and light skin that adapted to the extreme ultraviolet radiation emanated by the sun that shone down on the desert world of Jakku. The harsh realities of such a world could have easily made a person cynical or guarded against sympathy and weaknesses, but not Rey. Despite eking out a meager existence in the scorching heat of the Western Reaches planet, Rey possessed a heart full of generosity and a willingness to help other people in need. It was this willingness that led her to not only help BB-8 be free of Teedo's interference and Plutt's attempts to acquire the droid but also led her to help BB-8 in its mission to return the star map it carried to the Resistance. Though she never wanted to leave Jakku for fear that she would not be there when her family returned for her, she believed in the importance of the Resistance and its fight against the First Order enough that it gave her strength to continue on BB-8's mission to find Luke Skywalker and defeat the First Order. She had a stubborn, private, and self-reliant side, distrustful of fellow scavengers Devi and Strunk when they offered her help in repairing the Ghtroc 690 freighter she'd found. It was difficult to change her mind once she'd made a decision, impatiently stealing a skiff speeder to reach the remains of the Death Star on Kef Bir instead of waiting for the tides to subside, against Jannah's advice to wait. She had a tendency to try to do things alone, both out of a desire to protect her friends and her stubborn nature. Still, her friends were incredibly important to her; she considered them her newfound family. Her teachings from Organa and Skywalker guided her in her journey in the Force, and it was only when Palpatine threatened to kill her friends that she considered going along with his plans. Her duel with Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base and the other events of that time had exposed Rey to fear, aggression, and anger. These emotions could easily bring one to the dark side of the Force. Rey needed guidance, and Skywalker was the only Jedi Master in the galaxy. However, by the end of their time together, Rey had grown furious with Skywalker due to his rejection of the Jedi and his refusal to explain his role in Ben Solo's fall to the dark side. She believed that the galaxy needed the Jedi Order and was dismayed by Skywalker's rejection of his mandate as the last Jedi. As difficult as it was for Rey reconcile the legendary Jedi Master with the defeated old hermit who wanted the Jedi to end, she remained steadfast in her conviction that Skywalker was the hero that the galaxy needed. Though her journey to Ahch-To ended in disappointment for Rey, she refused to give up hope—a trait which led Snoke to consider her a true Jedi in spirit, and precisely why he needed her to die. For years, Rey's imagination took her mind to other worlds, including those with lush green forests and beauty that she could never even dream of. The adventure she found while helping BB-8 and Finn brought her to one such world in the form of Takodana, where she began to realize that her destiny was not in the junkfields of a remote desert planet. Her encounter with Maz Kanata profoundly impacted how she saw herself and what she was capable of, and Rey began to see that she was part of a larger galactic fight—and that the power of the Force was with her. Her recognition of these abilities and her destiny coincided with turbulence in the Cosmic Force, which for years had remained dormant, and ultimately led her to find Skywalker. The years that she spent on Jakku also proved useful when faced with Skywalker's obstinacy; having learned the value of patience, Rey remained on Ahch-To despite the old Jedi Master's refusal of her entreaty, determined to wear him down. Their time became a battle of wits, as Skywalker and Rey were equally stubborn. When she found Skywalker short on answers, Rey improvised on her own, which was what she did best. For years, Rey remained optimistic and hopeful that her parents would return for her, wearing the same hairstyle and style of clothing that she had when they'd left her in the hopes that they'd recognize her when they came back. The question of who they were haunted her while on Ahch-To, and was left with feelings of disappointment and even greater loneliness when she found no answers. She was distraught when Kylo Ren led her to believe that her parents had been mere junk traders who sold their daughter for drinking money. The truth that she was Palpatine's granddaughter, however, had an even greater effect on her. She began to believe that, as a Palpatine, she was innately evil, and attempted to isolate herself on Ahch-To as Skywalker had, for the good of the galaxy. It was only with encouragement from Skywalker, who admitted he'd been wrong, that Rey overcame this fear and joined the final battle against the First Order on Exegol. Later, after the battle was won, Rey renounced her biological heritage, choosing her new family as she renamed herself Rey Skywalker. During Rey's time on Ahch-To, Skywalker felt that she reminded him too much of himself: full of hope, impatient and reckless. Snoke preyed on those attributes, knowing that Rey could not "resist the bait" he had laid before her. The most important friend in Rey's life was Finn. He was the first one to genuinely care about her as a person, immediately asking if she was okay when they'd been knocked off their feet while they fled from stormtroopers at Niima Outpost. Their skills complemented each other while they flew the Millennium Falcon, and by the time they escaped Jakku, they'd begun to form a deep, unbreakable bond, starting to care immensely for one another. Rey begged Finn not to leave on Takodana, and was willing to die with the unconscious Finn on Starkiller Base as it was collapsing on itself, but were saved by Chewbacca's arrival in the Falcon. She continued to worry about him while on Ahch-To, requesting Chewbacca to give Finn a message if she didn't make it. She hugged him tightly when they were reunited on Crait, relieved to once again be with her best friend. Their sense of care and trust for each other carried them throughout their time with the Resistance, inspiring and giving each other strength.

