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Why do same/opposite electric charges repel/attract each other, respectively? Because careful physicists have made an innumerable number of observations and have found that this is what nature does. There is a long history of observations before any theory could be solidified.
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Oct 19, 2023 · Like charges repel because they push each other away, while opposite charges attract because they pull each other towards each other. This is due to the nature of the electric force, which is a force that is exerted between two particles that have either opposite charges or similar charges.
- Venkatesh Vaidyanathan
- 4 min
- In This Universe, Charge Is Everything
- The Truth on Whether ‘Opposites Attract’
- June 1785: Coulomb Measures The Electric Force
- The Opposite of Attraction
- Einstein Light: Module 2
The only time most of us think about positive and negative charge is when we’re squinting to see which way to insert a battery. Cells spend lots of energy pumping charges (positive ions like potassium and sodium, and negative ions like chloride) through their cell membrane to make certain that within the cell is much more negative than outdoors (ne...
A new study finds that when it comes to personality, people seek partners with their same qualities. Do opposites really attract? New research finds that with regards to personality, people seek partners using their same characteristics — but claim that they can want somebody that differs. The research, lately printed within the journal Transformat...
2. C. A. Coulomb, Premiere Memoire sur l’electricite et le Magnetisme, Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Sciences, 569-577 (1785). An English translation of this article is available by searching on “Bucciarrelli translation of Coulomb’s first memoir” with either Google Search or Bing. Video advice: why same charges repell and opposite charges attr...
Researchers at Penn discover evidence of materials with opposite charges that repel each other instead of attract. They can build themselves into nifty contraptions, too. By Kristen Philipkoski. Opposite charges attract — it is a concept any high-school physics student can grasp. But new research shows proof of opposites that repel. Researchers in ...
An explantion of Galilean relativity, electromagnetism and their apparent incompatibility; an explanation of Einstein’s relativity resolves this problem, and some consequences of relativity. This implies that, in electricity, charges of the identical type repel one another. Positive repels good and bad repels negative. It’s also correct that positi...
All the objects in the second batch attract all the objects in the third batch and vice-versa. Why do we say that batches 2 and 3 are "opposites"? If you take any object from batch 2, you can get some object from batch 3 which just cancels its electrical charge, meaning that the combination is neutral.
Electrostatic interactions are commonly observed whenever one or more objects are electrically charged. Two oppositely-charged objects will attract each other. A charged and a neutral object will also attract each other. And two like-charged objects will repel one another.
Electric charges and magnetism are deeply related. Moving charges are what make up electricity. They also produce magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can also move electric charges. Light fundamentally is just magnetic and electric fields that continuously produce each other and move in space.
Why do like charges repel and opposite charges attract? Flexi Says: This is due to the fundamental laws of electromagnetism. According to Coulomb's Law, the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
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