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  1. Find out how many text messages were sent in the U.S. per year from 1992 to 2022. See the chart, data and sources from Statista, a leading provider of market and consumer data.

  2. When did texting become popular in the United States? Although SMS has existed since 1984 and the first text message was sent in 1992, text messaging didn’t gain traction in the U.S. until 2000, when the number of mobile phone users began to grow.

  3. In 2021, mobile users in the United States sent roughly 2 trillion SMS or MMS messages.

    • Some Essential Texting Facts and Statistics
    • Texting vs Calling Statistics
    • Text Messaging Usage Statistics
    • Business Texting Statistics
    • Texting Accidents Statistics
    • Conclusion
    • FAQ

    1. 61% of consumers have been texting significantly more since the pandemic started.

    The average number of texts per day sent by consumers has started growing rapidly since the pandemic. In fact, for 75% of people, the average personal screen time has skyrocketed. For instance, the screen time per day increased 49.4% for an average American consumer between 2019 and 2021. (Hubspot)

    2. Those between 35 and 44 years send the most texts per day, or around 52.

    According to texting statistics, the frequency of text messages varies among different age groups. So the average number of texts per day by age is highest among those between 35 and 44 years old. However, although those under 40 send more texts in general, the age group over 40 also sends or receives a significant number of texts. For instance, those between 45 and 54 years old send 33 texts per day, while those in the group over 55 send 16. (Intelligent Contacts)

    3. The average text message open rate stands at a staggering 99%.

    Unlike emails, SMS is much more beneficial for companies. Comparing texting vs email statistics, it is evident that customers open almost all SMS, while the average email open rate ranges between 28% and 33%. What is more, receivers approximately read 97% of the messages in the first 15 minutes. (RedEye)

    8. The US smartphone users send and receive five times more texts than the number of calls per day.

    According to a recent report, most Americans would rather send a text than make a call. The particular report used the data from tracking cell phone activities in 12 countries and measured users' engagement in chatting, texting, and calling. (Chicago Tribune)

    9. 75% of Millennial and Gen Z Americans prefer to text rather than call.

    A study conducted on a sample of 4,000 people, confirmed that Millennials and Gen Z are more into texting daily than calling people. It should not come as a surprise since texting statistics show that two-thirds of those between 18 and 34 take their phones even when to the bathroom. Almost half claimed they regularly text while walking in crowds. In addition, 70% of Gen Z sleeps with their phones nearby. (Inc.)

    10. The average US smartphone user spends around 26 minutes per day texting.

    Unlike the US, users in 75% of other countries, part of this particular research, spend less than five minutes texting. Texting vs phone calls statistics suggest that an average person in the US completes six phone calls per day and sends or receives 32 texts. Additionally, they spend 14 minutes on chat. In nine out of 12 countries, the situation is different since users spend the most time on chat and less on texting. (Cision PR Newswire)

    14. 81% of Americans use text messaging.

    According to the latest research, texting rates among Americans are soaring. In fact, over 259 million people in the US are texting. As a matter of fact, over 97% of surveyed smartphone users said they had texted in the previous week. (Intelligent Contacts)

    15. Students spend 94.6 minutes on average texting daily.

    Recent texting in school statistics revealed interesting information. 60% of college students claim they may be addicted to their cell phones. They mostly spend time texting 94.6 minutes on average, followed by sending emails (48.5 minutes). Next is checking Facebook (38.6 minutes), then surfing the web (34.4 minutes), and listening to music (26.9 minutes). (PsychCentral)

    16. A shocking 66% of teens said they received texts from their parents while in class.

    Texting is becoming a serious distraction for kids in classes. Teachers’ job has become extremely difficult keeping up with kids who disobey phone rules in class. What is more, 74% of students don’t believe this is wrong. Besides, they have started using the texting language in their school tasks and homework, texting statistics reveal. (Fast Company)

    23. With 46%, messaging is the preferred customer support channel in South Korea.

    In some countries, messaging is one of the most common means of customer support. Besides South Korea, texting is consumers’ primary choice in India (34%), Singapore (34%), and the US (33%), business texting statistics confirm. Other channels popular in South Korea are email (11%), telephone (34%), face-to-face (2%), and live chat (1%). In India, 23% of customers prefer email, 26% telephone, 6% face-to-face, and 3% live chat. In Singapore, the preference is 27% for email, 25% for calling, 5%...