    Spiritual beliefs

    "What do you know about the Force?" "It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people and… make things float." "Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong." ―Luke Skywalker and Rey As a scavenger on Jakku, Rey had heard about the Force through stories told about the Jedi. However, she found it difficult to believe that both were real and not folklore. Though she would discover that the Force had always been within her, at the time Rey thought it was simply her "intuition and luck" that helped her to survive in Jakku desert. Her worldview began to change when she encountered Han Solo, who confirmed that both the Jedi and the Force existed. At first, Rey was overwhelmed by the revelation that she was connected to the Force. Though she eventually opened herself to the Force, using it to defeat Kylo Ren, her understanding of it was limited due to her lack of training. When her apprenticeship began under Luke Skywalker, Rey saw the Force only as the source of the Jedi's power, explaining that it helped them to make things "float." During her first duel with Ren on Starkiller Base, Rey had experienced her first temptation to the dark side; seizing on the vengeance Rey wanted to inflict upon Ren after the death of Solo, an amorphous, unknown voice in her mind ordered her to kill him. Rey recoiled from and rejected the temptation, but it would not be the end of her struggles with darkness. With Skywalker as her mentor, Rey came to see the Force as more than the abilities it granted to individuals such as herself. As a result, her knowledge grew to include ideas, such as the Force being an energy field that surrounded everything, binding the universe together, and serving as a balance between the dark side and the light. Rey's newfound belief in the Force led her to seek out Ren despite her master's warnings; having seen his future in a vision, she believed that the Force wanted her to bring Ben Solo back to the light. The outcome of her confrontation with Ren had mixed results for Rey. While she exulted in the way he saved her by killing his master, Supreme Leader Snoke, she was dismayed by Ren's decision to rule the galaxy instead of returning to the light. She had been certain that her vision would come to pass, though Skywalker had warned her that it would not. Ultimately, this incident caused Rey to revise her understanding of the Force once more. Until then, she had treated the Force as an instrument of her will. After allowing the Force to control her actions while fighting the Praetorian Guard, Rey saw herself and Ren as instruments of the Force, and consequently discarded an opportunity to take his life while he was unconscious. In Rey's mind, Ren's fate would be decided not by herself but by the will of the Force. Rey's faith in the Force grew stronger as she studied the Jedi sacred texts that she took from Skywalker. Although she appreciated the books for their knowledge and contribution to Jedi history, Rey did not believe that they contained a universal "truth" about the Force. Nevertheless, she was fascinated by them and would spend countless hours reading and learning arcane techniques.

