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  1. Oct 18, 2023 · Fiona Dourif - Nica Pierce Fiona Dourif. Fiona Dourif's Nica Pierce from the Child's Play movies returns to Chucky. The last time the character appeared was in 2017's Cult of Chucky where she learned more about the killer doll and its human alter-ego, Charles Lee Ray.

    • who plays nica pierce in chucky the killer doll 31
    • who plays nica pierce in chucky the killer doll 32
    • who plays nica pierce in chucky the killer doll 33
    • who plays nica pierce in chucky the killer doll 34
    • who plays nica pierce in chucky the killer doll 35
    • Overview
    • Curse of Chucky (2013)
    • Cult of Chucky (2017)
    • Chucky: Season 1 (2021)
    • Chucky: Season 2 (2022)
    • Chucky: Season 3 (2023)
    • Murders Committed By Nica
    • Trivia

    "Look, I know that this sounds nuts, but that doll- I think that there’s something in it!"

    ―Nica to Barb about Chucky.

    Nica lives with her mother in a secluded house. A strange package containing a Good Guy doll arrives at their door, which they are confused by and promptly throw it in the trash. However, that night Nica is awakened by her mother screaming and discovers her corpse on the floor, seemingly having fallen off the balcony to her death.

    Nica is visited by her sister Barb, her husband Ian, their daughter Alice, babysitter Jill, and Father Frank. She gives the Good Guy doll to Alice, not thinking anything of it, but with a strange feeling coming about her house that night, she grows more suspicious of the doll. She phones the post office and discovers that the package came from an evidence depository. She looks up all the information about the doll, and unravels the history of Andy Barclay and Chucky. Scared as the power goes out, Nica shouts for Barb who appears on the second floor landing holding the doll, the two begin to argue because Barb thinks Nica has prior knowledge of the nanny cam she had just learned of. Nica demands Barb put the doll down, but she refuses and dismisses her sister as Nica calls her to come back. Shortly after however, with noises coming from upstairs, Nica climbs up to the attic staircase, only to have Barb and her recently removed eyeball, courtesy of Chucky, roll down to her.

    Chucky reveals himself, proclaiming that Nica is next. Frantic, she scrambles to a closet to get a spare wheelchair, and wheels herself to Ian's room. She wakes up Ian, telling him that Chucky is alive and that they have to find Alice. He takes Nica down to the garage for her safety, and goes back inside the house in search of Alice. Chucky sneaks into the garage and into the car, and begins to rev the engine in an attempt to kill Nica. Thinking fast, Nica grabs a hatchet and smashes the car window, then tries to grab the keys and turn the car off. The noise makes Ian return, and upon seeing Nica with the hatchet, accuses her of murdering Barb and Jill. She pleads to him that she didn't, but the stress of the situation causes her to faint.

    When she wakes, she has been taped to her chair by Ian, who sees her as a murderer. Nica tries to convince him of her innocence, but he gags her. He intends to prove her guilt with the use of the camera he attached onto Chucky. However, when he turns it on, he sees the live feed of Chucky charging the wheelchair into him. While Ian is on the ground, Chucky grabs the hatchet and chops his lower jaw off, killing him. He then sets his sight onto Nica, who has wriggled out of her restraints. He axes Nica in the knee, but she feels nothing and manages to remove it from her leg. Using the blunt side of the axe, she knocks his head clean off. With a sigh of relief, Nica tries to tie up the wound to stop the blood. However, as a doll, Chucky simply reattaches his head, and then proceeds to push Nica off the balcony to the floor below.

    Nica is condemned to a maximum-security institution called Lochmoor for four years, under the watch of Dr. Foley. She had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and was made to believe that she committed the murders of her family and that Chucky was just a manifestation of her psychosis. Although she still sees herself as a monster for making her niece an orphan, Foley insists that she has made tremendous progress in accepting the hard truths about herself. She is then transferred to a medium-security institution, Harrogate, in order to give her more freedom.

