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The Python interpreter first reads the human code and optimizes it to some intermediate code before interpreting it into machine code. That's why you always need another program to run a Python script, unlike in C++ where you can run the compiled executable of your code directly. For example, c:\Python27\python.exe or /usr/bin/python.
Feb 26, 2012 · Every language can be implemented with a compiler and every language can be implemented with an interpreter. Most languages have both compiled and interpreted implementations. There are interpreters for C++ and there are compilers for Python. (In fact, all currently existing Python implementations have compilers.) –
Apr 9, 2024 · To apprehend why Python is called an interpreted language, it's essential to discover the concepts of interpretation and compilation, in addition to the execution model of Python code. Python is called an interpreted language because it executes code logic directly, line by line, without the need for a separate compilation step.
Aug 2, 2019 · Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. In this article, we will learn about the Python compile() function. Python compile() Function SyntaxPython compile() function takes source code as input and returns a code object that is ready to be executed and which ca
- Cython. Cython is a C language-based compiler written in Python and C. It is the default compiler for Python. Advantages of Cython. It is the most widely used compiler.
- Jython. Jython is a Java-based compiler written in Python and Java. Unlike Cython, it compiles to a .class file and can be used with Java Virtual Machine.
- PyPy. Armin Rigo developed PyPy using only Python programming language to replace the default compiler, Cython and released it in 2007. Advantages of PyPy.
- IronPython. Jim Hugunin developed the IronPython using the language C# to integrate Python code with the .Net framework, and Mono and released it in September 2006.
Jul 11, 2015 · Every language can be implemented with a compiler, and every language can be implemented with an interpreter. Note, however, that you can't run a program without an interpreter. A compiler simply translates a program from one language to another. But that's it. Now you have the same program, just in a different language.
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Mar 2, 2023 · It's a program that takes your code (the code you, human, wrote it), a high level language, and turns it into another language, in Python's case, into bytecode (or a lower level language). Compilers are going to make sure the syntax of your code is correct, that it's formatted properly, that Python's indentation is perfect.