    A dyad in the Force

    "Look at me. Ben. When we touched I saw your future, just the shape of it, but solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke. You will turn—I'll help you. I saw it. It's your destiny." ―Rey, to Ben Solo At first, Rey thought that Kylo Ren was a "creature" until she saw his face and was surprised by how young he appeared. After he killed his father, Han Solo, whom Rey regarded as a father figure, she abhorred his actions and called him a "monster." Ren's presence in Rey's life caused the scavenger to experience a range of emotions, such as fear and anger, but also sympathy and compassion. She also distrusted him; though she sensed that Ren used traces of the truth in the hope of accomplishing his goals for her, Rey doubted his intentions nonetheless. Rey was terrified of Ren whom she regarded as her "mortal enemy" and a genuine threat to the Resistance's survival. In addition to the anger she felt towards him, Rey was infuriated by Ren's calmness towards her as well as his curiosity about the connection between them. The interactions between them affected Rey in other ways as well. At one point, she was distracted by the sight of Ren without his shirt. She also felt strange when Ren addressed her by name. Through their Force-bond, however, Rey discovered the depths of Ren's inner turmoil. The combination of her solitude and the bond caused Rey to sympathize with Ren; by then, she saw him as someone who could relate to her feelings of abandonment and isolation. As a result, she grew more relaxed around Ren, experiencing relief instead of fear when their minds were bridged. She also developed her own interest in their connection, and wondered to what degree they could interact through the Force. At first, Rey believed that Ren fell to the dark side because he failed as Skywalker's apprentice. This view changed gradually as she interacted with both members of the Skywalker family, leading Rey to consider the possibility that it was the master who failed his student. After learning the truth about the destruction of Skywalker's temple, Rey was convinced that good still existed within the fallen Jedi, and she resolved to see him return to the light as the galaxy's last hope against the dark side. Rey rejoiced when Ren killed Snoke and helped her to defeat his master's bodyguards, only to become horrified by his decision take Snoke's place as ruler of the First Order. She cared about him by then, and she wanted to join him but as Ben Solo rather than Kylo Ren. Ren's choice to remain with the dark side disappointed Rey, who rejected his offer to rule the galaxy together.

    «Rey's really something by the way. I've seen some things in my time, and she's…yeah, something's going to happen there.»

    ―R2-D2, to BB-8 on Rey

    Rey honed her skills as a scavenger in the junkfields of Jakku, a planet on which every day was a struggle to survive against harsh sunlight, searing hot deserts, and cutthroat scavengers and thieves who would steal from anyone. This bleak reality, in which she nonetheless remained ever-hopeful, saw Rey develop a tenacity and instinct for survival. Her skills as a scavenger saw her earn the respect of junk traders like Plutt, who ensured that his thugs did not steal from her—unless her skills got in the way of his business. The need to survive against such beings, and the ability to traverse downed star cruisers and other war technology, necessitated that she remain in peak physical condition. She developed skills as a warrior, with the ability to expertly wield a quarterstaff against those who would threaten her. Her interactions with offworlders also allowed her to learn languages from other worlds, such as the Wookiee language of Shyriiwook, Teedospeak, Ewokese, and the binary language of droids. She also had a certain talent for drawing, which she put to good use in her journal.

    In her time on Jakku, Rey learned the ins-and-outs of being a mechanic, and she was gifted with a seemingly innate understanding of how machinery worked. This left her comfortable around vehicles and weapons, including the AT-AT she called home; she kept the weatherproofing of the downed transport intact to protect against the climate, and she set traps around it so scavengers could not steal from her. She built her own speeder and salvaged an old computer that ran simulations flying a variety of different ships. She became a skilled pilot by constantly practicing these simulations, despite never wanting to leave Jakku. These skills proved ever-useful when she piloted the Millennium Falcon away from Jakku, and she displayed an understanding of its systems and functions with a familiarity that rivaled even that of Han Solo. Chewbacca also recognized these abilities, giving her the pilot's seat in the Millennium Falcon after Solo died and the two set off to find Skywalker.

