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  1. As set out in Smith's article, each parish has a patron, whose right to present an incumbent to the bishop for admission, institution and induction is called an advow-son. However, over many years in the last century it became clear that the system needed a good overhaul. Some argued that the system should be abandoned

  2. Patron The person or body owning an advo wson (i.e. right to present a priest to a benefice) who may be a private individual or a corporation (ecclesiastical or lay ). Plurality The holding of two or more separate benefices by one incumbent .

  3. Where the patron is a body, or is an individual who is not in Holy Orders or an actual communicant, it or he is to appoint a representative to act under the Measure. Special rules apply to benefices in the gift of the Crown.

  4. 6. A right of patronage is the right a particular individual or body (‘the patron’) has to present a priest to a vacant benefice. A benefice in this context means “the office of rector or vicar of a parish or parishes, with cure of souls”.1 A benefice may comprise just one parish, or more than one parish (a ‘multi-parish benefice’). 7.

  5. With regard to the one to be presented, in the case of a benefice involving the cure of souls, the ecclesiastical patron must choose from among the candidates for presentation the one he believes the most suitable, judging from the parish concursus.

  6. Patron person who sponsors or aids individuals (eg artists), nonprofits or charities; protector or benefactor. There are two main options for the role of a Patron – from the organisation’s perspective, passive, or active

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  8. (1)Where an office is registered as a patron of a benefice, the person who is for the time being the holder of that office shall, subject to the provisions of Part II of this Measure, be...

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