    After arriving at Harrogate, she quickly befriends fellow patient, Malcolm, with whom she has a brief sexual encounter. She is then included in a group therapy session led by Dr. Foley. Everyone except Malcolm believes Nica was the one who killed her family. Nica explains to the group that she killed her family because she was jealous of her older sister Barb and too possessive of her niece, Alice. Dr. Foley then includes a Good Guy doll into the session as a therapeutic tool, which Madeleine, a member of the group keeps after believing the doll to be her "baby". During lunch, she is visited by Alice's guardian, Tiffany, who informs her Alice is dead and left behind for her a Good Guy doll, which she used in therapy. Nica is devastated by the news and gives the doll to Dr. Foley. That night, she attempts suicide by slitting her wrists with a spoke from her wheelchair. The next morning however, Nica wakes to find her wounds stitched up and a message saying "NOT SO FAST" written in a pool of her own blood.

    It is discovered that morning that fellow patient Angela was killed overnight in an apparent suicide. The therapy group is shaken by the death, and during the conversation Nica learns the surname of Alice's guardian was Valentine. Shocked, she realizes that Tiffany is Charles Lee Ray's girlfriend, and now knows that Chucky is in fact real and alive. She is convinced that the Good Guy doll is possessed by Chucky, so to put the issue to rest Dr. Foley holds a lighter over the doll's hand, melting the plastic until the fingers are disfigured. Nica suggests that Chucky switched places with Madeleine's doll and wants to melt its hand, which upsets Madeleine and she leaves the room. After the room is empty, Nica and Malcolm decide to steal Madeleine's doll and dispose of it, believing it to be Chucky. However, before they reach Madeleine she leaves the building to go for a walk outside, with Nurse Ashley stopping the two from following her. Nica distracts Ashley and Malcolm sneaks outside, allowing Nica to watch from the window. She sees Madeleine standing in front of an open grave, with Chucky giving her the finger as Madeleine throws the doll into into the grave. Malcolm arrives just in time to be pushed into the grave by Madeleine, and is rescued by the nurses. When Malcolm emerges from the grave with the doll, he evilly smirks at Nica.

    When Claire's corpse is found by Nica, she and Dr. Foley have a private therapy session together. She explains to him that Chucky is behind the murders, and that both Good Guy dolls in the asylum are alive somehow. He is unnerved by Nica's "regression" about her belief in Chucky, so he decides to help her accept the truth through the use of hypnosis. While she is hypnotized, Foley proceeds to kiss her, but before he can continue Chucky knocks him unconscious by breaking the whisky bottle over his head. Chucky attempts to then coax Nica into killing Dr. Foley. Before she can act she falls into a deep sleep, dreaming that she is crawling along the institution's floor. She stops to look up and see Alice, wearing red shoes. Alice tells her that "we've been waiting for you", and disappears as Chucky approaches.

    The next day, the remaining therapy group is waiting for Dr. Foley, who is running late. Malcolm insists his new name is "Charles", but Nica shakes it off and instead focuses on getting Madeleine's doll from her. Upset, Madeleine walks away to her room to put her doll to sleep. When Nica tries to follow her, Foley stops her in the hallway and tells her she assaulted him during their hypnosis session. He tells her he is willing to keep his mouth shut about this incident if she is, before the two of them enter Madeleine's room to find she smothered her doll to death. While Madeleine admits her guilt of killing her real baby, Nica believes that Chucky is faking it and tries to take the doll. Angered, Foley exclaims that it is time they buried the past once and for all, and arranges a burial for the Good Guy doll outside. Nica watches from the window inside, waiting for Chucky to reemerge, knowing the crisis has not yet ended. Hours later, her suspicions are correct, but as soon as Madeleine's Chucky breaks free from the grave, Nica is suddenly sedated by Alice's Chucky. He then puts Nica in a straitjacket and wheels her to Dr. Foley's office. Foley arrives later and finds her in his office, where she claims Chucky did this to her and that he will kill him too.

    Dr. Foley is unconcerned, as he's sure that no one would ever believe a supposed schizophrenic mass murderer. Kneeling down, he gives her a pair of red high heels and begins kissing her toes before putting on the shoes. When he goes in to kiss her again, she spits in his face causing him to lurch back just in time to be hit by another whisky bottle. To Nica's horror, she learns both of the dolls are alive, and watches as Madeleine's Chucky brings yet another Good Guy doll to life. Alice's Chucky explains that a few years prior, he had discovered a new voodoo spell on "" that allows him to possess multiple vessels at once. This included Alice, whom he states was killed by one of his victims, much to Nica's dismay.