    All of these skills and more were put to the test when she left Jakku with BB-8 and Finn. Rey was forced to pilot the Millennium Falcon through the Starship Graveyard, in which she formed a working partnership with Finn when the former stormtrooper manned the gun turrets of the old Corellian vessel, and further helped Solo repair the Falcon when it was damaged. Her ability to understand languages not commonly found on Jakku came in handy when helping BB-8 with its mission, as well as through interactions with Chewbacca.

    The adventure that followed her leaving Jakku led Rey to discover that she was gifted with the powers of the Force. Though she initially rejected these powers and the destiny that came with them, Rey's encounter with Skywalker's lightsaber began awakening the power of the Force inside of her. She resisted Kylo Ren's attempt to probe her mind for the map to Skywalker and even turned his attack back on him to discover his own fears of inadequacy in the shadow of Darth Vader. Because of this, Ren concluded that Rey was strong with the Force; untaught, but stronger than she realized.

    Hellhound Two

    Rey made her home in the downed remains of an All Terrain Armored Transport called Hellhound Two, a leftover from the Battle of Jakku. After claiming it as her own, Rey made a number of modifications to the AT-AT. She disabled the fuel tank, as it was too dangerous to keep online, and welded the main hatch shut. As an entrance and exit, she used a side hatch that Imperial stormtroopers only would have used in emergencies. In order to operate the solar panels that Rey used to power her home, she salvaged two self-charging fuel cells from the wreckage of speeder bikes in the vehicle bay. Many of the materials also proved useful for salvage; E-11 medium blaster rifles, DLT-20A blaster rifles, terrain scanners, atmosphere intakes, and more were all materials she was able to trade to Unkar Plutt. While in the walker, Rey generally stayed inside the lower troop deck, though there was a speeder bike garage and upper troop deck in the walker. Despite Hellhound Two laying on its side, Rey came to think of it as right side up after getting so used to it. Inside she had a workbench for working on salvage material, her computer terminal, and a hammock that she made herself when she was a girl. Being inside the walker gave her a degree of protection as well. Not only did Rey maintain the vehicle's weatherproofing, thereby keeping the daytime heat and frigid nights out of the craft, but she also set up traps around the walker in order to keep scavengers out of her home.


    Although the AT-AT was her home, Rey's speeder was more important for her survival. Rey took great pride and joy from her speeder, a custom-built repulsorlift vehicle. It stood at 3.73 meters in length and carried no weapons, but its hauling capability, and the net used as a cargo bag on the side of the craft, allowed her to ferry items she salvaged from the Starship Graveyard to her AT-AT and Niima Outpost. Despite its ability to haul cargo, its space was limited; the craft valued speed over cargo capacity, so Rey often had to make return trips to carry her salvage into Niima Outpost. The craft was top heavy, making it difficult for other pilots to control it, but Rey was a skilled enough pilot to manage it. Its top heavy nature made her more confident that other scavengers would not steal it, as did her safety precautions: a fingerprint scanner that meant only she could power the speeder's engines, and a loose wire that she used to electrify the craft when she was not using it in the event that someone tried to hotwire the speeder. The speeder itself was built from supplies that Rey scavenged from the deserts. It was powered by twin turbojet engines she claimed from a downed cargo-hauler, which she mounted stacked rather than placing them side-by-side. She bolted them to powered amplifiers that she scavenged from an Imperial vessel. It was further customized with racing-swoop afterburners, a customized combustion chamber, and repulsorlifts she scavenged from crashed X-wing starfighters, amongst many other modifications she made. When carrying a limited load, the speeder was even powerful enough to accelerate to the point that it could fly like an airspeeder. Rey enjoyed using the craft to hone her piloting abilities, sometimes taking it out for flights and performing maneuvers like barrel rolls. The speeder's capabilities, as well as its necessity for survival, gave Rey a sense of independence. Although no one could be truly free and independent on Jakku, due to scavengers being dependent on Unkar Plutt for food, the speeder at least meant that Rey could go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted.


