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  1. Download; XML; Margin Notes:: Reading Lesbianism as Obscenity in a Cold War Courtroom Download; XML; ʹItʹs a Tough Time to Be in Loveʹ:: The Darker Side of Chatelaine during the Cold War Download; XML; Monkey on the Back:: Canadian Cinema, Conflicted Masculinities, and Queer Silences in Canada's Cold War Download; XML

  2. of mother love during the early yea rs of the Cold War. I wil l explore how the Cold War nurtured a vi sion of mother love as a biol ogi ca l ne ed, spe cif ic all y Joh n B owlb y’s vi ew t hat ...

  3. The Cold War demonstrated the power of the two great powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, through a conflict that lasted more than four decades. Study its origin, process and consequences with our library of Cold War books in PDF format, where you can learn more about this interesting episode of the twentieth century.

  4. And although the show is fiction, Weisberg has previously referred to the danger of making a fictional series about the non-fictional Cold War, that essentially sides the spectator with “the enemy”, saying that ‘You couldn't do that right after the Cold War. But you can do it 30 years later’ (Weisberg 2013).

  5. I'm talking about why thoughtful, loving men can love war even while knowing and hating it. Like any love, the love of war is built on a complex of often contradictory reasons. Some of them are fairly painless to discuss; others go almost too deep, stir the caldron too much. I'll give the more respectable reasons first.

  6. Apr 19, 2017 · love, since feelings of love can be triggered by an endless range of idiosyncratic quirks. Lo ve lacks reliable causes, and that undermines the analogy between love and perception. 4.

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  8. Dec 1, 2018 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. ... Such mutually coordinated sexual interactions may promote feelings of love . ... This heightened trust, in turn, leads people to be more committed to the ...

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