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Salt in the ocean comes from two sources: runoff from the land and openings in the seafloor. Rocks on land are the major source of salts dissolved in seawater. Rainwater that falls on land is slightly acidic, so it erodes rocks.
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May 9, 2024 · Ocean currents, which circulate warm and cold water around the planet, are crucial regulators of the global climate. And those currents, in turn, are created mainly by wind, water temperature, and — you guessed it — salinity.
Apr 11, 2014 · It becomes more concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat causes water from the surface to evaporate, leaving the salt behind. Extra salt added every year from rivers is balanced by...
Ocean water’s density is directly linked to its salt content: saltier water is denser and sinks below less salty, warmer water. This density variation plays a crucial role in driving ocean currents, which in turn regulate global climate patterns.
It comes from the land, mostly. As rain forms and falls through the air, it accumulates carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, causing it to become slightly acidic. It then flows over the land, eroding rocks and picking up small amounts of salt and other dissolved minerals.
- The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
May 23, 2019 · Why is the ocean salty? Rivers discharge mineral-rich water to the oceans. Satellite view of La Plata River discharge to the Atlantic Ocean. One way minerals and salts are deposited into the oceans is from outflow from rivers, which drain the landscape, thus causing the oceans to be salty. Credit: NASA
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Why is sea water salty?
Why are the oceans salty?
How does salt in the ocean come from?
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What is the main source of salts dissolved in seawater?
Sodium and chloride, the main ingredients in table salt, are not. Because they are left behind, levels of salt in the ocean have built up over time. This is the reason sea water is salty. On average, sea water contains about 3.5 percent salt. That salt makes sea water more dense than freshwater.