    "I have a reputation in Niima Outpost for being willing to use my staff, which keeps most of the riffraff from bothering me." ―Rey Being a scavenger required many types of tools and gear necessary to survive. Rey's scavenger clothing was ideal for protecting herself from the heat and carrying the tools she needed to do her job. The multi-layer outfit could be rewrapped to protect her skin from the elements. She wore tight-bindings to keep out the sun and sand as well as salvaged gauze wrappings. She even wore her hair in a simple style designed specifically for survival in the desert. Her boots were made for travelers and were created out of Govath-wool. Part of her gear included goggles from stormtrooper helmet lenses that Rey salvaged from a ship. Water was an essential part of a scavenger's life, and many scavengers forgot that the heat was their worst enemy. Rey always carried more water with her than she needed to and carried replacement parts for all of the critical components on her speeder. To be as successful a scavenger as Rey meant acquiring the best tools she could, learning how to use them, and always maintaining them. She carried her tools in a mesh-windowed salvage satchel that contained her salvages and survival equipment. Tools she kept in the satchel included a set of pilex bit drivers with Wessex and Blissex heads; modulators that included Mon Calamari hex-clamps and cruciform Verpine ratchets; all eight standard configurations of hydrospanners, including spare power cells; magnetizers and demagnetizers; a carbon chisel for removing scorching on her salvages; a chisel head hammer; harris wrenches, including two that were powered and one that came in the standard model; bonding tape; a power tester; microlenses for inspecting parts to see if there were breaks or cracks too small for the eye to see; a sensor jammer to ensure that memory units and computers were properly decoupled, lest their data be purged after being unhooked with authorization; and a datapad that contained schematics of ships from the Starship Graveyard. Rey also carried a salvage kit, made from happabore leather, with brushes for cleaning the parts she acquired. One of the most important items Rey carried was her quarterstaff, which she salvaged herself and wrapped with scraps of uniform. She kept the staff strapped to her person with a strap made from wool and bloggin-leather. The staff was an important tool for traversing downed ships. Because it was so dark inside the unpowered vessels, it was not unheard of to be injured by jagged metal or falling through brittle hull plating. Rey used her staff to check that every step she took was stable, particularly in a ship she had never been in before. She also used the quarterstaff in combat if necessary, which required her to keep a firm back-arm grip in order to power any sudden swings. While using it she remained standing in a lower defensive position, and she was practiced with skilled and agile footwork. Rey also had a small knife created out of a droid arm. After Rey left Jakku and arrived on Takodana, she was given an NN-14 blaster pistol from Han Solo. The pistol was small, befitting her own size. It had an armored body shell, flash-suppressing and stabilizing muzzle, and a compact grip that was suited for her small hands. Though it was small, its enlarged power core and reinforced frame meant that it was a sturdy weapon that delivered a powerful blast onto any enemies.

