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  1. Love and Loyalty. “The covenant bestows an unrivaled dignity on humans. Judaism acknowledges, as do most faiths, that God is infinite and we infinitesimal, God is eternal and we ephemeral, God is everything and we next to nothing. But Judaism makes the momentous claim in the opposite direction, that we are “God’s partners in the work of ...

  2. Discover the brilliance of Rabbi Sacks’ worldview by exploring our vault of his quotes, taken from his books, articles, speeches, shiurim and broadcasts.

  3. A Religion of Love. “Judaism is a religion of love. It is so for profound theological reasons. In the world of myth the gods were at worst hostile, at best indifferent to humankind. In contemporary atheism the universe and life exist for no reason whatsoever.

    • The test of faith is whether I can make space for difference. Can I recognize God's image in someone who is not in my image, who language, faith, ideal, are different from mine?
    • Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share. Jonathan Sacks. Share, Made.
    • I believe faith is not certainty but the courage to live with uncertainty. Jonathan Sacks. Certainty, Uncertainty.
    • Science takes things apart to see how they work. Religion puts things together to see what they mean. Jonathan Sacks. Mean, Together.
  4. Discover David O. Sacks famous and rare quotes. "One-hundred-ten years of history, great diversity, lots of..."

  5. Jun 11, 2022 · We are deeply saddened by the passing of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt’l. To celebrate his life and legacy, we asked our entire team at OpenDor Media to share their favorite quotes and teachings from Rabbi Sacks. Here are 10 inspiring ideas we will always remember him for.

  6. Gods love does not work that way. Today God is calling us, Jew, Christian and Muslim, to let go of hate and the preaching of hate, and live at last as brothers and sisters, true to our faith and a blessing to others regardless of their faith, honouring God’s name by honouring his image, humankind.”

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