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In the New Testament, God’s name is manifested most clearly in Jesus Christ. He is called “the Word” (John 1:1), and Jesus Himself makes the claim that He has revealed the name of God (John 17:6). God’s name is His promise to dwell with His people.
In studying about the names of Deity, we find that the Bible names for God usually have great personal meaning connected to the attributes and character of God. Why do we name things and people in the first place? Adam was allowed by God to give names to the different animals in order to identify and separate them out from the other animals.
Study the passages and observe the context of how the name of God is used. Write down what you discover and see if learning more about God's character doesn't help you in your daily walk. Why is this name important? How could you use this name to worship God today? How is this practical to your life right now? What if God wasn’t like this?
1. What does Scripture mean when it speaks of the name of God in the singular? 2. Are the special names of God of human origin? 3. What two kinds of names do we distinguish in the Old Testament? 4. What is the meaning of the names ‘Elohim, Jehovah, ‘Adonai, ‘El Shaddai, and Kurios? 5. Is the name Father ever applied to God in the Old ...
To show us a loving god, the writer of Genesis uses a different name in this verse: Yahweh or Jehovah. Jehovah shows God as a Person who is in relationship with His human creations. Here He is seen as a faithful god, One who keeps His promises and wants a people who can reciprocate His love.
Though the Old Testament provides many rich names and titles for God, the New Testament reveals him most fully. Jesus, in fact, shocked and offended the religious
People also ask
Why should we study the names of God?
Why are names important?
Why is God's name a personal disclosure?
How did the Psalmists show reverence for God's name?
Why are God's names important?
Why did God change Abram and Sarai's names?
evidence that Jesus is God. The name of the Lord refers to God's whole character. The significance of God's name can also be seen in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9) "hallowed be Your name." The desire of Jesus is for God's name to be revered. It is sinful to use God's name in a meaningless or dishonoring fashion (Exodus 20:7).