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  1. Our upgraded Hall Of Shame contains search links so you can easily find all their entries in our 50,000 police press release database. Please send you nominations to [email protected] for consideration.

  2. Mar 8, 2024 · Hall Of Shame: Pedophile Registry. Want to help build this list and expose 300 more pedophiles by the end of the year? Please consider sending a donation via e-transfer to to help shoulder some of the costs of keeping the site going, and up-to-date.

  3. Apr 25, 2021 · For over a decade WFP has been known for naming names, Hall Of Shame, listing local corrupt politicians, police officers, drunk drivers and those that put others at risk. A new group of Activists will be upgrading some Hall Of Shame listings to Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) on a blockchain to complement WFP’s Hall Of Shame. […]

  4. Sep 13, 2022 · Paul Heffer, a Wingham Ward councilor and candidate for Reeve in the upcoming Oct2022 election has been inducted into the Hall Of Shame. If seen on your property, call the police immediately if he refuses to leave.

  5. Oct 5, 2023 · Town Hall Pushing For Police State To Hide Homeless Problem – Tiffin & BIA Added To Hall Of Shame. (Wingham, On) A homeless person on Josephine Street has triggered Town Hall into action, and they are now requesting that businesses sign over authority of their property to the OPP.

  6. Apr 8, 2022 · A new digital Hall Of Shame has been installed at the intersection of 4 & 86, oriented so cottage traffic heading to the beach won’t see it. The new Digital Hall Of Shame is the work of doug kuyvenhoven, originally meant to lure people to community events such as those at his church (MRCC).

  7. Apr 9, 2024 · Standoff At Wingham Town Hall: By-law Enforcement Vs Councilors #You’reFired April 20, 2024 (North Huron) After by-law enforcement officers stood up to council and refused to violate the rights of private citizens, they are being replaced with 7…

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