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Nov 25, 2020 · Help us rely on your great love for us in Jesus, whatever our situation. None of us is beyond the need or reach of your grace, (including me, and you!). We also pray for those unable to gather this year—because of COVID or other reasons.
- Scotty Smith
12:20-21—Facing sin in those we love. 13:4—To live by God’s power to deal with people. 13:5—To gain assurance that you are in Christ by your faith in Him. 13:7—For our disciples to do what is right even though we may fail. 13:8—To stand for the truth. 13:9—To be fully restored/matured in pure devotion to Christ
- Jesus Had to Die Horribly, Because We Sin So Horribly.Link
- We Were Converted Through Believing, Not Doing.Link
- Our Sacrifices and Suffering For Jesus Have Not Been in Vain.Link
How can we look at the cross — those cruel nails, open wounds, and God himself gasping for air — and believe we could do anything to get (or keep) ourselves right with God? If thatis what we deserved for our sin, we are more wicked than we could ever completely grasp. And none of us could endure what Jesus endured for our sake — not just the physic...
Jesus died for your sins, but how did you become a Christian? Those first moments in Christ were not God’s response to something you had done. They were your response to something Godhad done. The Holy Spirit landed in your heart, and led you to surrender your effort to be good enough but to trust instead in Jesus. You heard, believed, and were sav...
We may struggle to connect with this one. The Galatians had something to lose when they chose to follow Christ. Being Christian wasn’t culturally popular or acceptable where they lived, and it certainly wasn’t the dominant worldview. They lost friends and comfort and probably some of their rights and possessions because of their faith in Jesus. The...
May 9, 2022 · When we depend on God, we are acknowledging that He is the source of all good things in our lives. We are acknowledging His sovereignty and His power. Depending on God also allows us to tap into His wisdom and guidance. It gives us comfort and peace knowing that we are not alone in this world.
Oct 21, 2009 · In the inspired and inerrant record of God’s mighty acts and majestic character, the mightiest and most majestic is the disclosure of the Father’s love. We know that God loves us because He says so. He has written to us of His love by His Spirit in exacting detail.
In 1 John 4 we have one of the clearest definitions of God’s love found anywhere in the Bible. It is the good news of how God sent his Son into the world to offer his life as an “atoning sacrifice” or “propitiation” for our sins.
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Jun 19, 2024 · How to Reconcile God's Love With God's Anger God is love, and He loves us so much. He made the ultimate sacrifice by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins and restore the broken relationship between Himself and us.