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- Common nouns are the generic term for something. Common nouns in Spanish are never spelled with a capital letter unless they begin a sentence. Proper nouns are specific names (for example people, cities, or states) and begin with capital letters.
People also ask
When should you capitalize in Spanish?
What are the rules of Spanish capitalization?
How do you capitalize a letter in Spanish?
Which nouns should be capitalized in Spanish?
Do you capitalize every word in a title in Spanish?
Should a name be capitalized in Spanish?
Take a look at the information below to find out when you should capitalize in Spanish! Capitalization. In Spanish, the first letter of every sentence is capitalized, as is the first letter of all proper nouns (names of people, cities, countries, places, etc.).
In contrast to English where you tend to capitalize many words, capitalization in Spanish follows a much tighter set of rules. We see a lower use of capital letters in Spanish as a result. In today’s post we’ll explore the key capitalization rules in Spanish.
Jul 26, 2023 · Capitalizing, or knowing when to use capital letters, is crucial for having effective and precise Spanish writing. As a result, in this quick guide, you’ll learn the rules you must follow to capitalize words in Spanish.
Jun 5, 2023 · Spanish capitalization can be tricky to get used to because its rules differ greatly from English. To help you out, we've broken down all of the rules for when to capitalize words in Spanish and when to leave them lowercase.
- Calendar. Names of the days of the week and months of the year use lower-case letters. Hoy es martes. (Today is Tuesday.) México celebra su independencia el 16 de septiembre.
- Composition Titles. In formal written Spanish, titles of movies, books, plays, and similar works capitalize only the first word and proper nouns. La guerra de las galaxias ("Star Wars"), Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal ("Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone") Note: In informal written Spanish, and on book covers and movie posters, it is not unusual to see such composition titles capitalized as in English.
- Personal Titles. Introductory titles are not capitalized, although common abbreviations of them (such as Sr. for señor, Dr. for doctor, D. for don and Srta.
- Religions. Names of religions and their adherents aren't capitalized. Mi madre es católica. (My mother is Catholic.) Estudio el cristianismo. (I'm studying Christianity.)
Feb 18, 2024 · Capitalization rules in Spanish are different from those in English. In Spanish, the first letter of every sentence and all proper nouns should be capitalized. Table of Contents. What are Capitalization Rules in Spanish? 1. The first letter of a sentence. 2. National and religious holidays. 3. Countries. 4. Cities. 5. Institutions. 6.
Jun 17, 2024 · In Spanish, only the first word, and any proper nouns within the title, are capitalized. So you would write “El señor de los anillos” (The Lord of the Rings). Unlike English, the remaining words in the title are not capitalized unless they are proper nouns.