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  1. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monster - Mimic - Mimics are shapeshifting predators able to take on the form of inanimate objects to lure... Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form.

  2. Mimic. Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), Neutral. Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 58 (9d8+18) Speed 15 ft. STR. 17 (+3) DEX. 12 (+1) CON. 15 (+2) INT. 5 (-3) WIS. 13 (+1)

  3. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the mimic is a type of fictional monster. It is portrayed as being able to change its shape to disguise its body as an inanimate object, commonly a chest.

  4. A mimic trapping an unwitting adventurer. Although mimics were usually solitary hunters, they often shared their vast territories with other species. A meal of one or two humanoids could sustain a mimic for several weeks. They reproduced by splitting, growing to adulthood within a few years.

  5. Nov 3, 2023 · What Are Mimics in D&D 5e? Mimics are shapeshifting predators that lurk in dungeons and take on the form of enticing inanimate objects like treasure chests or doors.

  6. Mimics are shapeshifting predators able to take on the form of inanimate objects to lure creatures to their doom. In dungeons, these cunning creatures most often take the form of doors and chests, having learned that such forms attract a steady stream of prey. Imitative Predators.

  7. Mimic. Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral. Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 15 ft.

  8. Feb 28, 2022 · Mimics are one of the most iconic, and nasty, D&D monsters. The mimic is a unique creation of Gary Gygax and made its first appearance in the original Monster Manual (1977). Since then it’s appeared in every edition of D&D and has even made surprise appearances in hundreds of video games.

  9. Aug 12, 2022 · An intelligent, shape changing monster that can take the form of inanimate objects, the DnD mimic lies in wait to punish the greedy Rogue who tries to sneakily nab some treasure without the rest of his party, or the Fighter who rushes through a door without waiting for her companions to catch up.

  10. Mimic Mimics are shape-shifting monsters described in the Monster Manual. The variant presented here is a particularly large and voracious specimen—the result of Netherese experiments on ordinary

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