    Nica/Chucky and Tiffany make their way back to Hackensack and stay in the local hotel. They have kidnapped two men, having already killed one of them and forcing the other man to watch them make out. Chucky and Tiffany have an argument over her eating, causing her to storm out and leaving Chucky alone with their victim. Chucky then grabs his knife and slices into the man's head. However, the sight of blood on the knife causes Nica to regain control of her body and she collapses to the ground. She is confused as to where she is, and is immediately concerned upon seeing the man tied to the chair. She crawls over to him and removes the ball gag from his mouth. He begs her not to kill him, and she comes to the realization that she had been possessed for two weeks. She tries to explain that Chucky murdered her whole family and used his voodoo to transfer a piece of his soul into her. Nica attempts to save the young man by untying one of his hands, but he accidentally hits her when his hand is freed, causing her to revert back to Chucky. Nica/Chucky then promptly slits the man's throat.

    While Tiffany tries to stuff one of the men's bodies into a suitcase, Chucky makes snide comments to her about cutting the body into smaller pieces. When she cuts one of the man's hands off with a cleaver, the blood splatters on Chucky's face, causing Nica to regain control again. With Tiffany out of the room, Nica manages to crawl into the kitchen and onto a chair. She pretends to still be Chucky as Tiffany returns and the two play a game of Poker.

    Suspicious of "Chucky", Tiffany asks him to recall the details of their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. Nica attempts to dodge the question until she eventually gives a generic answer to try to bluff her. Tiffany then reveals that she knows Nica has regained control, and to prove it, she stabbed her in the thigh 10 minutes ago which she had still not noticed. Scared, Nica asks what she plans on doing with her. Tiffany then divulges that she has developed feelings for Nica over the years, and prefers spending time with her over Chucky. As an added surprise, she tells Nica that she bought the two of them a house in Hackensack, which in reality is Charles Lee Ray's childhood home. She comments that her only problem is figuring out how to keep Nica in control instead of "that rat Chucky", and then knocks Nica unconscious with a pan to the head.

    Stuffing Nica in the trunk of her Pontiac, Tiffany drives to her newly purchased home. She leaves Nica inside bound and gagged, as she leaves for the day. Later that evening, Devon comes across Nica after breaking into Charles' house and sets her free. However, he is unaware that Chucky is in control and is faking being Nica. Chucky uses Devon's taser to knock him out and ties him up in the basement. Nica/Chucky then waits for Junior and his Chucky doll to arrive, where they unveil their plan to deliver 72 possessed Good Guy dolls across the country.

    Since having all her limbs amputated, Nica has been forcibly imprisoned at Tiffany's mansion in Beverly Hills for a whole year, dressed in puff dresses like a doll. She wakes up one morning to Tiffany screaming, which she brushes off as a bad dream. Nica makes a snide remark that is was "probably her fucking conscious" and coldly berates Tiffany for chopping off her arms and legs, which Tiffany ignores as she feeds her breakfast. Later in the day, Tiffany and Nica watch the film Liar Liar. Nica comments on how sad this situation is, just sitting and watching old Jennifer Tilly movies over and over again. Nica questions when the last time Tiffany even booked a job as "Jennifer Tilly", and that she knows that Tiffany has already gone through all of Jennifer's $100 million divorce settlement money and may be losing the house soon. She mentions that when she first was kidnapped by Tiffany, she thought she would be staying with a glamourous movie star; instead, she got a washed-up impostor obsessed with a fake past. She urges Tiffany to get out of the house and get a job. Tiffany refuses, saying that Nica would try to escape, but Nica angrily argues that she can not possibly escape with her arms and legs gone. Suddenly the front doorbell rings, and Nica begins screaming for help. Tiffany quickly stifles her with a ball gag.

