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Jul 15, 2021 · What does the Bible say about the church? Why is the church such a key aspect of God's plan?---https...
- 24 min
- 2138
- Got Questions Ministries
Mar 24, 2017 · For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here:
- 47 min
- 50.5K
- Grace to You
What does the Bible say about church membership? Should all Christians be members at a local church?
- 4 min
- 16.4K
- Got Questions Ministries
Comprehensive: The database contains all the songs from popular hymnbooks such as Songs of Faith and Praise and Praise for the Lord — side by side with the catalogues of Zoe, Hallal, and Praise & Harmony.
- Because you need the regular support and encouragement of Christian fellowship. The Christian life is not designed to be lived in isolation, and those who try it that way are likely to crash!
- Because fellowship provided by Christian friends is no substitute for belonging to a church. You choose your friends because their ideas and style are similar to your own, God puts different people in a congregation so they can learn from each other.
- Because gifts can only rightly be used by someone who is a member of a congregation. Gifts are primarily for the congregation, not for the individual and are rightly used to build up the church.
- Because God’s basic unit is the church, not the individual. The story of the Bible is that of God making, shaping and refining his people, beginning with Abraham.
Mar 17, 2011 · So here are 5 reasons that Christians need to join a church: 1. For Assurance. While a person should not feel he needs to join a church in order to be saved, he ought to join a church to be certain that he has been saved.
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May 14, 2015 · Here are just a few reasons why church membership matters. 1. In joining a church you make visible your commitment to Christ and his people. Membership is one way to raise the flag of faith. You state before God and others that you are part of this local body of believers.