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Oct 5, 2024 · Unfortunately, these are the three conditions that mold and mildew thrive in, breeding bad smells. Before you can stop your basement from smelling bad, you'll need to figure out what...
Sep 9, 2024 · Keeping on top of odors and practices in you basement will help make your home smell nice overall. 1. Ignore leaks or damp patches. A well-maintained space with no damp or mildew. A small leak or damp patch in your basement can go a long way in terms of making your basement smell bad.
- Rotten Eggs
- A Fishy Smell
- Sewage Or “Bathroom” Odor
- Cat Urine
- Wet Dog Smell
- Decomposition
- Gym Or “Locker Room” Smell
- Musty and Dusty
- “New Paint” Smell
- Burning, Smoky Odors
About half of the homes in the United States use natural gas for heating, hot water, cooking, or drying clothes, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. An undiscovered gas leakcould cause a fire or explosion. However, under normal circumstances natural gas is colorless and odorless, which could make gas leaks practically undetecta...
If something smells fishy in your home, it might not be the lingering odor from last night’s tilapia. In fact, you may want to call an electrician ASAP. That fishy smell is typically a sign that an electrical componentis overheating or burning. The smell can come from loose or frayed wires or cords, overloaded circuits, faulty outlets, incorrectly ...
Don’t blame the bean dip! If you have a sewer smells in the bathroom, you may want to call the plumber. That smell may mean that your plumbing system or vent pipe is clogged, or that you have a broken sewer pipe. The smell might also be caused by a dried-up P-trap, especially if the stench is coming from a drain that has not been used in a while. (...
Even people without feline friends may smell cat urine, especially after it rains, and wonder how to get rid of cat pee smell that’s plaguing them. That distinctive odor can be an indication of a mold problem. Certain types of mold smell like cat urine, including dangerous toxic black mold, which should be remediated by a professional. Another sour...
Nothing smells like a dirty, wet dog, but squirrels, raccoons,and rats do give off a similar odor. If you don’t own a pooch but keep getting a whiff of a wet dog, you may have rodents in residence. Many wild animals may bite or have rabies, and through their infected feces they can transmit worms and diseases to humans or pets. Keep everyone safe b...
Rotting food has a distinctive sickly-sweet smell that tells our animal brains to stay far, far away. If you notice a rotten smell in your home, it could be that an old potato has fallen into the back of a cabinet. Otherwise, it could be that a mouse, rat, or other animal may have perished inside your home’s walls, ductwork, attic, crawl space, or ...
That all-too-familiar “dirty sock smell” may not be coming from your teenager’s gym bag. Instead, it could be caused by a buildup of bacteria on your heating system coils. Bacterial growth can occur at any time of year but is especially prevalent in the spring and fall, when the system is constantly cycling between heat and cold. Condensation on th...
A musty or dusty smell is often a sign of mold or mildew, especially in humid or moisture-prone environments like the basement, laundry room, kitchen, or bathroom. Mold and mildew can create severe respiratory problems and can exacerbate allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals. It’s important to eliminate moldas quickly as possible. Small are...
Some people just love the smell of freshly painted walls, but for others, fresh paint can cause throat irritation, sneezing, coughing, headaches and dizziness. The culprit: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are common components of many paints and release odors as the paint dries. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that consumers...
Unless you have a fireplace, the smell of smoke or something burning is definitely dangerous. Even if you don’t see signs of fire, you could have something smoldering in the basement or inside the walls. The smell of ozone, common during a lightning storm, could mean overheated electrical wires or appliances, overloaded circuits, frayed or loose wi...
Jun 9, 2024 · Why does my bedroom smell bad even though it is clean? If you have thoroughly cleaned your bedroom but it still smells musty, try leaving the doors and windows open for an hour or so to see if it is just a lingering odor that needs to be blown out by some fresh air.
Problem: If you are smelling sewer gas from your basement, the most common reason is because of a dried up P-trap in the floor drain, sink drain, shower drain, or toilet. Solution: Sewer gas will enter your home through pipes connected to the main sewer system.
Feb 23, 2021 · Find out the major causes of bad basement smells and tips on how to get rid of them. If you're dealing with a distinctly musty basement odor, it's more than likely you're dealing with a mold or mildew issue.
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Why does my basement smell bad?
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Apr 12, 2024 · Experts like Basement Systems recommend changing the bag every six months. Because charcoal is very porous, it can absorb the molecules in the air that are causing bad odors. This means that the charcoal can effectively remove the smell in your basement as opposed to just covering it up.