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  1. May 27, 2021 · As a modern American we are so disconnected from ancient cultures that some parts are simply inexplicable. However, the golden calf is quite understandable to the ancient world. In this article I will be explaining both the system of idol worship in the ancient Near East as well as why a calf was specifically selected for worship.

  2. The Tabernacle succeeded where the calf failed because, in the Tabernacle, physical objects become sacred only when they were so designated by G‑d. Unlike the calf, the Tabernacle was chosen at G‑d's behest and therefore became sacred. Indeed, the Tabernacle was considered an atonement for and rectification of the sin of the Golden Calf.

  3. Nov 1, 2021 · 3. The Israelites tried to justify their reasons for setting up the golden calf. Later in the passage, when Moses confronted Aaron about why he built the calf, Aaron offered nothing but excuses. Often, when we worship idols in our lives, we can create our own form of logic for why we are justified in worshipping anything less than God.

  4. Jan 4, 2022 · Aaron’s bull was a mixture of the powerful God who delivered the people through mighty works and the pagan methods of worship that were borrowed from the people around them. Even though there are reasonable explanations for why Aaron and the people began to worship the golden calf, those explanations do not excuse the sin.

  5. Moses burned the golden calf and ground it into a powder, which he mixed with water and gave the people to drink. He rebuked Aaron and called for the people who would choose the Lord to come to him. The Levites did so, and Moses instructed them to strike down the Israelites who were worshipping the golden calf.

  6. Dec 5, 2016 · A second example of golden calf worship is found in the northern kingdom of Israel under King Jeroboam, who seceded from the southern kingdom of Judah in 928 BCE following the death of King Solomon. In an effort to dissuade his own subjects from making pilgrimages south to Jerusalem (the capital of his adversary, Judah), Jeroboam set up two alternative shrines on either end of his kingdom:

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  8. Feb 16, 2022 · [1] The word elohim can refer either to gods in plural, or to Israel’s god Elohim, in the singular. [2] Translation of verses is NRSV with adjustments. [3] Editor’s note: For some discussions of what the people want in this story, see Joel S. Baden, “What Was the Sin of the Golden Calf,” TheTorah (2017); Deena Grant, “What Was the Golden Calf?”