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  1. IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors specifies requirements for entities in selecting and applying accounting policies for transactions, other events and conditions. This guide explains how to apply those requirements using material and examples that have been discussed by the International Accounting Standards ...

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  2. Approval by the Board of IAS 8 issued in December 2003. International Accounting Standard 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (as revised in 2003) was approved for issue by the fourteen members of the International Accounting Standards Board. Sir David Tweedie. Chairman.

    • Key De­F­I­N­I­Tions
    • Selection and ap­pli­ca­tion of Accounting Policies
    • Con­sis­tency of Accounting Policies
    • Changes in Accounting Policies
    • Dis­Clo­Sures Relating to Changes in Accounting Policies
    • Changes in Accounting Estimates
    • Dis­Clo­Sures Relating to Changes in Accounting Estimates
    • Errors
    • Dis­Clo­Sures Relating to Prior Period Errors
    Accounting policiesare the specific prin­ci­ples, bases, con­ven­tions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and pre­sent­ing financial state­ments.
    A change in accounting estimateis an ad­just­ment of the carrying amount of an asset or liability, or related expense, resulting from re­assess­ing the expected future benefits and oblig­a­tions as...
    International Financial Reporting Standardsare standards and in­ter­pre­ta­tions adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They comprise:
    Ma­te­ri­al­ity.In­for­ma­tion is material if omitting, mis­stat­ing or obscuring it could rea­son­ably be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose financial state­...

    When a Standard or an In­ter­pre­ta­tion specif­i­cally applies to a trans­ac­tion, other event or condition, the accounting policy or policies applied to that item must be de­ter­mined by applying the Standard or In­ter­pre­ta­tion and con­sid­er­ing any relevant Im­ple­men­ta­tion Guidance issued by the IASB for the Standard or In­ter­pre­ta­tion...

    An entity shall select and apply its accounting policies con­sis­tently for similar trans­ac­tions, other events and con­di­tions, unless a Standard or an In­ter­pre­ta­tion specif­i­cally requires or permits cat­e­gori­sa­tion of items for which different policies may be ap­pro­pri­ate. If a Standard or an In­ter­pre­ta­tion requires or permits su...

    An entity is permitted to change an accounting policy only if the change: 1. is required by a standard or in­ter­pre­ta­tion; or 2. results in the financial state­ments providing reliable and more relevant in­for­ma­tion about the effects of trans­ac­tions, other events or con­di­tions on the entity's financial position, financial per­for­mance, or...

    Dis­clo­sures relating to changes in accounting policy caused by a new standard or in­ter­pre­ta­tion include: [IAS 8.28] 1. the title of the standard or in­ter­pre­ta­tion causing the change 2. the nature of the change in accounting policy 3. a de­scrip­tion of the tran­si­tional pro­vi­sions, including those that might have an effect on future pe...

    The effect of a change in an accounting estimate shall be recog­nised prospec­tively by including it in profit or loss in: [IAS 8.36] 1. the period of the change, if the change affects that period only, or 2. the period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both. However, to the extent that a change in an accounting estimate gives...

    Disclose: 1. the nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has an effect in the current period or is expected to have an effect in future periods 2. if the amount of the effect in future periods is not disclosed because es­ti­mat­ing it is im­prac­ti­ca­ble, an entity shall disclose that fact. [IAS 8.39-40]

    The general principle in IAS 8 is that an entity must correct all material prior period errors ret­ro­spec­tively in the first set of financial state­ments au­tho­rised for issue after their discovery by: [IAS 8.42] 1. restating the com­par­a­tive amounts for the prior period(s) presented in which the error occurred; or 2. if the error occurred bef...

    Dis­clo­sures relating to prior period errors include: [IAS 8.49] 1. the nature of the prior period error 2. for each prior period presented, to the extent prac­ti­ca­ble, the amount of the cor­rec­tion: 2.1. for each financial statement line item affected, and 2.2. for basic and diluted earnings per share (only if the entity is applying IAS 33) 3....

  3. Apr 17, 2024 · Accounting Policies. Accounting policies encompass specific principles, bases, conventions, rules, and practices applied by an entity when preparing and presenting its financial statements. If an IFRS specifically addresses a particular transaction or event, the entity’s accounting policy should be in accordance with that standard (IAS 8.7).

  4. IFRS Accounting Standards: bring transparency by enhancing the quality of financial information, enabling investors and other market participants to make informed economic decisions; strengthen accountability by reducing the information gap between investors and companies; and. boost economic efficiency by helping investors to assess potential ...

  5. Overall, the IFRS include a set of accounting policies and rules that apply to companies. These standards cover the accounting process for various financial transactions. They provide crucial guidance on specific areas. Similarly, the IFRS promote consistency, transparency and understandability for the financial statements.

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  7. Oct 23, 2024 · The IFRS Foun­da­tion has issued, ‘Guide to Selecting and Applying Accounting Policies — IAS 8’. This guide explains how to apply the three-step process to de­vel­op­ing accounting policies by using material and examples that have been discussed by the IASB or IFRS In­ter­pre­ta­tions Committee. For more in­for­ma­tion, see ...

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