    Since being held captive, Nica has begun working with the Chucky inside her body. The two agreed to work together, in order to separate and to get revenge on Tiffany. Three months prior, Nica was found by Glen and Glenda. She explains her situation to them, that she was kidnapped by their mother, who amputated her limbs and kept her locked up for a year. The twins agree to help her escape, but Nica tells them that she cannot just leave immediately as she is wanted in five states. Nica has a plan which she worked out with Chucky, and they execute it during the twins' birthday party three months later. Glen rescues Nica from the bedroom and takes her to a secret room in the basement. Their plan is halted as the power is out, and Tiffany had a new security system installed meaning they can no longer escape unnoticed through the backdoor. While waiting for the power to return, Nica and Glen bond over their shared feelings of missing a part of themselves. Nica shares with them that she knows their father, and is glad that they are nothing like their psychotic parents. Suddenly, the power comes back on, and they move forward with their plan. While heading for the elevator, they come across the corpse of Joe Pantoliano causing Chucky to gain control of Nica. This confuses and distracts Glen, giving Glenda the opportunity to knock Glen unconscious while Glenda and Chucky go and kill Tiffany. However, while Chucky attempts to shoot Tiffany with his prosthetic arms, he discovers that the gun is out of bullets. Tiffany slaps him, causing Nica to come back. Just then, Glen runs into the room and yells for Nica to follow them. She hurriedly wheels herself out of the house and into the van waiting outside, driven by Kyle. As Glen has decided to stay back, Kyle drives away with Glenda and Nica.

    They head for Incarnate Lord, as the Chucky in Nica's head has told her that there is someone there who will help them separate. During the journey, they stop at a hotel for the night. In the morning, she and Kyle watch the news as they discuss Chucky and the possibility of Andy being alive. On the news, it is reported that Jennifer Tilly and her children, Glen and Glenda, are wanted for questioning in connection to the multiple homicides that occurred at her burned down mansion. By midnight, Nica, Glenda, and Kyle arrive at Incarnate Lord. Kyle works out a plan with Dr. Mixter to perform an exorcism on Good Chucky to allow Nica and the Chucky inside her to separate. Nica is also finally introduced to Andy, and they share how they were first introduced to Chucky tormenting them. In order for the exorcism to work, everyone involved must confess to Father Bryce and do their penance. In the confessional booth, she explains how she hates Chucky for destroying her life and Tiffany for holding her prisoner. Most of all, she hates herself for failing to stop them, and has resolved to finally get her hatred out.

    In the evening, the exorcism commences. Everyone restrains Chucky as they chant and Father Bryce throws holy water on him. Nica is blindfolded to avoid Chucky Prime from surfacing with the sight of blood. Eventually Chucky's soul is freed from the doll, at the expense of Father Bryce who is possessed and his body exploded by Chucky, killing them both. Nica then proceeds with the soul transfer, reciting the Damballa spell to separate the Chucky from her body and allowing him to possess the Good Guy doll. Dr. Mixter takes Chucky and the two make their way out of Incarnate Lord. Before they leave the school, Andy runs behind them and shoots Chucky in the jaw causing Dr. Mixter to drop him. Andy continues shooting Chucky until he is finally dead. Outside of the school, Nica catches up with Glenda, and the two share a cigarette as she thanks them for helping her get her life back. They ask what Nica will do with her life now, and she remarks that she might just take it easy and watch a movie that doesn't star Jennifer Tilly. Just then, Tiffany's car arrives at Incarnate Lord, and Glen runs out to hug Glenda. This reunion is cut short as Nica attempts to get her revenge and shoot Tiffany, only for Glen to take the bullet to protect their mother. Nica realizes horrified that she shot an innocent kid as Glen is carried back into the car by Glenda and Tiffany, and the three drive away.

    Although Tiffany tries to do away with being Jennifer Tilly and transfer her soul to a Wedding Belle doll, she is arrested by the police for first-degree murder. As she is taken into a police car outside the hotel, Nica watches her until she is driven away. Her attention then turns to Caroline, who has just exited the hotel with Chucky in her hands. Nica chases after them, but is forced to stop due to her wheelchair when they descend the stairs towards the subway.

