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  1. Mar 13, 2023 · But not all coffee is created equal – the type of coffee bean used can have a significant impact on the taste and aroma of the final brew. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of coffee beans, their characteristics, and how they contribute to the flavor profile of your cup of joe.

  2. T. Do you ever wonder what makes one type of coffee bean taste different from another? Have you ever asked yourself why some coffees have a bolder flavor than others? Believe it or not, there’s actually a science behind the varying flavor profiles found in different types of coffee beans.

  3. Explore the different types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica & Excelsa. Discover unique flavors and find your perfect brew. A coffee journey awaits!

  4. Latte, espresso, cappuccino – there are so many different types of coffee it becomes a language itself! That’s why this guide will explain the differences between 12 espresso based drinks and how they’re made. So no more getting confused at your local café.

    • what makes metacafe different from coffee beans in coffee1
    • what makes metacafe different from coffee beans in coffee2
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    • Arabica Coffee Beans (Coffea arabica) Arabica beans are by far the most popular type of coffee beans, making up about 60% of the world’s coffee. These tasty beans originated many centuries ago in the highlands of Ethiopia, and may even be the first coffee beans ever consumed!
    • Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffea caniphora) The second most popular type of coffee bean is Robusta. This bean originated in sub-Saharan Africa and is now grown primarily in Africa and Indonesia.
    • Liberica Coffee Beans (Coffea liberica) Native to central and western Africa – specifically Liberia, hence its name – Coffea liberica is prized for its piquant floral aroma and bold, smoky flavor profile.
    • Excelsa Coffee Beans (Coffea excelsa) The fourth major type of coffee bean is called Excelsa. Though it was once considered a separate coffee species, scientists recently reclassified it as a Liberica variant.
  5. Jul 27, 2023 · There are four distinct types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. In this guide, we'll share more about the nuances of each of these types of coffee beans.

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  7. Jun 14, 2020 · A Coffea arabica (typica) tree. Image: World Coffee Research. Coffee species: arabica vs robusta (vs liberica) Most of us are familiar with arabica and robusta – the two main species of the Coffea genus. More recently, especially with the spread of the third wave of coffee culture, the arabica bean has been closely associated with superior quality.

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