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  1. Jan 1, 2015 · Modesty is important part for every woman in the world. Modesty is play the main role to make a person beautiful and manners. Manners are something used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself.

  2. This essay explores the concept of measure and excess through the lens of the term “modest.” By looking at modesty as a key value in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we can start to unpick the complexities of the politics and aesthetics of moderation.

    • Abigail Williams
    • image/jpeg, 112k
    • 2014
  3. between two empirical literatures, one suggesting that modesty entails social and mental health benefits, the other suggesting that self-enhancement does. WHAT IS MODESTY? Modesty is a highly-valued attribute in Western Society (Eagly & Acksen, 1971; Jones & Wortman, 1973; Leary, 2005; Schlenker, 1980). The New Oxford

  4. Dec 31, 2014 · By looking at modesty as a key value in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we can start to unpick the complexities of the politics and aesthetics of moderation.

  5. Jan 1, 2020 · This review of modesty focused on the literatures in social psychology and organizational psychology, the aim being to understand modesty relative to achievement. The bulk of the extant research investigates modestly as a set of gender normative behaviors.

  6. Aug 4, 2008 · We begin by defining modesty, proceed to argue that being modest is hard work, and then lay out some reasons why this is so. Next, we make the case that modesty correlates with, and may even...

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  8. Jan 12, 2014 · Modesty as kindness’ states that the trait of modesty ought to be considered as intimately connected with the more fundamental virtue of kindness. I set out the account, explain its benefits and defend it against possible objections.

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