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  1. If you feel like your kid is obsessed with sugar, first understand why, then apply these 5 tips to help neutralize sugar in your home.

  2. Does it feel like your child is obsessed with sugar and all they want is junk food? Here are the top 10 ways to reduce the desire for sweets.

  3. Feb 14, 2023 · Does your child seem obsessed with sugar? Let’s dive into 4 simple steps you can take right now to handle kids and sweets - and stop the obsession.

    • Reconsider sugar-sweetened beverages: The 20% increase in sugar over the past 40 years is primarily due to sugar-sweetened beverages. Yes, soda is one of them but so are energy drinks, juice drinks, and coffee drinks (See this post for the difference between juice drinks and 100% juice).
    • See how low you can go: I regret the day I gave my daughter sweetened yogurt because the next time I served her plain she refused. When possible, keep your child on everyday foods that are as close to natural as possible — saving the sweets for “desserty” type foods.
    • Spoil your child’s palate: No doubt your child will be faced with lots of overly-processed sweet foods throughout their life. But at home, you can up the ante by thinking twice about bringing these foods in your home and, instead, provide homemade desserts, wholesome treats, and dark chocolate (my personal favorite).
    • Stay neutral when it comes to sweets: While it’s not always possible to stay totally calm when it comes to kids and sweets, try your best to stay neutral and matter-of-fact.
  4. That’s how you help your child’s sugar obsession. And for more practical strategies, download My Kid Has a Sweet Tooth, What Do I Do: 5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child Have a Healthy Relationship with Sugar.

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    • why is my child obsessed with sugar cane like plant leaves and flowers2
    • why is my child obsessed with sugar cane like plant leaves and flowers3
    • why is my child obsessed with sugar cane like plant leaves and flowers4
    • why is my child obsessed with sugar cane like plant leaves and flowers5
  5. May 28, 2024 · Why do kids crave sugar? Kids enjoy eating sweet foods and so do many adults. As a parent, it is natural to be concerned about your child’s health when they eat too many sugary foods and drinks.

  6. Oct 14, 2022 · Learn why kids love sweets, how to handle sugary treats and your child’s love of sweet foods, and how you can help keep a healthy balance to their diet. If your child is constantly craving sugar, you may be worried.

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