    Creation and development

    "I tend to gravitate towards stories of women, of young women in situations – as I did with Felicity and Alias. And we were talking about 'Who could this be?' and I saw this young woman." ―J.J. Abrams When Lucasfilm set out to create the Star Wars sequel trilogy, which would be released under the banner of The Walt Disney Company after its acquisition of Lucasfilm, it became clear to them that Star Wars could not just rely on the heroes of the original trilogy and would need to create a new generation of characters to take up the mantle. One such character was Rey who was conceived as the protagonist from the project's beginning. In the original treatments for the new trilogy written by George Lucas, the character was a 14-year-old Force-sensitive girl named Taryn. Later, during the development process for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, she was also known as Thea, Winkie, Sally, Echo, and Kira. The original screenwriter, Michael Arndt, agreed to write the film when he was told it would be the origin story of a female Jedi. He described Kira as a "loner hothead, gear-head, badass." J.J. Abrams, who was chosen as the film's director, quickly gravitated towards the idea of a female lead, and to the notion that the character, living thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, would not know who Luke Skywalker was or even regard him as a myth. Abrams was also drawn to the idea of a female Jedi being at the center of the Star Wars story. Luke Skywalker himself posed a challenge to the character who became Rey while Arndt was working on the early iterations of the film. In early drafts of the story, Arndt wrote that Rey's home was destroyed and she goes off a journey where she meets Luke and then defeats the villain. Arndt felt like Luke's presence upstaged Rey, thinking that every time Luke entered a scene he overshadowed her character because the audience would want to know more about him. Ultimately, the writers chose to make Luke the ultimate goal of the film, with Rey's journey culminating in discovering Luke in exile. During pre-production of The Force Awakens, Abrams called the character "Sally" as a placeholder before giving her the name "Kira," which was changed to "Echo," before he settled on "Rey." As the story was developed, Kira had two male companions: Sam, who became Finn, and a character then-known only as John Doe. John Doe was originally her partner, was briefly thought of as a Jedi, and then cast as a bounty hunter. He eventually evolved into a member of the Republic military, before evolving away from being part of Kira's story and becoming Poe Dameron. Kira was conceived as a scavenger in junkyards early on. At one point, an alien junk dealer was introduced into the story and Kira worked in a sort of used car lot that was run by a former Republic pilot, who was an elderly father figure for Kira. From this job, she would watch starships arrive and depart every day, giving her dreams of leaving her backwater world—a trait that made its way into the final film. Her skills with a pilot were also part of early concept art, including one depicting Kira flying a starfighter and fighting Star Destroyers. Her speeder, which in concept art also took the form of a small ship, was devised as a "hero ship," one that could show the audience something about the character and her abilities to assemble a craft through various different parts. By November 2013, the film's costume department created its first drawings for what Kira's costumes would look like. Initially, her costume design was going to have a lot of gear for climbing and tools because of her scavenging work, but the production team chose to go with a simpler look and pared the costume down. The final design was approved in February 2014, including the goggles that she wore while scavenging. The genesis of the goggles came from the production team not wanting people to know who the character was at first, including whether she was male, female, or even human. Her home, built in a downed AT-AT, was constructed in Abu Dhabi at the end of a mangrove swamp, which was the only place that the production could find that had a clear horizon and was flat and desolate. Abrams said that because the character's existence was miserable during her time on Jakku, he wanted her home to be built somewhere that seemed equally miserable. The name Kira was used as late as until filming in Abu Dhabi, when Abrams informed Ridley he had decided to go with Rey. The name was eventually used, with alternate spelling, for Han Solo's girlfriend Qi'ra in 2018's Solo: A Star Wars Story. For information on the creative back-and-forth before it was finally settled on making her a Palpatine, see the behind the scenes section in Palpatine family. : Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker editor Maryann Brandon said they considered cutting the character kissing Ben Solo at the end of the film: "I always said, 'The movie will tell us whether they should kiss or not. We will know by the time we get to the end of our process, if it should happen.' And I felt it should, and [director J.J. Abrams] agreed with me, and other people who saw the film agreed. I know it's not for everybody. I know there will be people who wish they hadn't, but this is a film that was never going to please everyone, and I think that the reviews are kind of reflective of that. The things that certain people love, other people hated. And that's the phenomenon of Star Wars."

