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Aug 29, 2023 · Are you going to Heaven? Watch this video to find out how to go to Heaven!One of the most common questions of all time is about Heaven. Is there a Heaven? Ho...
- 17 min
- 550.7K
- Dig the Games
👦👧 This fun Bible lesson teaches kids on the basics of salvation and how to get to heaven. Kids will also learn an amazing Bible story and a song of praise...
- 27 min
- 2.3K
- Raising Up Champions
👦👧 Hi kids, did you know that God can live inside of you? He sure can! Even though He is big and powerful, He sees you as a very special person to Him. Let...
- 13 min
- 5K
- Raising Up Champions
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will understand that it is impossible for someone to get to Heaven on his or her own efforts. The next two lessons address the issues that all persons are sinners and this sin causes separation from God.
Through this lesson children will learn that Heaven is a wonderful place and Jesus’ home. They will learn about what is in Heaven and be encouraged to live a life that will lead to going to Heaven with Jesus. Learning Aim: Heaven is awesome. Before Class: Prepare a large box of various house hold items.
How is heaven different from living on earth? What do we have to do to get to heaven? Read Revelation 21:3-4. Who do we get to live with in heaven? Describe what you think heaven will be like? How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?
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What can children learn from heaven?
Can a sinner get to Heaven?
How do you teach a child about Heaven?
Is there a way for people to get to Heaven?
Why did Jesus go to Heaven?
What do children learn in this Sunday school lesson?
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will understand that it is impossible for someone to get to Heaven on his or her own efforts. The next two lessons address the issues that all persons are sinners and this sin causes separation from God.