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Jan 1, 2022 · We provide recommendations to ensure that students do not seek distraction in class. The present meta-analysis aimed to synthesize the extant research on the influence of longhand (written) versus digital notetaking methods, unconfounded by distractions, on performance, and to identify key potential moderators of such effects.
- Cognitive and Brain Findings
The third study showed that for students with persisting...
Students occupying themselves with other activities, such as...
- Computers and Productivity
Several recent trends highlight why understanding the impact...
- The Role of Working Memory Abilities in Lecture Note-Taking
Although students can choose which note-taking strategy to...
- Note-taking and Science Inquiry in an Open-Ended Learning Environment
Note-taking, a common classroom practice and learning...
- Does Multitasking in The Classroom Affect Learning Outcomes? a Naturalistic Study
However, it should be borne in mind that students could...
- Best Practice Methods for Research Syntheses
The SR team should use the most appropriate methodological...
- Cognitive and Brain Findings
Jun 1, 2019 · We aimed to answer four questions: why do students take notes, how do students take notes, what do students experience during class, and have students’ self-reported note-taking and classroom experiences changed? Minimal differences were observed regarding why current and former students take notes.
- Amber E. Witherby, Sarah K. Tauber
- 2019
Sep 9, 2018 · For years I have been using student centered notes in my class. Students are given a choice of note-taking methods. Examples are guided notes, cornell notes, sketch-notes and digital note-taking. Concept maps are also helpful tools.
This chapter reviews learning environment research that links measurable dimensions of teaching and classroom environments to student performance, including effective teaching behaviors, classroom management, teacher–student relationships, academic learning time, emotional climate and support, grouping format, class size, and physical ...
This study illuminates how students’ nationalities, genders, and ethnicities influenced different uses of spaces in the classroom physical environment, as well as the effectiveness (or not) of the learning activities proposed by tutors and lecturers.
Sep 22, 2021 · These reviews identify the field’s major thrusts that form the basis for organizing the four sections that follow: assessing learning environments, evaluation of educational programs, associations between learning environments and student outcomes, and improving learning environments.
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Why do students take notes?
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Jan 1, 2015 · Does a classroom’s environment affect student learning and attitudes? Can teachers conveniently assess the climates of their own classroom, and can they change these environments? Is there a difference between actual and preferred classroom environment, as perceived by students, and does this matter in terms of student outcomes?