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Sep 20, 2024 · Once Edward sheds his deformed, gooey visage, he reinvents himself as an entirely different person: a real estate agent named Guy. ("A Different Man" would make an excellent double feature with the other body horror movie of the week, Coralie Fargeat's deliriously gonzo "The Substance.")
Oct 13, 2021 · But despite the many, many men and monsters who keep their claws hooked into the genre, there's one woman who has endured as a horror icon like no other: Elvira.
- 15 The Truman Show
- 14 Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
- 13 Black Swan
- 12 It's Kind of A Funny Story
- 11 Melancholia
- 10 Silver Linings Playbook
- 9 The Perks of Being A Wallflower
- 8 Infinitely Polar Bear
- 7 Lady Bird
- 6 A Star Is Born
The Truman Showis a film that takes us on a journey through the mind of Truman Burbank, a man living in a seemingly perfect world that is actually a giant television set. As the unwitting star of a reality show, Truman's entire life has been broadcast to the world without his knowledge. As he begins to question the reality of his existence, he stru...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mindis a mind-bending film that explores the intricacies of human memory and the impact of past relationships on our present selves. The story follows Joel, a man who undergoes a procedure to erase his memories of his ex-girlfriend Clementine. As the memories are erased, we see the good and bad parts of their relati...
Black Swan is a psychological thriller that delves into the world of competitive ballet and the intense pressure that comes with it. The film follows Nina, a ballerina who is driven to perfection, but as she becomes more obsessed with her role in the ballet, she starts to lose touch with reality. As she spirals deeper into her own mind, she struggl...
When it comes to films that portray character struggles in the best way, It's Kind of a Funny Storyis a standout entry. This coming-of-age story follows the journey of Craig, a teenage boy struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. The film does an incredible job of capturing the raw and often overwhelming emotions that come with mental heal...
Melancholia is a powerful and thought-provoking film that delves into the struggles of its characters on a cosmic scale. The film tells the story of two sisters, Justine and Claire, as they grapple with the impending collision of a rogue planet with Earth. The film explores themes of depression, anxiety, and the human condition in the face of certa...
Silver Linings Playbookis a film that tells the story of Pat Solatano, a man struggling with bipolar disorder and the aftermath of a recent breakdown. It's a film that manages to be both funny and deeply moving. The film's portrayal of mental health is both authentic and nuanced, capturing the complexity of living with a mental illness. The struggl...
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age story that captures the struggles of growing up in a poignant and relatable way. The film follows the journey of Charlie, a introverted and socially awkward teenager, as he navigates the ups and downs of high school. The film explores themes of friendship, love, and the search for identity in a way...
This indie dramedy tells the story of a manic-depressive father, Cameron, who struggles to keep his family together while maintaining his mental health. Infinitely Polar Bearfollows Cameron's journey as he attempts to win back the trust and love of his wife and children after a breakdown and hospitalization. The character of Cameron is a complex an...
This coming-of-age story follows the life of Christine Lady Bird McPherson, a senior in high school who struggles to find her identity and place in the world. The movie takes a deep dive into the inner thoughts and feelings of its protagonist as she navigates the ups and downs of teenagehood. Lady Birdportrays Christine's struggles with her mother'...
This critically acclaimed film tells the story of a struggling musician, Jackson Maine, and his relationship with a young and talented singer, Ally. The movie explores themes of fame, love, and addiction as Jackson helps Ally to launch her career while his own downward spiral continues. The character of Jackson is a complex one, as we see him both ...
Nov 10, 2024 · It’s dehumanizing, and you can hardly blame Edward for having trouble letting his new neighbor and friend, the aspiring playwright Ingrid, get too close to him. You can hardly hold it against him for doubting that a conventionally attractive girl like her could ever actually be into someone who gets treated like a freak on a daily basis.
A Different Man (2024) Movie Ending Explained: Why does Edward stab the physical therapist? Edward’s physical condition slowly and steadily improves, while mentally he retreats into himself, choosing to answer in monosyllables.
Nov 19, 2021 · "I Was A Simple Man" takes that idea and stretches it out into a 100-minute spell of beauty and melancholy, intimate and grand in equal measure, a film that derives its power from the universality of its final destination and the relatability of the pain, love, and regret that pave the guiding road.
Aug 22, 2023 · From online resources to tools on a streaming platform, there are plenty of helpful ways to find a movie you were missing. This is how to remember a movie you may have forgotten the name of....