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  1. Apr 22, 2010 · For examples, one can enter "startled awake" in Google Books. I would agree that he was startled awake sounds better (at least in BE). The OED gives some examples of startle as an intransitive verb, but I have never come across this use. One of its examples is: R. Adams, Watership Down. "To rabbits, everything unknown is dangerous.

  2. Jun 22, 2017 · She stirred awake a little after noon and sat up, blinking in the sunlight, an old woman of a hundred and eight. She had slept wrong on her back and it was a pure misery to her. She had slept wrong on her back and it was a pure misery to her.

  3. May 11, 2018 · Hello, From The Girl On The Train: "Cathy came home and found me drinking. She wasn’t happy. What could I tell her? There was no way to explain it. I just said I was sorry and went upstairs to my room, like a teenager in a sulk. And then I lay awake, trying to sleep, waiting for Tom to call...

  4. Jun 18, 2012 · Unless I went back to sleep, I was still awake at 7, at 8, at 9, at 6 pm when I ate dinner, and at every other moment until I went to sleep again that night. "Awake" is the infinitive of the verb. It is also an adjective that means "not sleeping." The verb "awake" has two past participle forms. They are both correct.

  5. Dec 31, 2012 · 1. I wake up/waken/awake/awaken at 6 a.m. in the morning 2. SHE wakes me up/ wakens/ awakes/ awakens me at 6 a.m. in the morning 3. PRESENT PERFECT: I have been woke up/ wakened/ awoke/ awakened (the context doesn’t matter here) I know that AWAKE is mostly used as an adverb. And awake/awaken when used as verbs sound more elevated.

  6. Sep 15, 2020 · Hello everyone, Does "awaken (an) interest" meaning "make someone interested in something" sound natural/correct in the examples that I created below? a. I had an English teacher at my regular school who really awakened in me an interest in English. After that, I started studying English more...

  7. Aug 5, 2013 · Bonjour ! Context: A wants to call B but it is not sure if B is still awake, it is very late. A sends an email to B to check before calling. English: Are you still awake? Is it OK for me to call you at this hour? French: Es-tu toujours éveillé ? Es-tu toujours réveillé ? Merci beaucoup ! SLS

  8. Apr 18, 2016 · Good afternoon, I would like to know if there is a mistake in the following sentence. I think all verbs should agree in tense. It was late at night, but Kevin lay awake in bed. He could not sleep because he was very scared.

  9. May 27, 2006 · That is, "awake," "awaken," and "wake" may all mean "to rouse from sleep." I think it is fair to say that "awake" and "awaken" are almost identical, but in certain situations, "wake" may differ from these two. In the sentence under consideration, I could accept "woken," "awakened," and "awoken."

  10. Dec 9, 2010 · Do four sentences have the same meaning? Are they correct? I have already awoken. I have already woken up. I have been already awoken. I have been already woken up.

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