    Casting and portrayal

    "She's not a superhero. She's a normal girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, so it's very relatable." ―Daisy Ridley In looking to cast the new film, Disney issued casting calls for a female lead and a male lead in The Force Awakens. The female lead, referred to only as "Rachel," sought a young woman to play a character between the ages of 17 and 18. The character was described as beautiful, smart, and athletic, and it was open to all ethnicities, as Abrams sought to diversify the saga and did not have any particular ethnicity in mind for the casting of the lead roles. The casting call provided vague bits of backstory for the character, saying that she was young when she lost her family and had to learn how to survive with strength, street smarts, humor, and guts in a dangerous town. Just like the final version of the character, and Luke Skywalker before her, the casting call further said that "Rachel" hoped she would one day escape her lot in life and move on to a better existence. Of the many actresses who auditioned for the role of Rey, the part went to Daisy Ridley, while young Rey was portrayed by Cailey Fleming in Rey's vision scene on Takodana. Ridley felt compelled to audition after hearing about the role, saying she had "this really weird feeling" that ultimately led her to securing the role of the saga's newest hero. The audition process took seven months and Ridley went through four or five auditions over that period before securing the role. At first, she was sour on her chances and did not believe her first few auditions were any good. By the time she made it to the final audition, however, Ridley said that it felt like everything clicked into place. Abrams intentionally wanted to cast an unknown like Ridley because he wanted the audience to discover her, and other new characters, as characters rather than as actors they had seen in other projects. After securing the role, for three months Ridley did not tell anyone that she was the new lead in the Star Wars franchise. She spent those three months training for the role after being asked to build up muscle, in order to credibly come across as a person who could lift heavy metals in the junkfields of Jakku and ultimately fight stormtroopers. The creation of a female lead and the casting of Ridley was deliberate. Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm and producer of The Force Awakens, said that there was no chance that a Star Wars film in 2015 was going to be released without diversity and balance. With the casting of Ridley, Kennedy said that they had found someone who had a physicality and self-confidence that Rey needed, as well as an optimism about how anything was possible—a trait mirroring Ridley's own rise from unknown actress to Star Wars hero. Ridley herself said that the character can serve as an inspiration for young girls around the world who, through Rey, can see a progressive and relatable female character on the big screen. For the film's soundtrack, composer John Williams wrote "Rey's Theme" and used it as the primary character motif of the film. Williams felt empathy for the character when he first saw her in the unfinished film, as she was introduced alone and without her family, so he wanted the theme to convey that empathy. He gave the track a musical grammar that was intended to be more of an adventure theme rather than a hero's theme, one infused with the promise of more adventure and heroic resolution to come. "Rey's Theme" recurs throughout the soundtrack, including in "The Scavenger", "That Girl with the Staff", "Farewell and The Trip", and "The Jedi Steps and Finale".[100] Ridley underwent extensive physical training in preparation for reprising her role in The Last Jedi.[101] As of 2020, Rey is being portrayed by Disney Parks cast members at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in both Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios, meeting guests and acting as a recruiter for the Resistance.[102] Ridley reprised her role in the Rise of the Resistance attraction in the form of a holographic message played to guests before the mission portrayed in the ride.[103] After Ridley's appearance as Rey in 2019's Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, it was announced at Celebration Europe 2023 that she will reprise her role once more in an upcoming film set fifteen years after The Rise of Skywalker.


    In the The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, shortly after becoming a Jedi Master, Rey took Finn as her apprentice and set off to the Unknown Regions in search of Jedi Temples.[104]

    Non-canon appearances

    ••Rey's Speeder - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 12 - 2015 Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link) •LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises — "Rey Strikes Back" •LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Scouting for Leia/A Mission with Maz" •••LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Rolling with BB-8/Resistance on the Run" •Fortnite X ••••LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales (Mentioned only) •••

    Non-canon sources

    •LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation | Official Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on •5 Things We Love About the LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation Trailer on (backup link) (Picture only) •LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation: A Vacation Adventure Clip on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on

  4. Dec 19, 2019 · Fun fact for fans of the extended universe: in the recent Star Wars novels, Wedge Antilles is not only Snap’s mentor, he’s married to Snap’s mom, Norra Wexley, a badass fighter in her own...

  5. Dec 5, 2017 · At the media junket for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Daisy Ridley spoke about her character Rey being taught by both Solo and Skywalker, addressing who is the better mentor. Check out her...

  6. Dec 15, 2017 · Rey's powers are so strong, fans really want to tie her in to one of the existing Force lineages. And if it's not the Skywalkers, then let's look to Anakin's mentor, Emperor Palpatine.

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