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- INTRODUCTION. I DO not know how familiar some of you may be, either from your reading or from hearsay, with psychoanalysis. But, in keeping with the title of these lectures—A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis—I am obliged to proceed as though you knew nothing about this subject, and stood in need of preliminary instruction.
- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ERRORS. WE begin with an investigation, not with hypotheses. To this end we choose certain phenomena which are very frequent, very familiar and very little heeded, and which have nothing to do with the pathological, inasmuch as they can be observed in every normal person.
- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ERRORS—(Continued) AT the last session we conceived the idea of considering the error, not in its relation to the intended act which it distorted, but by itself alone, and we received the impression that in isolated instances it seems to betray a meaning of its own.
- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ERRORS—(Conclusion) WE may certainly put it down as the conclusion of our labors up to this point that errors have a meaning, and we may make this conclusion the basis of our further investigations.
APA PsycBooks ®, a database of full-text of books in psychology, includes APA-published titles, classic resources in Psychology, the Encyclopedia of Psychology, and out-of-print books from 1880 to 2005. In 2011, APA added two new electronic products.
Mar 14, 2003 · Robert Wozniak’s essays on 48 important works published between 1855 and 1914 are in Classics in Psychology (1999): Mind and Body: René Descartes to William James, by Robert Wozniak, accompanies an exhibition of books from the National Library of Medicine for the 1992 centennial of the American Psychological Association.
- Richard Hebért
- 2003
Title: APA handbook of trauma psychology / Steven N. Gold, PhD, editor-in-chief. Other titles: Handbook of trauma psychology Description: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, [2017] | Series: APA handbooks in psychology | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016051163| ISBN 9781433826535 | ISBN ...
A comprehensive overview of counseling psychology, including key professional practices and issues, interventions, research, and concepts.
- Paperback
Many personal and professional concerns led G. Stanley Hall to found the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1892, and its subsequent development through its earliest years reflected the cultural and institutional milieu in which it emerged, much more than it did the intellectual and scientific issues that interested psychologists ...
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Known for its authoritative, easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, language, and tone that will result in powerful, concise, and elegant scholarly communication.