    When Tiffany's trial finally begins in June, Nica is called in as a witness. On the stand, she details how Tiffany kidnapped her, dismembered her, and held her hostage for over a year, during which she witnessed her kill nine people. The attorney cross-examining her brings up that Nica had been framed for many of Tiffany's crimes, to which Nica responds that she had been fully exonerated after Tiffany's arrest. The attorney further remarks how Tiffany also confessed to the murders of Nica's family, which Nica had already been found guilty of four years before she met Tiffany. When the attorney asks why she would confess this, Tiffany shouts that she did it because she loves Nica, causing Nica to lose her composure and call Tiffany a homicidal maniac. After the judge calls for order, the attorney dismisses Nica.

    Nica returns to the courtroom to hear Tiffany's guilty verdict, and is greatly relieved as she leaves. Months later, Nica again comes to the courtroom to hear Tiffany's sentencing, death by lethal injection. As Tiffany is led out, Nica wheels herself in front of her, telling her that she is getting what she deserves. When asked if she is still in contact with GG, Nica reveals that she calls them daily and they are safe now being away from their killer parents. Before Tiffany is taken away, Nica promises her that she will be there to watch her die, and then she will "roll her wheelchair over her fucking grave".

    On the day of Tiffany's execution, Nica attends to watch it unfold. Before the lethal injection begins, she decides to say her final piece to Tiffany. From a promise she made with GG, she passes on their message that they think she's a wonderful mother and she always tried to protect them from those who were cruel to the fact that they were different. Nica also mentions that she knows the truth about Tiffany, and that she will burn in Hell.

    1.Dr. Foley: Head stomped in. (Possessed by Chucky)

    1.Unnamed Man #1: Stabbed. (Off-screen; Possessed by Chucky)

    •She is the first main character of the franchise to be in a wheelchair.

    •She was born in Providence, Rhode Island.

    •Nica is the only member of the Pierce Family who is still alive.

    •Nica had been studying at the local college to become a psychologist, but failed to complete her thesis and withdrew. Her thesis was on completion anxiety.

    •She has an unspecified heart condition, which causes her to faint when she is stressed or overexerts herself. However, this is not shown again by the events of Cult of Chucky and the Chucky TV series.

    •Actresses Amelia Jackson-Gray and Jacinta Yelland also auditioned for the role of Nica.

  2. › wiki › Nica_PierceNica Pierce - Wikipedia

    Nica Pierce. Nica Pierce (born November 25, 1988 Providence, Rhode Island) is a fictional character in the Child's Play franchise. She was created by Don Mancini and is portrayed by Fiona Dourif. She is the protagonist in two of the seven films, first appearing in Curse of Chucky (2013) and subsequently in Cult of Chucky (2017).

  3. › wiki › Fiona_DourifFiona Dourif - Wikipedia

    In 2017, Dourif reprised her role as Nica Pierce in the horror sequel film Cult of Chucky. [10] [11] She reprised the role again in the 2021 television series continuation, Chucky, as well as playing the on-screen version of Charles Lee Ray in flashbacks, the role her father played in the original 1988 film and returned to voice for the series ...

  4. May 3, 2024 · SYFY WIREChucky. Fiona Dourif on the Challenges of Playing Nica Pierce: “I Keep Losing Body Parts”. The actress sees the doomed heroine as the “final girl” in Chucky, and we’re here for it. By Grace Jidoun May 3, 2024, 2:33 PM ET. Inside Chucky Season 3, Episode 8: Guys and Dolls. Now Playing.

  5. Aug 17, 2023 · SyFy releases the teaser for Chucky season 3, which debuts on October 4. The teaser for Chucky takes the form of a press conference led by Chucky, hinting at further developments in the story. A teaser for Chucky season 3 reveals some new details for the upcoming episodes. The SyFy and USA Network series is an expansion of the Child's Play ...

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  7. Apr 2, 2024 · TV’s Chucky continues the doll-possessed-by-a-serial-killer franchise that began with the 1988 feature Child’s Play. The second half of Season 3 premieres on Wednesday, April 10, on Syfy, USA Network cable and Peacock streaming. In Season 3’s first half, Chucky (voiced as always by Brad Dourif) infiltrated the White House.

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