    24. 78% of consumers wish they could text a business.

    While businesses often don’t offer texting to their clients, it’s what they want in most cases. Consumer texting statistics reveal that only 48% of companies have the capability to handle messaging. Texting used to be something consumers did with relatives and friends. However, text message marketing statisticsshow that now most company leaders approve of its use in business (79%). (Intelligent Contacts)

    25. Over 50% of consumers want companies to text them back.

    A large number of businesses and consumers want to text each other more often. Namely, 53% of small businesses and 56% of consumers want to text each other more frequently. Over 71% of those between 30 to 44 years old agree with this statement, along with 65% of those between 18 to 29 years old. According to texting statistics, many companies utilize text message marketing softwareto fulfill these needs and get closer to the consumers. (ZDNet)

    27. At any given time, around 660,000 drivers use their phones while driving.

    Cell phones have become a distraction that causes an alarming number of deaths and accidents each year and each day. While smartphones enable us to stay connected all the time, they pose a serious safety risk. In particular, they are dangerous when driving while texting. (Edgar Snyder)

    28. One out of four car accidents in the US results from texting and driving.

    Cell phones cause around 1.6 million car crashes annually. Almost, 390,000 injuries happen because of texting and driving, statistics confirm. That’s one in four accidents out of the total number. (Edgar Snyder)

    29. Drivers who are texting while driving are 20 times more likely to crash than those that aren’t.

    The odds that drivers who use smartphones and text will crash are very high. This is because texting affects the driving reflexes as consuming four beers in just an hour does. It distracts drivers as long as traveling the entire length of a football field with eyes off the road. (Bankrate)

    After 2020, businesses are quickly catching up with the new trends and ways of communicating with customers. Texting is definitely one of them. However, despite the growth of SMS lately and the fact that it’s the cheapest marketing channel, it’s still highly underused. It’s a serious mistake because although billions of mobile devices are out there...

    How many texts are sent per day?

    Typically, each day people send 18.7 billion texts to each other globally. This doesn’t include app-to-app messaging. In total, over 560 billion texts go out worldwide each month. (SHSO Vermont)

    How many people text?

    Based on recent studies, SMS is one of the most popular data services in the world. In line with that, 4.2 billion globally use texting options. A recent survey by Pew Research Center revealed that 81% of Americans use it regularly, while 97% of adults text weekly. (SMSEagle)

    How many texts does the average person send a day?

    According to text messaging statistics, adults under 45 years send and receive approximately more than 85 texts each day. Further, an average consumer sends three messages per hour, and it comes to a total of 72 messages per day. (SHSO Vermont)

    • 98% of US adults own a cell phone. It is hardly surprising that in 2022, the vast majority of the US population owns some kind of phone which supports texting.
    • 98% of all text messages get opened. Statistics have shown that almost 100% of people open their text messages. That’s mostly because mobile texting uses push notifications as a default setting, making it easier for recipients to see the messages immediately.
    • Text messaging is still the most used form of mobile phone messaging. As many as 63% of users worldwide rely on the default texting app on their cell phones.
    • 95% of text messages are read and responded to in less than five minutes. We’ve become so attached to our mobile phones that they are always in our hands or very nearby.
  4. Mar 19, 2024 · 6 billion+ SMS messages are sent daily in the United States, with 97% of adults owning a compatible mobile device. [8] The U.S. actually trails much of the world in using feature-rich internet-based messaging apps regularly.

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  6. Jan 6, 2024 · Learn how SMS marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage customers, with 95% of text messages read and responded to within 3 minutes. Find out the latest data and trends on SMS usage, preferences, and market growth in the US.