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172 J. Green and S. Honkapohja, Bilateral contracts benefits that are relevant. A more complex version presents the buyer with a non-linear price schedule.’ Alternatively, the supplier may be given control in a contract with a specified revenue function along which he can optimize.
In this chapter I survey the recent theoretical and empirical advances in the economics of inter- national trade agreements, focusing on three main topics: the motives for trade agreements; the designofrulesandinstitutionsfortradepolicy;andregionaltradeagreements.
This second edition provides a new collection of case studies illustrating the latest trends and innovations in bilateral and regional trade agreements (BRTAs). The selected BRTAs represent a good sampling of regional variation and cover the most important substantive issues.
- Foreword
- (1) Index of WTO Dispute Settlement Panel and Appellate Body Reports
- (1) (cont.)
- EC Approval and Marketing of Biotech
- (1) (cont.)
- (1) (cont.)
- US–Line Pipe Safeguards
- (1) (cont.)
- Mexico)
- (2) Index of GATT Dispute Settlement Panel Reports
xiii Table of cases xvi Table of treaties and international agreements xxvii
Lorand Bartels is a University Senior Lecturer in Law in the Faculty of Law and a Fellow of Trinity Hall at the University of Cambridge, where he teaches interna-tional law, WTO law and EU law. He holds degrees in English literature and law from the University of New South Wales and a PhD in law from the European University Institute. Dr Bartels is...
A sign of the times in trade is that the scholarship of some of the best thinkers on trade law is focused on new bilateral and regional trade agreements instead of on new multilateral trade agreements. This is not because they no longer care about multi-lateral agreements. It is because there are no new multilateral agreements. Since the conclusion...
Short title Full title and citation Argentina–Footwear Safeguards Argentina–Footwear Safeguards Canada–Automotive Industry Canada–Automotive Industry Canada – Continued Suspension (EC-Hormones)
xvii Short title Canada–Periodicals Chile–Alcoholic Beverages
– Products EC–Asbestos EC–Bananas III EC–Bananas III
Short title EC–Chicken Classification EC–Customs Matters EC-Sardines EC–Sugar Subsidies EC–Tariff Preferences EC–Trademarks and Geographical Indications (US) EC and Certain Member States–Large Civil
Short title US–Continued Suspension (EC-Hormones) US–Cotton Underwear US–Cotton Underwear US–Gambling Services US–Gambling Services US–Gasoline US–Lead and Bismuth II
Full title and citation Panel Report, United States
xxi Short title US–Line Pipe Safeguards US–Shirts and Blouses US–Shrimp
Full title and citation Panel Report, United States–De nitive fi
Short title EEC (Member States)–Bananas I Italy–Agricultural Machinery Norway–Trondheim Toll Ring Thailand–Cigarettes
Drawing on a burgeoning literature in economics, this article explains that commitment to stick with an original contract, even if both parties later want to modify that contract, may improve contractors’ welfare.
economists’ conflation of free trade with trade agreements is rooted in an implicit political economy perspective that views import-competing interests as the most powerful and dominant architect of trade policy.
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What are the benefits of bilateral contracts?
Are bilateral and regional free trade agreements a viable alternative?
Does a bilateral agreement eat up the gains from a previous agreement?
How can a bilateral agreement be facilitated?
Can contract law facilitate bilateral commitment among contractors?
Do free trade agreements really work?
This book provides a comprehensive study of recent bilateral and regional trade agreements. There are two main aspects. First, it situates bilateral and regional trade agreements in the context of economics, international law and international relations. Second, it surveys the most important recent agreements